Note: The target audience of this article are those who are part of the campaign for the legalization of voluntary euthanasia for the mentally ill and are mentally stable to advocate for this cause. Please refrain from reading this post if you are facing a serious struggle with suicidal urges as the post’s content could potentially make them worse. Instead, please go to an medical agency that can help you overcome your burdensome suicidal urges. I, the writer of this blog, am not responsible for your actions as a result of your coming across this post. Your actions are ultimately your responsibility.
In many parts of the world, including the United States, suicide prevention programs are venerated for their seemingly warm and kind-hearted nature of their messages of encouragement to those who have lost hope in their lives. Thru public service announcements with cliché slogans urging their readers to reach out for help and avoid committing suicide, or through Hallmark card-looking pamphlets offering words of hope and resources with picturesque photographs of butterflies, sunrises, or other wonders of nature, suicide prevention programs aim to convey a series of messages- that “Life is beautiful,” that “There’s hope for things to get better for the suicidal,” and that “There is help for that.” These messages are conveyed loudly in suicide prevention walks, which are saturated with people holding signs that read, “You are not alone,” “You matter,” “You are loved,” etc. with an air of cheer and optimism, like Care Bears eagerly shedding their beacons on a mission. These outreach efforts are sometimes effective- they draw in people with mental illness who are suicidal and connect them with medical agencies and resources that provide them with the treatment they need to live life they are happy with despite living with a mental illness. Unfortunately for those with refractory mental illness who wish to be euthanized, suicide prevention programs and incentives are not part of the solution to their troubles, but part of the problem.
The suicide prevention incentives from suicide prevention advocates and programs often come across as coming from a place of “goodwill,” “love,” and “care” towards the community at large, especially for those who are suicidal. However, the “warmth and fuzziness” of these incentives is only present when suicidal individuals act according to the will of suicide preventing agents- that is, by getting help and/or making a verbal commitment to life and to not commit suicide. If someone who is suicidal refuses to give in to these expectations, the true colors of suicide prevention incentives and advocates comes about. Their attitudes towards the suicidal shift from being caring and compassionate, to being oppressive and demanding to the suicidal person, forcing them to submission to a pro-life, anti-death agenda; their messages change from the character of “you matter,” “you are loved,” or “we care about you,” to the character of “your thoughts don’t matter,” “you are confined to our will,” and “we will command what you are to do with regards to your life” as soon as anti-suicide public forces step in. As stated in a previous post, suicide preventing agents and incentives like parens patriae in the United States are willing to take their suicide preventing agenda quite far, from forcing a mentally ill person who wishes to be euthanized into going to a hospital on handcuffs in a police car, to persecuting them, to breaking into their homes, to seeking them out at their workplace to embarrass them. This is the true face of suicide prevention in many parts of the world, and it hardly resembles the loving, caring, and warm cosmetic appearance that is given to it by suicide prevention advocates in suicide prevention walks, rallies, and propaganda.
Consequences of Oppression
In oppressive countries where euthanasia is forbidden for the mentally ill, suicide preventing clinicians and government forces vehemently state that “Suicide is not an option,” and the police force, handcuffs, and police trucks that they use on the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized demonstrates that such claim is far from a joke or a light-hearted statement. Consequently, such brutal and forceful measures of oppression and restraint have the potential to cause trauma on those with mental illness who wish to be euthanized, especially in times when they are the most psychologically vulnerable. They create an abusive relationship where the suicide preventing forces are the abusers and the suicidal are the victims of the abuse. After all, what suicidal individual could find recovery from mental illness by facing brutality and oppression from swat teams? Also, because the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized are coerced into living by force, they are often treated as though such force is the “consequence” of not feeling the edge to live, and public force oppressors will take their abuses further by using the “lack of clarity of thought” pretext to justify their oppression, thus manipulating the suicidal person they are capturing into believing that they deserve the treatment they are getting, and that their disdain for it is “invalid” or coming from a place of “lack of clarity of thought,” rather than a genuine discomfort with this compulsory and unwanted intervention. To make matters worse, those with refractory mental illness are always at risk of relapsing into crises of suicidal urges all throughout their life, and it would create more agony and distress for them in the long run if their government forbids euthanasia on them and forces them to either hold their suicidal urges in, or to be subjected to oppressive forces preventing their suicide again and again.
Many individuals who wish to be euthanized are individuals with serious symptoms of mental illness who, in many cases, are ostracized and disenfranchised by the people around them because of the strong way in which they many manifest these symptoms. Often times, friends and family who take it upon themselves to be “caring” guides or supporters of those who are suicidal towards recovery end up losing the edge to do so because they cannot cope with the symptoms of mental illness of the person they once wanted to support, thus deciding that they can no longer help the suicidal individual, abandoning them, and leaving the individual with mental illness to struggle on their own (while maybe giving them a phone number to call or the information of an agency to go to for help), and this is yet another instance where we see the warm and fuzzy messages in the spirit of “you are not alone,” “I care about you,” and “you are loved,” from suicide preventing advocates (including friends or relatives) completely dissipating into thin air, changing into messages conveying that the abandoned individuals are indeed alone, and that they are not loved, tolerated, or even cared about anymore.
Consequences of Ostracism and Disenfranchisement
Such instances of ostracism and disenfranchisement increase the suicidal thought of the disenfranchised suicidal individuals by inducing three notorious triggers: depression from being abandoned, guilt from having done something to cause the abandonment, and anger and mistrust in society at large. In this case scenario, suicide seems the more logical option for the abandoned suicidal so that they no longer have to deal with a world that has turned its back on them. This is particularly problematic for those with refractory mental illness because even getting help for their illness from an agency can still fail to be enough to bring about relief to a point where they don’t have to be at the mercy of other individuals outside of the doctor’s office whose ability to be the least supportive of them is either limited or nonexistent. Therefore, it is very common for those with refractory mental illness to see people who once wanted to be on their side completely turn away in a time of dire need of support, and this is by far one of the most devastating experiences that those with mental illness in general can go through. This is therefore another situation where suicide prevention falls flat and the suicidal urges of an abandoned individual increase rather than decrease.
The irony in situations where the suicidal are abandoned is the way in which the friends and family who abandoned them would react when the suicidal person begins to talk about intending to commit suicide: the friends and family would be sad, or angry, begging or demanding that the suicidal person not commit suicide; or what about an instance where an suicidal person actually puts a gun to their head and tell the people who once turned their back on them that they will commit suicide? The people who would have abandoned the suicidal individual would then become extremely submissive, frantically giving in to the suicidal person’s demands, in fear that they might commit suicide. This contradictory phenomenon, combined with the brutality that the suicidal are subjected to by suicide-preventing public forces, raises a series of important questions: Why do friends, family, peers, or the people who at one point treat a suicidal individual as though they do not owe them the support they once offered also expect to be entitled to the person they abandoned remaining alive and not committing suicide? Why do the very people who disenfranchise and abandon a suicidal person in need of their support also poke and nab at that that person so they will still remain alive? Why do government forces in countries around the world act as though the suicidal owe them to remain alive, even if it is against their will? What code of ethics dictates that the suicidal are not owed emotional support, supportive friendships, sociocultural privileges, etc. but they are owed brutal interventions from government forces and public powers that push the mentally ill into services even if they do not request them, do not want them, or can’t afford them? Simply put:
Why does society at large bluntly dictate that it does not owe the mentally ill that it disenfranchises any kind of social privilege (like emotional support, relationships, work and other social privileges) and yet shamelessly demand that the mentally ill live, even against their will, as though the mentally ill, in turn, owe it to society to do so?
Or, in a more general sense:
If the world owes nothing to the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized, why does the world treat the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized as though they owe it to the world to live?
This heavily imbalanced societal phenomenon, which gives the mentally ill and suicidal the short end of the stick, proves that suicide prevention measures are not only not entirely rational, but they also fail to make the suicidal individual’s dignity, comfort, and enhancement of their sentient experience the #1 priorities in suicide prevention advances. Instead, we see here that the life preservation of the individual is the ultimate goal and the true #1 priority, and just about every other aspect of that individual is deemed as secondary in importance, if that.
Anyone who has contacted suicide prevention hotlines for a prolonged period of time knows that it takes a stroke of luck to be matched with an operator that will be the least helpful in a particular situation. It is no secret that suicide prevention hotline operators are not therapists and that they may or may not have any training in handling suicidal crises. Or they may have, in fact, gotten some training, but may choose to disregard it in a call altogether. An individual we will call Lucas, who has refractory mental illness, will tell us about his experience with having called multiple suicide hotlines:
“Sometimes I’ve gotten connected with operators who are helpful and supportive (who give me follow-up calls) but too often I’ve gotten connected with operators who are just ok conversationalists that mean to be encouraging but don’t necessarily say anything that helps me overcome the obstacle I may be facing. Sometimes I get connected with the very same of those individuals and wind up having yet another conversation with them that is no more helpful than the first phone call with them. And sometimes I get connected with people who are unhelpful and even rude. Once, I got connected to an asshole who said that “we don’t do that anymore” after I asked if I was talking to the suicide hotline. He gave me another number to call and, to the best of my memory, that number he gave me led nowhere. I also got connected to this older woman who was rude. The phone call began with her asking me right off the bat if I needed and ambulance, and when I told her that I didn’t, she asked me why I called in the first place if I didn’t need an ambulance. I told her something to the effect that I just needed to talk. She asked me what was going on, and from her seemingly rude demeanor I grew anxious and struggled to open up about what I was struggling with, and when the woman picked up on that she told me to just come right out and tell her what I was dealing with because she “didn’t want to play the guessing game.” If that had happened today, I would have just told her to go fuck herself and hung up the phone, but imagine how vulnerable I was at the time from being suicidal. So I just gave in, told her what was going on, and we just had a conversation about what I was dealing with from there. Overall that woman was very unpleasant. I remember her telling me that she had “favorite” grandsons that she would write a check to and not expect a dime back from, and other grandsons that she didn’t like at all whom she wouldn’t give the time of day. That woman was downright nasty in the way she talked at me- it's like she was ignoring the fact that I was suicidal that night. She would have been far better as an ambulance dispatcher than an actual suicide hotline operator."
Not only is it important to consider that the quality of service of suicide hotlines is below average, but it is also important to question how therapeutic it is to use them. How is it therapeutic to call a complete stranger to tell them about your problems? How therapeutic is it to call a hotline of complete strangers to talk about your problems, and to get a completely different complete stranger to talk to every time you call? All things considered, contacting a suicide hotline can be a gamble in itself.
Suicide prevention programs are very good about using the media to promote their cause with heart-warming messages of hope, healing, and love towards their community like they were lyrics coming out of a Barney the Dinosaur song. However, it is important to keep in mind that these advances have an agenda that does not necessarily intend to favor the suicidal individuals it aims to reach. They are an extension (or perhaps even a puppet) of a larger public force or government dictatorship that uses brute force on the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized if they refuse to act by their pro-life standards. Therefore, their “warm and fuzzy” advances are only an illusion that conceals the iron hand of an oppressive pro-life government force. Furthermore, the suicide preventing individuals who claim that they “love” and “care” or a suicidal person enough to “want to be there” for them cannot fully be trusted. In many cases, suicide prevention advocates find over time that they cannot cope with the symptoms of mental illness of a suicidal person and prefer to selfishly turn them away to their own luck, making their suicide prevention cause and initiatives look like a more selfish than selfless pursuit. This is a commonplace reality that those who struggle with refractory mental illness have to face throughout their life. Therefore, they deserve the option to be euthanized at their request when following any advice they get from suicide prevention propaganda or even from Friend & Lover’s best-known song to “Reach Out in the Darkness” falls flat and they are left with no support and no way to fend for themselves.
Again, Thanks for exposing the
ReplyDeleteCriminal Sadistic nature of
Suicide Prevention, and for exposing the Suicide Prevention Dictators,Clowns,Extremists and so-called "Professionals" for the Frauds,and Parasitic Bullies that they are. We all have a Moral Obligation to Peacefully Expose the Evils and Lies of the
Pro-life Suicide Prevention Dictators,
Countless people are Suffering in Silence, Suffering in Silence,
Suffering in Silence, countless Mentally ill, Terminally ill and other Suffering people are suffering in Silence, they want to die yet are unable to,
And I say Never Again,
Never Again,
Never Again For Anyone !!!
Also on YouTube, I suggest we all view the Superb Pro-Choice Right to Die
ReplyDeleteVideos by this guy calling himself
"Eye Doubt It" if you click on his
Profile where it says "Videos" a list of his Pro-Choice Right to Die videos appear
I think we can all agree that
ReplyDeletePro-life Suicide Prevention Dictators are a Cult, and a Plague of Suffering upon Humanity, the worst pandemic there is
Sicologo, Another good article Exposing the Evils of Suicide Prevention is from the website
ReplyDeleteThe article is headlined
"How “Safe Messaging” Gaslights Suicidal People"
By Jess Stohlmann-Rainey on August 4, 2019
Google it, let me know what you think
Sicologo, Another good article I
ReplyDeleteFound online is from the website the article is headlined
"Suicide prevention has a systemic racism problem. Here's how to fix it."
By Rebecca Ruiz on August 19, 2020 , it's a must read article exposing the Systemic Racism in Suicide Prevention, get back to me when you can,
Hope to see new articles soon !!! We can Never Stop exposing the Evils of Suicide Prevention
ReplyDeleteSicologo, Another good article is from the website on
September 22, 2008 by Sister Y, headlined
"Forced Life and its Discontents: An Interview with Sister Y" , do a Google search for it, it's about the Evils of Suicide Prevention, and how all Suffering people should have the Legal Right to a Doctor Assisted Death, many people gave good comments in Reply to this article by Sister Y, I also agree with you that America has failed big time to be the "Land of the Free" and
"Greatest Country in the World"
America has failed, especially with this parens patriae Extremism, the Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns, Nutters, Fascists, Extremists, Know it alls and so-called "professionals" are definitely the Misfortune of the World, a Plague of suffering and the worst pandemic there is
Also has a superb article headlined
ReplyDelete"Why Should Suicide (Or Voluntary Death) Be a Civil Right?"
By Lilla Bertalan on February 15, 2018, many people gave good comments in reply to her article, on the comments scroll down to what Lilla Bertalan typed on
February 16, 2018 at 6:38 am , she gave 11 good arguments in Support of the Growing Right to Die Movement, our Noble and Righteous Humanitarian Cause
Sicologo, I found this following comment online about the stupid idiot
ReplyDeleteAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the person typed:
"Manipulation, Deception and half-truths seem to be a way of life for this organization. I have my experience as a walk coordinator with them well-documented. After being told by the executive director that he wasn't interested in hearing what I had to say, I not only reported it to the IRS, But told the board what I saw, As well. The sad part is that they aren't denying what happened, They just think by ignoring it, No one will notice, And they don't feel what they are doing is wrong, Either. When I quit, The regional director allowed and even encouraged the chapter chair to steal my email address and refused to make him return it to me. She even supported him when he lied to the police, And even told the police she didn't feel what he did was wrong. When I got my 1099, They didn't include all of the money I received, And don't have any intention on giving me a new one. Where is the integrity in the people who run this place? All they want is your money and they don't care who they have to step on, Screw or otherwise manipulate to get it." We all have a Moral Obligation to Expose the Suicide Prevention people for the Frauds that they are
Sicologo the website has an article headlined
"Misery, Misanthropy, Melodrama
Mental Illness and the Right to Die" on
Friday June 24, 2011, the article makes good points, several people gave good comments in reply to the article in support of the Right to Die for people with Mental illness,
It makes me and countless people Sick how in 2021, in America and most parts of the World, Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people who want to Die are Relentlessly Persecuted,Oppressed,Harassed,Stalked with Impunity for the "crime" of wanting to Die, Something is Seriously Wrong, Seriously Wrong and Evil about any Society that Forces any type of suffering person to "Live" in Misery Against their will, Against their Will, at all costs to suffer even more till the bitter end, I say Never Again,
Never Again For Anyone..
Sicologo, thanks again for Exposing the Pro-life Suicide Prevention Dictators and so-called "professionals" for the Heartless Ignorant Selfish Cowardly Weasel backstabbers and traitors that they truly are. They are truly Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. My Mother said that Mental Health "Professionals" often abuse their power and threaten "Hospitalization" to get their patients to be Compliant. Truly Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI really want to know why is it allegedly so Sick or Evil for Suffering Mentally ill or other suffering people to Want to Die ,? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ?
Suicide Prevention Dictators are the worst. They make countless people Sick with their Propaganda, Lies and False hope given to suffering people.
Robin Williams should Not have had to brutally hang himself to end his life of suffering. I read in articles that he was a doomed man, he had only three years left to live and his Quality of Life would have gotten worse and worse.
Robin Williams deserved a Legal Death with Dignity..Quick, Peaceful and Painless, No Mess.
My Mother and Many other people have said that Psychiatry and the Mental Health "System" is Nobody's Friend, and that they should realize that Suicide will always happen, and they should Get Used to it and give it a rest already with their Sick Unhealthy Pathological Obsession Fixation with Suicide Prevention by Force at all costs. Psychiatry and the Mental Health System should get over their Irrational Paranoid Phobia and Fear of Suicide and of Suffering people Killing themselves and realize If it happens it happens, the World does NOT end, Life goes On, the United States of America will continue to Exist.
Plus how the hell can Psychiatry and the Mental Health System tell Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people that they have to Endure Unspeakable Suffering and linger for decades upon decades upon decades till the bitter end. When Psychiatry and the Mental Health System itself is Dysfunctional and can't even get it's own shit together.
Many have said that Psychiatry and the Mental Health System in America is Broken, Incompetent, Dysfunctional..and often fails. Others claim the Mental Health System can't possibly be Broken because it was never remotely Competent to begin with. So who are they to tell Suffering people they have to linger for Decades upon Decades till the bitter end when they can't even get their own shit together.
Even before this pandemic , this horrible pandemic, more and more people have become Anti-Life and Supporters of the Right To Die, Death with Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering people, and against the Evils of
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention. Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are Such Pathetic Judgemental Heartless Ignorant Selfish Control Freaks and Losers
Sicologo, Another great
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Blog is Good Articles for the Movement
Plus on YouTube there are superb
ReplyDeleteRight To Die videos by
A person calling themselves
"Life is Overrated96" he Refutes the Lies of the Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals"
Also, on the website there is an article from 1986 by the late
Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz
"The case against Suicide Prevention"
Thomas Szasz also wrote two very good books titled
1. Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine
2. Faith in Freedom: Libertarian Principles and Psychiatric Practices
Many people have been saying that Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and "Professionals" don't offer Suicidal Suffering people a viable alternative to Suicide
ReplyDelete--- From the New York Times newspaper website an article is headlined
"The Empty Promise of Suicide Prevention" and says
"Many of the problems that lead people to kill themselves cannot be fixed with a little extra serotonin."
April 26, 2019
By Amy Barnhorst
Dr. Barnhorst is a psychiatrist.
Part of this article admits that
"Suicide Prevention" Ignores the Root Causes of people's Misery and Suffering, part of this article admits:
"We need to address the root causes of our nation’s suicide problem — poverty, homelessness and the accompanying exposure to trauma, crime and drugs. That means better alcohol and drug treatment, family counseling, low-income housing resources, job training and individual therapy."
Look up the article online, it's mostly
Pro-Life BS Propaganda, but this article admits that Anti-Depressant Medications are Not the Magic Solution to The Root Causes of people's misery,
America needs to More Proactively and Agressively combat the Root causes of People's Misery, Problems in Society Such as Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Crime, Violence, Unemployment, Lack of Affordable Quality Housing, Loneliness,Social Isolation, the problem of many disabled and healthy people alike being unable to get Sex. Many people starving for Sex. Curing Physical and Mental Diseases that cause horrible suffering, Not just treatments but actual Cures,and Proactively, Aggressively combating Numerous Other Problems in Society, getting at the Root Causes of people's misery and trying to Fix those problems. Making all of Society More Humane.
Like most Americans I'm Against Suicide Prevention and Forced Living , but Suicide Prevention people and
"Professionals" often ignore the Root Causes of people's misery. It's about Quality of Life, Quality Not Quantity
This article talks about America's
"Suicide Problem" but for Countless Suffering Mentally ill and Other Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate Their Lives, the Real Problem is
Suicide Prevention, all this Suicide Prevention and Forced Living crap and Extremism, this
"Life till the bitter end" Crap and Extremism. I will return in a few days with even More arguments for our Growing Right To Die, Death with Dignity Movement. Our Movement is Unstoppable, we at this blog say No One committ Suicide, No One Attempt It, but Peacefully Work for Reform in America and Worldwide
A person typed online regarding money being raised for
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention
"I've been thinking, where does the money for suicide prevention even go?
What is the likely hood that these suicide prevention foundations are actually putting the money towards things that TRULY would help others want to live? Fundraising marathons and “spreading awareness” isn’t going to help raise people’s quality of life to point where people actually feel they have a purpose.
Often there are websites where you can vet where a charity organization's money goes (Charity Navigator). I see so called "suicide prevention" as a front that governmental and pro-psych organizations, such as NAMI, use to fundraise for perpetuating their unscientific bullshit pro-psych agenda propaganda. I'd never give NAMI a dime. An organization that makes itself sound like official information, but it's not, and it's often horribly inaccurate information ("shock therapy" is essentially an electric lobotomy) .
There's no way any of it, could actually go to "preventing suicide", especially since the whole mental health system is all geared up toward hospitalization and putting people on psychiatric drugs indefinitely (being brainwashed and made to be grateful for your "treatment"), and then claiming ignorance to the evidence that this approach usually makes people worse than they ever were before ( suicide is even greater after being discharged from the hospital).
Crisis hotlines should be better known as an extension of police dispatching, and more people should recognize that. They are not there to care about people's problems and stop and talk to someone about what's going on, it's not part of their training. They are flooded with calls, so they have a standardized approach (no matter how questionable its accuracy) for attempting to vet who is serious about suicide and who isn't, and to essentially coerce that person in crisis to give them information so that they can call the cops on them and get them easily admitted (rounded up and treated like a criminal).
If you are lucky, all they will do is try and keep you busy with platitudes and canned responses, and if you seem okay after a bit, they push you off the line for the next caller. Sometimes, if a person doesn't seem "distressed enough" they'll be pretty upfront about pushing you off the line. It's a truly horrible system.
My theory is, if you want suicide prevention, work on tangible systematic and social change. Teach people how to hold space for their loved ones. Teach people how to heal themselves. Teach people how to sit with themselves and each other during these times of excruciating pain. Teach people how to communicate better. Raise compassionate individuals who care. Address that the root of suicidality is not a "chemical imbalance", it's life and it's various forms of suffering. But sadly it seems to be an arduous process to even make a dent for anyone to notice. Why put forth the effort when no one seems to care."
A book worth reading is titled
ReplyDelete"Rational Suicide, Irrational Laws: Examining Current Approaches to Suicide in Policy and Law"
by Susan Stefan
A woman typed the following comment online
ReplyDelete"Speaking from personal experience, I could not feel any more violated by any other form of inflicted injury or abuse, than by forced psychiatric drugging and forcefully being kept in a psych ward. I would choose rape, beating, homelessness, being forced street drugs such as cocaine and meth, over being kept in a psych facility and drugged there. Because in a psych facility their forced drugging is not recognized as human rights violation, or abuse. When a person is raped, their rape is legitimized by law enforcement. When a person is beat, their bruises, cuts and general state of being abused are acknowledged by law enforcement and the public. When a person is given cocaine or other streets drugs, voluntarily or involuntarily, their consumption of these substances is recognized as detrimental to their health, and if involuntary, a violation of their body and mind. When a person becomes homeless and had to sleep outdoors without choice, be exposed to violence and uncleanliness daily, their poor quality of life is recognized by the public as an injustice to their existence. But when a person is subject to being held in a psychiatric facility against their will (anywhere from 24h-2months) strapped to gurneys against their wishes, injected with harmful psych drugs without consent, their ordeal is not considered violation of their rights, abuse of their physical and mental state. In fact, this is what makes psychiatric drugging much more harmful and dangerous than any other form of abuse in society. The fact that people that are psychiatrically drugged become ostracized from society due to their mental "diagnosis", and seen as sub human species, instead of equally human as any other member of society. and that people do not recognize psychiatric drugs as a form of harm, that olanzapine is not equated to chrystal meth in terms of physiological harm, that adderall is not compared to PCP, that psychiatric drugs are seen as legitimate medical cures, and not poisons similar to street drugs. The combination of conditioning society to beleive that psych drugs are "helpful", "curing", "healing" and that mental patients are significantly divergent from other members of society is what makes psychiatry so easy to get away with. Commercials for psych drugs run on the air like commercials for allergy meds or hep vaccines in preparation for vacations. Happy people, running in the grass, or sitting on a beach, with some soothing infomercial voice slowly seeping its deceitful messages on public tv for all to see - "feeling moody, sad, not yourself? Pop an antidepressant". And then all the movies that throw what psych patients represent completely out of the realm of reality- like sarah parker in terminator, or hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs, or the movie Split."
Sicologo, a different person typed online
ReplyDelete"The linked article is worth reading.
What fundamentally separates psychiatry from other branches of medicine is this notion of "futility of treatment". In general medicine, there is the common recognition that sometimes further treatment will be ineffective, produce no further benefits, and that the burdens associated with the treatment will outweigh the burdens of the disease -- there is a recognition that there's a distinction between being alive and actually living. In psychiatry, "treatment compliance" and the ideological position of "suicide prevention" -- no matter how terrible the person's quality of life is -- is what drives all decision-making." The person provided a link to the article on the website headlined
"Developing the language of futility in Psychiatry with care" by Willie Pienaar
Another person recently typed online
ReplyDelete"The asshole paternalist clinicians and world governments that oppose euthanasia for the mentally ill use the bioethics principle of "beneficence" as one of the standard pretexts to justify their stance on euthanasia. They believe that a struggling patient's wishes to be allowed to die should not be honored (and, thus, that their autonomy should be overridden) when the doctors think that the (forced) treatment that they give their patients can "benefit" them. Those of us who have been through the health system for decades, however, see the bullshit in the use of beneficence as a justification to involuntarily treat someone right off the bat, and it all comes down to doctors' misguided definition, understanding, and interpretation of the word, "benefit" and the idea of "beneficence" in general. This issue is particularly evident in cases of refractory mental illness and serious, chronic illness and disability. Many individuals with these conditions suffer in considerable amounts, only get enough "benefit" from the treatment they get to merely get by (usually with considerable struggles and with severely compromised functioning in key areas of their lives), thus lead a poor quality of life and experiencing chronic misery, and therefore wish to die. This is hardly any benefit to the patient, and yet the filthy rich, degree holding pigs from the medical system ignore this as though their doctorates didn't allow for them to have the minimum amount of intelligence needed to understand such a simple concept.
So a series of questions arise-
How do doctors define "beneficence"?
If by beneficence, they mean prolonging lives of troubled patients, against their will, by subjecting them to treatments that don't necessarily lead to a humane and dignified way of life, then that doesn't sound very "beneficial" to me, and it's certainly not beneficial to the troubled, death-wishing patients that these asshole paternalist doctors are oppressing.
Doctors deny euthanasia to troubled patients for WHOSE "benefit"?
The doctors themselves surely benefit- they get a paycheck for anything and everything they do to forcefully prolongue the lives of death wishing patients. The church and its cronies certainly benefit because this horrible practice honors their inhumane religious agenda, and so do the pro-life assholes who at one point may have done something to hinder the welfare of the death-wishing individuals until their life was on the line.
But none of this "benefits" the troubled, death wishing patient in any way, shape or form.
This "beneficence" principle, in practice, benefits anyone and everyone BUT the very people they are supposed to benefit.
Fuck doctors, and fuck medicine."
Recently country singer Naomi Judd passed away
ReplyDeleteA person typed online about the Very Real possibly that she died by Suicide that
"I did a bit of research on Naomi Judd's case, and it turns out that she had recurrent struggles with serious mental illness, particularly depression. I can relate to a lot of her struggles, so I completely understand why she would take her own life. The news of her death turned my stomach, but it's not because Naomi took her life. It's because the asshole pro-life paternalists of the world insist on refusing to grant the mentally ill a dignified exit through euthanasia so that they won't have to resort to pain inducing DIY methods to end their suffering, end their life on a whim in a terrifying manner, and create a sudden wave of uncomfortable emotions and brain processes for the people around them who don't know what's going on or who didn't expect this. Euthanasia not only ensures that those who wish to die leave peacefully, but it also ensures that the family of those to be euthanized, and everyone else, have their time to process and understand the situation so that the death of the person to be euthanized doesn't come as nearly of an unsettling, life-altering shock as the alternative. The monsters from the mental health system, as ignorant as they are, just want to suppress deaths from mental illness at all cost, and bring up family and friends' unsettling shock and trauma as a reason for a mentally ill individual not to commit suicide. And yet it is that very horrific outcome what the pro-life medical community helps to exacerbate when they push the mentally ill into living despite issuing treatments that aren't necessarily effective for them while *also* denying them an euthanasia procedure. So, in the end, it's the medical community's fault that suicide winds up being all the more terrifying and traumatic issue to process because they stubbornly refuse to make euthanasia an alternative, one which allows for a peaceful exit and a smoother (and not nearly as traumatic or as painfully shocking) coming to terms with someone's death (thus killing two birds with one stone). The denial of pro-lifers is even more angering when they bring up the available treatments as a mandatory alternative so that the mentally ill can (possibly) benefit, but it's an open secret that the available treatments don't always work and that the choice to die is not always preventable. Naomi Judd herself said that she believed that suicide (the choice to die) is preventable, and look what happened.
Way to go, pro-lifers and doctors! You assholes fucked up once again!"
Recent online articles confirm that Naomi Judd did indeed Die by
ReplyDeleteSuicide, now the Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators , Clowns and so-called "professionals" are going to Cry about it Forever, Cry about it Forever, how they Failed to "Prevent the Suicide" of
Naomi Judd. Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism is Pure Evil, Pure Wickedness and from the Pits of Hell. Now the Suicide Prevention Forced Living Nutters are going to become even more Sick with their Pathological Obsession with Suicide Prevention
A person recently typed the following comment online that :
ReplyDelete"The medical system is full of morons who don't do their jobs well, just like everything else that involves humans. To treat them as infallible just because they made it through med school and a residency, nursing school, etc. is asinine and the consequences are sickening."
EVERYONE in our fight against medical paternalism needs to acknowledge this. The medical system, as a man-made establishment, is mired with error, ignorance, and imperfection. This means that doctors sometimes give us treatments that don't work for us, or sometimes gives us treatments that help us but cause other major problems (as is often the case in cases of malpractice or prescription of a drug with a harmful, long-term side effects), or sometimes have no answer to give us to address a particular health issue. The mere access to care is in itself a huge issue for many people (especially in the United States) and further shows how fallible the medical system is as an institution to address the issues that lead people who wish to die to desire death in the first place.
Why is this SO important?
The failures of the medical system directly impacts the lives of their patients and their health. Many of us in this group are here, wishing and hoping to cease to exist, no thanks (in huge part) to the failures of the medical system in the course of our (usually treacherous) path to recovery and inner peace. The medical system, on the other hand, is usually given a free pass to fuck up its patients while hardly getting a kick in the ass back to be held accountable for their fuck ups. After all, they involve the drunk-with-power, degree-holding doctors and policy makers who are given the ultimate say on who's the good guy, and who's the bad in a dispute between a provider and a patient; or, in psychiatry, who is thinking more clearly than who in a dispute between someone with mental illness and a therapist or psychiatrist.
The fact that euthanasia is denied to those of us who have been let down by the medical system (and by life itself) so many times means that pro-life paternalists are given power to suppress suicide attempts and calls for the legalization of euthanasia that are directly influenced by the failures of the medical system, which means that the shortcomings of the medical system wind up being swept under the rug while death-wishing individuals face oppression and are subject to a treatment process that is mired shortcomings from the system. Legalizing euthanasia, on the other hand, will no longer give doctors any wiggle room to fuck up as they often do; the numbers of people requesting to be euthanized in this case scenario would be a wake-up call to them that what they're doing to treat patients, and what they've got to give them for treatment, in many cases just isn't good enough- be it "evidence based," state-of-the-art, etc. and needs MAJOR change. Also, legalization of euthanasia will give struggling patients the power to determine their fate, to end being subjected to half-ass treatments that haven't helped them, and to live out of choice and not out of obligation to an autocratic man-made establishment.
Fuck anti-euthanasia doctors, advocates, and institutions!"
We need to Remember that Suicide Prevention and Forced Living fills countless people with Fear, with Fear, Terror and Dread of the Future, people are unable to enjoy their lives in the present because they are Afraid, Very Afraid of the Future, Look at the News with the tragic horrible War in Ukraine, we are sadly on the Brink of World War III , America is sadly on the brink of a Second Civil War, America and the World has more important things to Worry about than Suicide Prevention and Forced Living crap. I hope and pray that there isn't a Third World War or a Second American Civil War. Can't Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" realize that their are more important things to Worry about than Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism.
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention is Slavery and tells people that their Asses are Government property and tells them that no matter how bad things get, no matter how unbearable things get, that they just have to linger till the bitter end in Misery, no matter how unbearable things become, this fills people with FEAR, Terror and dread of the Future
A person typed online in Support of the Right To Die that
ReplyDelete"A thought: so many of us are surprised to find out others also want the right to choose an end to our own life. If you want to die, you're crazy. Isn't that gas lighting?
I mean, I and others think if you want to live, you're crazy. What right does anyone have to tell us we're the wrong ones when it seems there are many more arguments to support the "if you want to live, you're crazy" stance.
We're marginalized into thinking we're the sick ones. Nope, I call BS on society and I will not accept that judgement. We're the sane ones folks 👊" The person also said that the Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are arrogant, condescending, many people have said in Support of the Right To Die for any and all suffering people that who are we to decide for others ? Who is anyone or anything to decide for others..?
Another person typed online
ReplyDeleteQ: What does Kati Morton and Jim Jones have in common?
A: Both want to control over our bodily integrity.
Kati Morton is a famous YouTube pop psychologist who wants to force people to live against their will.
Jim Jones was a cult leader who forced people to die against their will. "
The point being that Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Forced Living people are Cultists just like Jim Jones was
DeleteAnother person typed online in Support of the Growing
ReplyDeleteRight To Die, Death With Dignity Movement that
"Life is an imposition determined by our parents decision. Why can’t the imposition determine whether or not they believe that their decision to impose life was a good idea? The societal default is that if you don’t like life, something is “wrong” with you. Our society uses subjective opinions and feelings as if they are objective truths."
We at this blog say no one committ Suicide, No one Attempt it but Peacefully Work for Reform in America and Worldwide
Plus the website on
June 24, 2019 has an article by Peter Simons headlined
"Involuntary Hospitalization Increases Risk of Suicide, Study Finds"
If Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people were allowed a Peaceful Quick Painless Death this wouldn't be a problem. As we said many times Suicide Prevention and Forced Living doesn't Work, it never did and it never will
Another person typed online
ReplyDelete"Some of you know the work that I do in my blog to condemn the oppression of psychiatric clinicians against the mentally ill. Even though I haven't posted anything for quite some time, know that I'm still collecting facts about the struggle of living with a mental illness on one hand, and doing extensive research on the bullshit that keeps doctors in the wretched United States from granting them euthanasia on the other. The latter has a lot to do with paternalism in this shitty country. It is far more paternalistic than it is "free" as many people mistakenly believe. On that note, I cannot do further research without venting on some of my findings about medical paternalism in the US and the codes of bioethics that endorse them. I'm starting to get traumatized by what I'm learning about the cruelty of the US medical system, which much to my surprise, surpasses the "lack of clarity of thought" bullshit cookie cutter argument that clinicians use to deny euthanasia to the mentally ill.
For those of you who don't know, there's a case of a former US pilot named Dax Cowart who suffered significant burns to his body from an explosion. His father was with him when this explosion happened. His father died, but Dax did not. In addition to his severe burns, he lost all but one of his fingers, he was blind, and he suffered significant hearing loss. Against his will, Dax was treated by clinicians, subjected to extremely painful procedures to "treat" his burns. Dax requested numerous times to be allowed to die, but the monsters from the medical team who forcefully treated him stubbornly refused to grant him his wishes. In the end, Dax's wishes to be euthanized were never granted, and he didn't come to FINALLY die until 2019.
So, there's three main issues to consider here:
Issue #1: The cruelty of the medical system to override a patient's wishes, ESPECIALLY when they are warranted. Dax had more than enough good reason to wish to die, but the monsters from the medical system wouldn't let him.
Issue #2: Dax had more than enough clarity of mind to come to the decision that his death would have been best in the horrible circumstances he endured, which the monsters from the medical team only helped to exacerbate. And he STILL was not allowed to die by said monsters.
Issue #3: Clinicians will ALWAYS come up with bullshit reasons to override patients' wishes to be euthanized. For the mentally ill, the standard excuse that they use is the "lack of clarity of thought" argument. For Dax, where there were no issues with a lack of clear thinking, doctors took their bullshit arguments up a notch and referred to the mother of all arguments against euthanasia, which is that "doctors know best."
There's a youtube video I saw from some 20 something asshole discussing medical paternalism, titled, "Paternalism in Medicine: When should we override a patient's choice?" In the video, this asshole not only brings up Dax Cowart's case, but he still has the gall to say that he doesn't think it's fair to say that doctors are drunken with power, and that they do know best at the end of the day.
"Doctors know best." "Doctors know best." That little statement makes my blood boil, as do the pathetic frowny little faces that those assholes have made on me when I denounce their abusive practices and tell them that I've had to look into euthanasia in countries which, unlike the United States, are free countries that do allow euthanasia to troubled patients.
So, I've got some homework to do. I've got to find as many ways as possible to convince people in the medical communities worldwide that doctors don't know best like many people think and that the use of the four pillars of bioethics to justify practices that force troubled people to live against their will are either implemented wrong, or they just need to be done away with altogether.
Fuck doctors, fuck this world, and fuck the United States of America."
On YouTube there is a good video about the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Movement titled
"I'm in favor of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide" by
Vegan Atheist and more uploaded on
March 29, 2021 ,
It's good to see More and More speaking Out Against the
Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and in Support of the Right To Die Movement for Any and All Suffering people
Another must read article about the Evils of Suicide Prevention
ReplyDeleteThe website for the New York Daily News has an article headlined
"Model seeking anti-anxiety meds wrongly thrown in Queens psych ward: lawsuit"
By Noah Goldberg
New York Daily News
May 15, 2022 this article says
"A visit to a Queens hospital for anti-anxiety meds following a sexual assault turned into a horrific hours-long ordeal for a New York City model thrown into a psychiatric ward, stripped naked and drugged, the victim claims in a new lawsuit.
Abeba Davis, 39, was visiting her social worker at Queens County Hospital Center in Jamaica on Jan. 8, 2021, to pick up the prescription about a week after her assault, according to her lawsuit. But when her social worker stepped away for a moment, Davis was shepherded to the facility’s psych ward, told to take off her clothes and was fed pills — all while she insisted she was sane, the suit filed last month in Queens Supreme Court states.
“I’m begging. ‘Please, I’m not crazy.’ And they’re like, ‘Yeah, yeah,’ because the next person next to me is also saying they’re not crazy,” Davis said, crying during an interview with the Daily News. “No one hears me, I was just like nothing to them. I was just a naked Black girl sitting in the corner begging to get out saying, ‘I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy.’”
Davis says she was sexually assaulted about a week before the incident and filed charges with the NYPD. Her alleged attacker pleaded guilty to a non-criminal violation in November, according to the Queens District Attorney’s Office."
The article continues
ReplyDelete"Davis had been assigned the social worker, who asked her to come to the hospital before receiving a prescription, according to the suit. Medical records show that Davis was at the hospital to “restart medicine.”
“She didn’t say anything about me getting a psychiatric evaluation,” Davis said of her social worker.
The model was waiting in the emergency room when her social worker stepped away for a minute, promising to be right back, Davis said. A nurse then approached, took her into a room and began asking questions, Davis said. Then another nurse took her to a different wing of the hospital where a cop guarded a metal door.
Inside that room, a woman disrobed Davis as the model asked what was happening, she said.
Davis said the hospital workers told her she had to be processed into the psych ward. They took her phone, jewelry and clothes, leaving her half-naked with a sheet to cover her upper body, Davis recalled.
Queens Hospital Center (Theodore Parisienne/for New York Daily News)
Then she was tossed into a holding room “surrounded by mental patients,” Davis said.
A screaming, naked man roamed the room while another woman stared at her threateningly, according to the suit. A third woman was suffering from COVID-19, Davis said, but wasn’t wearing a mask.
A frightened Davis was told to take two pills and calm down by one of the workers, who said she would be kept indefinitely if she did not relax, she said. Davis says she doesn’t know what type of pills she took.
After hours of waiting, Davis finally saw her social worker behind a plexiglass window.
“Please, please, get me out of here,” she begged her social worker, who told her to sit tight.
A few more hours passed before Davis was finally released.
“(The social worker) even said they messed up by taking me in like that and she was sorry this happened to me,” Davis recalled.
She believes she was held in the psych ward for about 10 hours. Medical records discharging Davis from the pysch ward offer no insight into why she was held there.
“Patient has no mood or psychotic symptoms, denies suicidal/homicidal ideations,” a doctor wrote following Davis’ visit. “Patient has fair insight and judgment.” The doctor noted he spoke with Davis’ sister, who said Davis is “psychiatrically stable.”
The experience, following the sexual assault, was so traumatic that Davis left the city and moved to Miami, she told The News.
“It’s that worst nightmare where you know the more you try to get the attention of the orderlies to tell them you’re not crazy, the more that you are playing into the narrative for an orderly that you should be there,” said William Igbokwe, Davis’s attorney.
New York City Health and Hospitals and the Law Department did not respond to requests for comment.
“I hope everything works out for her,” said Davis’ social worker, declining to comment further." This article is online
Another person typed online
ReplyDelete"When I read articles and opinions about euthanasia, people always give the example of teenagers who take their lives because of their broken hearts, as if this is the only cause for "catching the bus". Even though I believe the right to die should be reserved for people over 18 years of age, I still think that the problem of teenagers with broken hearts should be taken much more seriously by society, and in general adults should understand how stressful and mentally destructive being a school student is, and help them live as relaxed as possible, if they seek to prevent their voluntary deaths. Also, No one ever talks about life being too stressful, no one ever talks about how work makes people desperate to die, no one ever talks about the threat of homelessness, humiliation, harassment that cause an insufferable mental pain, no one ever talks about how unjust it is to force someone to live years over years of mental pain, no one even talks about chronic physical diseases, as if they're not a big of a deal. I'm so sick of the media leaving all of these reasons out and presenting the subject as something completely different from what it really is. And people actually believe this bullshit. No one ever digs a little deeper to find out the truth about voluntary deaths. What a shame."
The website has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Utah Man Shot and Killed by SWAT Team After Calling Suicide Hotline"
by Andy Cush
10/24/14 look it up
The YouTube Channel
ReplyDelete"The Right To No Longer Exist" has many superb videos in Support of the Growing Right To Die Movement and Exposing the Evils of Suicide Prevention, see this link
I will Return in a few days with even More Arguments for Our Movement
A person typed online in Support of the Growing Right To Die Movement and against the Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living
ReplyDelete"Today I have some sad and angering news to share with everyone. It has to do with the anonymous transgender woman whose story I shared a few weeks ago. I will call her Jessica.
Jessica has been struggling with Major Depression for years, and her lack of motivation went to an all-time high in recent months when she gained significant amounts of unwanted weight and developed moderate sleep apnea. She struggled with keeping some areas of the house clean as a result, and her roommate became frustrated with her over this. When Jessica explained to her roommate that she was struggling, her roommate was hardly sympathetic, only becoming defensive and pedantic every time Jessica called her out on her inconsiderateness.
Jessica felt bashed and guilt-tripped by her roommate and struggled to cope with living with this kind of individual to the point of having suicidal urges. The day after Jessica's confrontation with her roommate, she went to a Partial Hospitalization Program where she burst into tears in group over what she was dealing with, and confessed that she had strong urges to plan her suicide. The PHP therapist told Jessica that he needed to send her to the inpatient facility of the hospital she was getting her PHP treatment from, to which she agreed. Sadly, things only went south from there. "
The comment about Jessica continues
ReplyDelete"The inpatient unit that Jessica was sent to is a shoddy facility. It had dirty walls, the dr./patient meeting office had paper debris all over the floor, the inpatient unit was understaffed, and the more aggressive, loud patients were hardly controlled. They were allowed to scream, to curse at patients, and to have fights. Sadly, Jessica was a victim in one of these fights. Jessica did not get along with many of the patients in that unit had an argument with one of the more aggressive patients from that clan, who threw coffee at her, hit her in the head, and tore her scrub while another patient grabbed her as she struggled to defend herself. The inpatient staff, a useless young man in his 20's, didn't bother to break the fight. He just stood in the middle of it while he allowed Jessica to be physically assaulted, and after the fact he just said "daaaaammnnn!" and cleaned up the mess without even asking if Jessica was ok. Everyone was very nonchalant as if nothing had happened. Jessica called the police but the nurse refused to take the phone. She requested many times to be transferred to another unit and/or to another hospital, and the requests were repeatedly denied. Jessica reported this incident to the patient advocate, to her Dr., to her PHP counselor, and to another upper management staff, all of who said that they would look at the footage of what happened, but none of them followed up, and the patient who assaulted Jessica, other than being threatened to be sedated if she attacked again, was let go without any repercussions.
After having spent almost an entire agonizing week at that hospital waiting to be discharged, Jessica went to another psychiatric hospital where she had a much more positive experience prior (and where they had better safeguards against patient aggression) in order to get help with everything that the other hospital failed to address, only to be received by the staff at the ER with a sour attitude and to be discharged the same day by an antipathetic residential psychiatrist on the grounds that the suicidal urges that Jessica had (and their causes) "where not something that a hospital addresses."
At this point, Jessica does not know who to trust, whom to call, and is currently devastated by this horrible experience that only happened last week.
I always smelled a rat when researching suicide prevention protocols, the treatment methods for mental illness of our day, and the disparity between the alleged success of those treatments and the enormous number of people who consume them but still don't recover. But through Jessica's eyes, I saw the rat I smelled. I saw the true monstrous face of the mental health system- a system of parasitic rats that treat patients much more for their own benefit (and in the ways that conveniences them the most) than the patient's and in ways that help the patients themselves the most. Doctors and clinicians are in it for themselves or for some sort of egotistic, self-serving gain, rather than for the welfare of the struggling people that they deal with.
From now on, I vow to get more involved in the abolition of medical paternalism and the empowerment of patients and the disempowerment of doctors. If one thing couldn't be more obvious by now, is that doctors do not know best, and therefore do not deserve the power they are given over struggling patients who cannot find a way to cease their pain and suffering. Danny I would like to start sharing my diary notes and my videos on this topic with you and everyone from TRTNLE, and I was wondering if we could share a cloud account to store all of these things in just case Google or Youtube bans any of this material.
Fuck doctors and fuck pro-lifers!
Another person recently typed online in support of the Growing Right To Die Movement
ReplyDelete"When I was a child, I wanted life to be a wonderful journey, I got denied of that wish. Then I grew up, and wanted life to be a survivable and livable experience, I got denied of that as well, then I asked to quit life, I got denied of that as well. Now I'm forced to suffer tremendously both in quantity and quality that I never imagined I would have to go through. it's unjust. I'm not the only one, I'm sure there are many more who are doing even worse than me. The world is intolerably unfair." The sad fact is that life is filled with uncertainty, Life in America and Worldwide is sadly becoming more and more hectic, Stressful, Complicated, things are sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide. More and More people are becoming Anti-Life and Supporting the Growing Right To Die Movement in America and Worldwide for any and all suffering people
A person recently typed online in Support of the Right To Die for people with unbearable Mental illness that
ReplyDelete"Why isn't there a mass protest and activism of psychologists and psychiatrists for the right to die for the mentally ill? They see their patients suffer for years, they witness the unlivable living conditions which people live in, they see the pain, the agony, the torment people are going through for years and years. Many of their patients are physically and mentally abused by others and aren't able to run away from the abusive environments they're in. Why don't they do anything?"
A person recently typed online
ReplyDelete"Why is the mental health industry running a scam in name of therapy or suicide prevention? I see therapists being either rude or keeping client for few months or a year and then leaving them or passing them off to another therapist who also either refuses to take them up or wastes time for few months and leaves them. Often they even turn your family against you or make things more negative. Never have any relief let alone solution. They often make things worse.
Why this sham at all? Anyway I have read almost all disorders have no cure. Your real life circumstances, incidents that already happened and loss of health, looks, years or effect on personal life and career cannot be changed. So why this sham of buying books by therapists or following therapists online or seeking therapy from psychologists on phone or online or real life?
My therapists only ruined me for worse or abandoned me later or passed me around like some box in pass the parcel game, added no value to my life and only wasted my time and money.
So why are we given false hopes to keep dragging or stretching life? And why should I narrate my life again and again to new therapists only to be abandoned by them?"
Another person typed online
ReplyDeleteabout the Right To Die that
"Democracy doesn't exist, even in the wealthy west.. First, they don't give you a shelter nor a basic income to rely on and then they punish you for trying to leave such an impossible environment. Humanity sucks big time. Many people who have been to a mental hospital can confirm that the treatment they get from the staff feels more like punishment than care, so even if you don't go to prison, you go to a different kind of prison. The world is dystopian dictatorship."
A good website exposing the Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is The website was just recently completed, good arguments for the Growing
Right To Die Movement in America and Worldwide for Any and All Suffering people, this website refutes the Propaganda and Lies of the Suicide Prevention Authoritarian Dictator Clowns
Plus on a Right To Die website a person recently typed that
ReplyDeletePro-Life Suicide Prevention people and "professionals" are so full of themselves it's Not even Funny
That Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are so full of themselves it's Not Even Funny
Also on YouTube there is a Superb
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Video
by "Marc AntiNatalist" on June 4, 2022
The title of the Video is
"They complain about messy Suicides but don't want to Legalize euthanasia.(anger rant)" this Video is about the Evils, Wickedness of
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremists and their Extremism and in Support of the late
Dr. Jack Kevorkian
On YouTube there is a video titled
ReplyDelete"The Right to Die" by Cristina Rad uploaded on
September 24, 2010 about the Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism, the YouTube video has a link to
The blog addendum by Cristina Rad
More and More people are speaking up and speaking out against Suicide Prevention Extremism and in Support of the Right To Die for any and all suffering people, including for people with unbearable Mental illness , Cristina Rad supports the Right To Die for any and all suffering people
Plus a person recently typed online regarding Pro-Life
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremists who are against the Right To Die for Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people that
"They're just as bad as Hitler, if not worse. Hitler imposed death and suffering, while pro-lifers advocate for imposing life and suffering."
A person typed the following comment on a Pathetic Suicide Prevention website
ReplyDelete"I’m in a lot of physical pain, so I can’t get into everything right now, but when I tried to contact the crisis text line, they treated me like, I don’t know… Crap. One of my triggers is not being listened to, I’d say it’s probably my biggest triggers. I told them everything that was going on and they acted like a robot and didn’t “hear” anything… Responding like they didn’t care at all. Just like every single other therapist I ever try, and every other person I ever talk to in my life. I pretty much don’t matter- and don’t try to tell me I do because at this point I really don’t not even to my own family. It’s a lot of fun and oh I’ve been trying to do is get help for so long and I lost hope a while ago, I just can’t do it anymore. 😕
I had a therapist who actually even destroyed our patient/ doctor relationship by forcing me to sign a ridiculous contract which was nonsense and I knew it “bull”, illegal & she said she would call an ambulance on me if I didn’t and all because someone she didn’t even know called her and said I was going to kill myself which I wasn’t.
I was pissed – and i told her repeatedly to leave my house and that I was fine and I wasn’t going to sign this ridiculous self-harm contract nonsense because it didn’t make any sense and it’s not going to keep anybody from harming themselves in the first place and it’s not going to protect a therapist so it’s pointless- and that she was destroying everything that we’ve been working on, which really sucked for me because I had liked her so far which had never happened for me before.
I do not appreciate being backed into a corner. Anyway…. I’ve still never found a trustworthy place to call, contact, or anyone to talk to. They always treat me like garbage. 😢"
A person typed recently on Facebook about the Right To Die that
ReplyDelete"Can I just say, I find it extremely frustrating that there is no "easy way out". There is no magical switch to flip or button to press to make one painlessly disappear into the void.
The options available to most people are usually bloody, gorey, painful, violent, public spectacles of some kind, or lonely scary moments where you have to face the grim reaper all alone.
Then there is the non-option of just aging and dying slowly where you face the hurdles and frustrations of life just waiting for the inevitable end. How is this okay??.
The fact society has normalized LACK of options in terms of life-planning and death-planning is an ethical atrocity. Rational su*c*de should be legal and easily accessible under MAiD (medical assistance in dying). Many people live utterly miserable, damaged lives but would be seen as still "too healthy" for most legal euthanasia laws/systems to qualify.
If an adult realizes their life is not going to get any better (for whatever reason-medically, mentally, physically, even just socially or financially, etc) they should be allowed to Exit Out and unplug from the Matrix PERMANENTLY in a way that Isn't lonely, scary, violent, gorey/bloody, shocking, traumatic, or painful.
Being stuck here unhappy against one's will is such an existential violation.
Personally, the chance of my life getting better is extremely slim. It scares me. The future of humanity and my own individual future terrifies me. I am personally, deeply unhappy, with failing mental and medical health (being poor and barely functioning as an adult doesn't help either) and a million broken hopes and dreams with limited real life agency and a narcissistic religious family. I have complex trauma, diagnosed OCD, depression, and anxiety (and probably some other undiagnosed issues as well).
I don't know how I will survive or if I even want to. Unfortunately, there is no accessible, dignified way to Escape and Delete from this crappy simulation. The material world sucks and I am over having a biological, aging, meatsuit or fleshprison with physical & mental health problems, and severe appearance issues and appearance anxieties.
(Sorry if the terms I am using seem "weird". My perspective on this broken reality might seem off-putting but it is how I perceive things. I think the physical, material world is pretty much a nightmare/hellscape and our organic, biological bodies-with their aging brokenness and decay-is just another part of the trap our consciousness has to live in or endure. I just hope the Other Side is either pure nothingness or maybe something-anything-better than this).
Thanks for reading..."
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAn Internet article from 2021 says
ReplyDelete"Suicide is often used by pro-natalists to counter antinatalism. The issue is usually brought up in three different ways. The most common mention of suicide is one of various verbal vomits such as ‘if you think life is so bad why don’t you kill yourself’. I will not discuss this specific use of suicide in the following text, not only because it’s ignorant and idiotic, but mainly since this “argument” is so detached from any antinatalist argument that it is not even relevant to refute it. It simply has nothing to do with antinatalism. Therefore as common as this stupid evasion is, I’ll skip it and focus on the other two.
The second one is an attempt to refute the antinatalist claim that procreation is morally wrong since life is a harm, by stating that only a tiny minority of people carry out suicide, therefore procreation is not a harm and life is not as horrible as antinatalists claim it is.
The third one is an attempt to suggest a solution – if life is so horrible for a person, suicide is always an option. Although this claim is often used in a cynical manner, it can also be seriously used as a counter argument for antinatalism and so despite that it is giving it more credit than it actually deserves, this is how I’ll address it here.
A Wrong Use of the Wrong Statistics
Pro-natalists claim that antinatalism is wrong since only a tiny minority of people feel that their lives are not worth living, evidently very few people carry out suicide. This claim is false from several aspects, first of all factually."
The 2021 article continues
ReplyDelete"Officially, more than one million people worldwide kill themselves every year. That means that statistically, for every 130 people born each year, one will carry out suicide. Globally, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15–44 years, and the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years. In most countries the incidence of suicides is higher than the incidence of intentional homicides. In the United States there are more than twice as many suicides as there are homicides. A report by the World Health Organization states that more people take their own lives every year, than those murdered or killed in war.
According to recent findings from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over the past 20 years, suicide rates have been on the rise in every state in the US except Nevada. The research found that the suicide rate increased by more than 30% in half of the states from 1999 to 2016. In some states, that increase was as high as 58%.
The World Health Organization states that a person carries out suicide somewhere in the world every 40 seconds.
And all these are official statistics, unofficially the numbers are even higher as many deaths are not considered suicides but as accidents or unsolved mystery and etc., to avoid the associated public shame, or family guilt.
However, the more important point is not what the real scale of suicide is, but is it the real scale for life evaluation. It is not. Suicide statistics don’t reflect the number of people who feel that their lives are not worth living. If anything, it is suicide attempts which are much more indicative, and the statistics are that there is one death by suicide for every 25 attempts. So all the former statistics, as alarming as they must be to anyone who thinks this pro-natalist claim is reasonable in the first place, must be multiplied by 25."
The 2021 article continues some more
ReplyDelete"But even that extent is very partial and misleading since trying to carry out suicide is extremely difficult, and from many different aspects. The first and most primal one is that it is biologically difficult. Many people don’t carry out suicide because they are built to survive. As horrible as life is for someone, to intentionally end it by oneself, one must overpower the very strong biological instinct of self-preservation. Almost every biological mechanism in our body is built to survive, including the innate fear of pain, height, being under water, blood, suffocation and etc. and suicide often involves at least one of them.
People are biologically wired to survive, and that doesn’t change even when they are living in complete misery. We have evolved to survive, not to kill ourselves, so to try it anyway, one must overpower strong primal forces, and this is only the beginning of the suicide ordeal.
Another obstacle to overcome is a social one. The social status of suicide is that it is wrong, cowardly and even a sin. People are indoctrinated from age zero to believe that life is precious, a sacred gift one must cherish. Of course, one can wonder, if life was really a gift then why almost each and every society and religion feel the need to condemn suicide as sin, as a sign of weakness and ingratitude? Why do they all fight the suicide option and insist on forcing life on people instead of letting them decide if they want to use this “gift” or not? Why not making suicide legal and legitimate? Isn’t it suspicious that life is constantly praised and death constantly condemned? When so many people are making so much effort to prove something which is supposed to be so obvious, it means that it is not so obvious that it is so obvious.
However, having said that, it is not easy to overcome this intensive indoctrination. In addition to the inner constraints, the fact that a suicide attempt usually carries a social stigma deters many from trying. If the veil of social shame is removed, and if no religion institute considered it a sin (which is a very important factor to many people), clearly many more people would have carried out suicide.
Another obstacle is jurisdictional. It may sound relatively minor, however, in many places in the world, people are afraid that in the case of failing, they would be coercively hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.
Another jurisdictionally important factor is that it is illegal to assist suicide. Many find it hard to kill themselves by themselves but would do it easily if they were assisted. It is not accidental that assisting another person to carry out suicide is a crime. If it wasn’t, probably many more people would use the assistance of others and do it."
& continues
ReplyDelete"Another serious obstacle to overcome is the fear of death. It may sound counterintuitive but it is not that people who consider suicide want to die, it’s that they don’t want to live. They can fantasize daily about ending their life and at the same time fear death and the unknown. The fear of death, even among the ones who wish for the ending of their lives, is instinctive, everyone is biologically built to fear death. And since not everyone view death as the end of all experiences, many are also conceptually afraid of it. Afraid of the unknown. In my view, death is not a state of unknown experiences, but of no experiences whatsoever, however the point here is not about how death feels like for the one who died (which is a morally irrelevant question as the dead don’t experience anything anymore including their own death), but how death feels like for the one who lives (which is a morally relevant question, since the living do have experiences regarding death as long as they are alive), and for many this experience is fear. And it is this fear of death, not the love of life, which prevents many people from killing themselves.
So, many people don’t carry out suicide because they are scared to die, and many don’t carry out suicide because they are scared not to die (if they fail). To fear a failed suicide attempt is also a very serious obstacle. Some people have survived jumping off high buildings, ending up in an even more horrible situation. Same goes for jumping off bridges, as in many cases their bodies have triggered survival instincts which made them try and swim up for air, until they were found by the coast guards. Some people survive overdoses if they haven’t swallowed the right pills or the right amount of them. Same goes for self-poisoning.
The fear of a severe disability or any other medical damage as a result of a suicide attempt, detains many who fear that they might end up even worse than they were.
Some people are halted by a personal obstacle in the form of obligations to others such as their children or other family members who are dependent on them. Many people reach the conclusion that their lives are not worth living after having children and so are trapped in life. This is, at least partly, why young people who don’t have children yet, and old people whom their children are old enough to take care of themselves, carry out suicide in much higher rates than people in the ages of 29 to 50."
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete& continues
ReplyDelete"Another major obstacle is guilt. Many people really want to end their life, but don’t want to hurt the people who care about them. People tend to blame themselves for the suicide of close ones, and people who contemplate suicide know that. They also know that people who carried out suicide are blamed for being selfish. And they don’t want that either.
Many are concerned that their close ones might find their body or that if they would make sure it would be hard to find their body, it would make people who care about them extremely worried until it would be found.
And finally, seemingly merely a technical obstacle but actually of the most important ones, is the lack of easy access to fast, safe and painless methods of suicide.
One of the reasons that men successfully carry out suicide about four times more often than women is gun ownership. Where methods which women usually prefer are available, for example ingestible lethal poisons in China and India, female suicide rates are similar and sometimes exceed that of men. That means that when people have access to a reliably lethal method, they are far more likely to kill themselves. Or in other words, if reliably lethal methods were more available, suicide rates were much higher.
In her book ------------- lists some horrible suicide methods performed by people who didn’t have access to more convenient options: ------------
This list goes to show that for many people their existence is so horrible that they preferred to go through these horrible ways of dying and not through life. And who knows how many people had to suffer horrible lives because they couldn’t put themselves through any of these horrible methods and didn’t have alternatives. Had they had any, the suicide rates were much higher. And that is the case today just as much. If the most convenient suicide methods, for example a drug overdose of ---------- were highly available, many more would have killed themselves."
& continues
ReplyDelete"People often say that gun ownership increases the risk of suicide as firearms account for about half of all suicides in the United States. But clearly this data is presented falsely. Gun ownership doesn’t incite a will to die, but an easy way to actualize it. The will to die is incited by life.
This data shows that if everyone had a gun many people would have chosen to use it to end their own misery. And that is despite that killing oneself with a shot to the head is not a very inviting option. If there was a pill which anyone could purchase at any drugstore with no prescription, which painlessly and surely kills during sleep, the suicide rates would skyrocket.
This is a very partial list of the suicide ordeal. There are many more factors and there is definitely much more to say about each of the mentioned ones. But I guess it is sufficient for claiming that suicide is very difficult physically, mentally and emotionally. And yet, every year, tens of millions of people are trying to do it anyway. This fact, especially considering all these obstacles and many more, is a proof of how horrible life is, not the other way around.
But the even more important point for that matter is that all these obstacles, by preventing millions of people from trying to kill themselves, conceal the true number of people who feel that their lives are not worth living. Since trying to kill oneself is so difficult, it would be much more accurate to consider how many have thought about it. The question in point is not how many people have killed themselves, or how many have tried to, but how many wanted to.
Based on data from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the prevalence of serious suicidal thoughts among adults aged 18-25 is 10.5%.
The CDC estimates that about 10 million American adults seriously contemplated ending their life, nearly 3 million made a suicide plan, and 1.3 million attempted suicide.
A comprehensive study of suicidal thinking among college students in the United States found that more than half of the 26,000 surveyed had suicidal thoughts at some point during their lifetime.
The web-based survey conducted in spring 2006 used separate samples of undergraduate and graduate students from 70 colleges and universities across the country. Of the 15,010 undergraduates, average age 22, 55 percent had ever thought of suicide; 18 percent seriously considered it; and 8 percent made an attempt. Among 11,441 graduate students, average age 30: Exactly half had such thoughts; 15 percent seriously considered it and 6 percent made an attempt."
& continues
ReplyDelete"A more recent and extensive study that surveyed more than 67,000 students in the United States, found that over 20 percent of the students had suicidal thoughts or attempts just in the passing year. Furthermore, 9 percent had attempted suicide, and nearly 20 percent have deliberately injured themselves.
A study among students in grades 9-12, also in United States, has found that 17% of students seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous year. 13.6% of students made a plan about how they would attempt suicide in the previous year. 8% of students attempted suicide one or more times in the previous year. And 2.7% of students made a suicide attempt that resulted in an injury, poisoning, or an overdose that required medical attention.
Other researches, conducted in Europe and Africa as well as in the United States, have shown that mild to severe thoughts of suicide are common, occurring in 20 to 65 percent of college students."
& continues
ReplyDelete"Twenty-five years ago, in an early community-based study of suicidal thinking and behaviors, University of Cambridge psychiatrist Gene Paykel and his colleagues interviewed more than 700 people in New Haven, Connecticut. The results gave a public face to what had been very private thoughts. More than 10 percent of those interviewed said that, at some point in their lives, they had felt that “life was not worth living,” and a comparable number said that they had, at one time or another, “wished they were dead.” One person in twenty had thought about actually taking his or her own life, and most of those who had thought about suicide had thought about it seriously. One person in a hundred said he or she had attempted suicide. Approximately twenty years ago, the National Institute of Mental Health began the largest study ever undertaken of the nature and extent of psychiatric disorders in the U.S. population. It involved extensive interviews of a total of 20,000 people living in the five American catchment areas of Baltimore, Maryland; Piedmont County, North Carolina; Los Angeles, California; New Haven, Connecticut; and St. Louis, Missouri. The study included four questions about suicide, similar to those asked by Paykel and his colleagues, but was more specific in that it required a minimal duration for suicidal thoughts of two weeks. Of the 18,500 individuals who responded to the questions about suicide, 11 percent said they had at some point during their lives felt so low they had thought of committing suicide; 3 percent of the total said they had made one or more suicide attempts. Other investigations conducted in general communities have found that, consistent with these two studies, between 5 and 15 percent of the general adult population acknowledge having had suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives.
Two other studies of American high school students confirmed that thinking about suicide is far from a rare concern: more than 50 percent of New York high school students reported that they had “thought about killing themselves,” and 20 percent of Oregon high school students described a history of suicidal thinking of varying degrees of severity.” (p.35)
Suicide statistics are much higher than pro-natalists want to believe, and they increase along the years. They are also only partial. We don’t need to examine the number of suicides or suicide attempts, but the number of people who seriously wanted to die, of people who contemplate suicide. And that is a very high percentage.
And even more important than how many people are currently contemplating suicide, is how many would have, had all the obstacles mentioned before been removed. Obviously it is impossible to estimate this figure, but if suicidal figures are at all necessary to constitute an antinatalist argument (a claim which I disagree with but go with it for the sake of the argument), this is the figure to work with.
Pro-natalists find it much easier to consider “only” suicides (and reduce even their true scope), and to ignore suicide attempts, and suicide thoughts. But the question is how many would rather not live, not how many can overcome every obstacle in the suicide ordeal. It is easier for them since they know that the answer to that question, the answer to the right one, doesn’t reinforce pro-natalism but exactly the opposite."
& continues
ReplyDelete"It is false from every perspective to present suicide as a legitimate option available to anyone at any time. Biologically, suicide is the last option. And the fact that people are biologically built to survive, doesn’t soothe individuals whose lives are not worth living in their eyes, but exactly the opposite. They are prisoners of their own biological mechanisms. They are life’s captives, not free spirits who can choose to end their lives whenever and however they wish. People are trapped in horrible lives without a truly viable option to end it. They are built to stay even though their lives are bad.
People have no serious exit option that can justify their forced entry. Not that if there was any, procreation was morally justifiable, but at least this argument was decent and coherent. But there isn’t so it is not. People must overcome too many obstacles with each being too difficult, for suicide to really be an option.
It is very easy for pro-natalists to “solve” the issue by suggesting the suicide option, but it is not as if suicide is really perceived socially as a legitimate option. In fact it is exactly the opposite.
Suicide is perceived as an irrational choice, if not as a psychological indication of insanity (under harsher medical regulations), and never as a rational option anyone can choose, as it is falsely presented in this argument.
The fact that assisting suicide is illegal, and that the most convenient suicide methods are illegal and very inaccessible, also testify as to how far suicide is from being a legitimate option for people who want to end their lives.
If the ‘suicide is always an option’ justification for forcing life without consent was genuine, its advocators would also be advocators of making suicide more accessible, acceptable and easier. But they don’t, since obviously it is not genuine but merely a lame and lazy excuse for their selfish desire to procreate.
Most parents deceive and excuse themselves by saying that it won’t happen to their children. But it does. This claim implies that all the parents of all the people who have carried out suicide did a bad job as parents, which of course is not necessarily true. Many things are not under the control of parents (for example, there is not a lot that parents can do about mental diseases, or deep depression, which in many cases lead to suicide). The parents of people who have carried out suicide or a suicide attempt, are not necessarily worse than any other parent and they haven’t necessarily done something wrong as parents. They have definitely done something very wrong as people, which is creating persons who want to kill themselves, but this is not necessarily a result of them being worse parents than any other parent, since it can happen to anyone, and therefore no one should procreate.
No one should take the risk that their children would suffer so much that they would not only want to die, but that they would overcome all the obstacles and try to do something about it, or won’t because they are too afraid, or because they care too much about the people who care about them.
No one should put anyone in such a horrible position where they don’t want to live but are trapped in life."
About this 2021 article, it made many good points ,
ReplyDeleteThat many Suffering people who want to Die don't attempt
Suicide because they Fear
Failing and ending up in a
Psychiatric Hospital, they Fear being Involuntary Hospitalized in a Psychiatric Hospital
Plus , many people have argued that if a Legal Easily Available Pill to Cause Painless Death was made Available to Suffering people, that it would Actually greatly Reduce Suicides, it would greatly Reduce the number of Suicides because it would Give incredible peace of mind to Suffering people knowing that they have the Option of a Legal & Available Painless, Peaceful 100 percent Effective Foolproof Pill to Cause Death, for Suffering people knowing that they have Legal Options of a Painless Death would make Life Bearable for them . They wouldn't have to Live in Fear, deadly Fear, Terror and dread of the Future, in these uncertain times
The website has an article headlined
"World Unhappier, More Stressed Out Than Ever" on June 28, 2022
A man recently typed online
ReplyDelete"As we continue to strive for the legalization and acceptance of the right to no longer exist, I think it is key to acknowledge one of the weapons we have at our disposal to that end, and this weapon is one that I’ve mentioned before: deconstruction. Deconstruction of the ideas, superstitions, preconceived notions, etc. that stigmatize euthanasia and death (and other related rights, such as the right to have an abortion).
Think about it. Deconstruction of those ideas will not only justify our movement but will help create a fall to the oppressive pro-life hegemony that stands in our way and imposes life on the troubled souls who do not want it."
The Comment by the man continues
ReplyDelete"One of the key ideas that we need to abolish is the idea that a person’s life is more important than their wishes, dignity, and comfort. This is why suicide prevention is often taken too far, by handcuffing suicidal individuals, putting them in straight jackets or even bags! And this happens very often to individuals who have been through the mental health system for years without finding any recovery, thus having no reason to live and thus finding that their life of struggle has no meaning.
The other key idea that we need to abolish is the idea that doctor knows best. Often times, he or she does not. They are humans who are fallible and therefore do not always have the patient’s best interest in mind, as was the case of Jessica, the transgender woman that was physically assaulted in a hospital, and rejected in another thereafter. The rather conspicuous injustice here is that Jessica’s well-being was hardly taken into consideration here, yet these terrible clinicians that she was subjected to wouldn’t help her to die either.
Think about it: these monsters would not help Jessica end her life, but whatever service they would provide would be on their selfish terms. And yet they have the nerve to argue that suicide is selfish.
So, no. Doctor does not know best. At the end of the day, doctors’ knowledge have their limits, and they can be just as selfish as the people who whom they accuse of that very selfishness for committing suicide (for having to endure those malpractices, among other reasons). See the hypocrisy here?
And here is yet another idea that we need to help deconstruct in people’s mind, and perhaps the most important to deconstruct of all: that the pursuit of death to avoid suffering is always wrong. That just isn’t the case. People do things to avoid suffering all the time. Mothers abandon their children for their own relief from the burdens of being mothers. People abandon relatives or friends with mental illness for relief from being victims of their impulsive behavioral issues. Why, then, can’t a suicidal individual pursue death to avoid the suffering that troubles them so much that they can’t cope with life anymore? What gives them less of a right to end their suffering than the people who have abandoned them or forsaken them to reduce their own suffering?"
The man's Comment lastly says
ReplyDelete"Because suicide happens even with the existence of the most modern, “state-of-the-art” treatment methods and organizations that implement them, here is yet another false idea to deconstruct: that the mental health community and resources is effective to treat everyone and every case. If that were true, then why do we still have people with mental illness struggling after years (and even decades) of being seen? And what do those people have to live for? Wishful thinking and petty promises for a better future? I don’t think so. I want dignified living now or never, not in 10 damn fucking years down the road.
I also believe that part of this mental deconstruction involves not only invalidating the false beliefs that forge pro-life oppression, but validating the reasons why people desire death to begin with. I, for one, wish I was dead for having struggle with decades of struggle with mental illness, with having lost social privileges and relationships to it, and (perhaps most importantly), for not having the life that I want. I want to have a non-celibate life. I want to have a life where I can have a woman to explore my sexuality with, who will accept my flaws and embrace my strengths. And yet, no such cunt has come around yet. All I see are all these men and women (ugly, not so ugly, average looking, etc.) holding hands, eating out together, while I walk around the streets like a lonely soul, carrying my burdens while I watch the rest of the world have what I wish I had that I can’t have. That’s a pretty shitty existence right there. And well, if women deem me too ugly, too average, or too whatever (or conversely, NOT enough of whatever), then that’s fine. That’s their choice. But just as they can make the choice to consider me not suitable for any kind of intimate/more than friends encounter and thus reject me and push me away, I also have the right to pursue death and escape from a world where I am treated that way. Just as those girls reserve the right not to date and fuck whatever kind of people they don’t want, I also have the right to end living a life that I don’t want. And just as women are not expected to date or fuck someone just to make someone else happy, neither should I stay alive in a painful life that makes no sense whatsoever so that others will be happy. Hopefully, I will find my way out soon.
Tolerance and respect for people’s boundaries and dignity goes both ways. And, one that note, here comes the next idea to deconstruct: that preventing someone from pursuing death to a life of sorrow is selfless. Just as it would be selfish of me to expect for a girl who doesn’t like me to date me and fuck me just because I want her to, it is also selfish for others to expect me to live because others want me to.
Therefore, suicide prevention is often selfish. Fuck suicide prevention." I will return in a few days with more Arguments for our Movement
A person recently typed online
ReplyDelete"So here's a little rant- yesterday, I tried joking with relatives on a Facebook thread about how I'm probably going to end up like the adult version of Cartman in South Park: the Return of Covid, because I had my car taken by a damn impound for being parked in a hospital while I was in a hospital that the hospital I parked the car in transferred me to, the impound charged me $900 for the amount of time they kept it while I was there, and after the hospital who transferred me to another hospital realized this happened by mistake and decided to refund me, I ended up having a fucking car accident no less! No thanks to the damn heavy rain of the day! And the repairs of my car from that accident amount to 1,200!! My income is low while my struggle with mental illness and general fatigue is very high, I have other major stressors in my life, and it's no wonder I would be discouraged. So turning to South Park to poke a little fun at my situation is, in my opinion, a clever way to relieve stress. But then here come my pompous, charlatan uncle to give me a lecture on positivity, on changing my attitude, and (the part that pissed me off the most), to "change my frequency." What the fuck does that even mean? And then I told him about my impound and my accident situations and the hole I was getting into money-wise without even fucking trying, and told him that this has nothing to do with positivity or "good frequencies" (whatever the fuck that means) because the numbers don't lie, he replies by saying that neither do my resources, and then he kept on going about taking on additional jobs other than the 40-hour per week job I already have and that they would very well hire me in this and that job because I got this and that skill (and he said all of this with this "there's no excuse for you to joke that you're going to become homeless" undertone, and he went on to say that *that* is what having a "good frequency" is about- being conscious and diligent about one's situation and erasing negativity. And he wished me a good day, after that blatant slap in the face. Then I replied that the homeless population with mental illness often are as bright and intelligent as my asshole uncle is making me out not to be and that it is for far more reasons than a mere "attitude problem" and went on to explain day. For the entire day yesterday, and even as of now, he hasn't read that message.
My uncle has always had a predisposition for lecturing me with experiments and data to prove his point about positivity. But, as we all know, positivity only gets you so far in a world that is often unpredictable, chaotic, and unfair. Just look at the shit that's happened to me with my car! How would anyone expect me not to be pissed and pessimistic when bad shit keeps happening to me that's outside of my control?!
And what about that "frequency" bullshit that my asshole uncle was bringing up? It's like he's trying to sound smart and metaphysical, chest-pounding about his "superior" knowledge and attitude about life. What an asshole.
This is exactly the kind of people that we need to stand up against in our movement: the people that simplify the complex problems that sentient beings have that make their lives miserable with simplistic solutions and use that as justification not to develop hatred and cynicism towards life and its chaotic and unpredictable nature.
Let's continue our fight against this culture of oppressive positivity that often denies the harsh reality of life and the assholes from that culture who try to sound smarter than us, using psychobabble and even metaphysical bullshit (or whatever you call that "frequency" bullshit my uncle used) to invalidate the validity of our disdain towards life."
Another person typed online in reply to the above Comment that mentioned South Park
ReplyDelete"Anti-euthanasia, toxicly positive people are the worst. Every time you try to explain your views, you'll come across very condescending and judgemental replies that don't respect your intelligence, your needs, your pain threshold and your set of values. All the years of past and present experiences that led to you holding that view is nothing to them and they just dismiss it as "stupidity". Life is a shit covered with a little small crumbs of cake. They tell you to hold on to the crumbs as if the entire shit is cake. "mourn on the meaningless but celebrate the beauty as well", in the end of the day, we have to choose if we want to continue or not, if we want to have it all or lose it all, and our choice should be respected."
Many have Also asked Why does America and other Nations allow just anyone and Everyone to reproduce and have children, people who cannot even care for themselves, yet they are allowed to have children, when they can't even care or provide for themselves or are drug addicts, alcoholics , etc.
And Suffering people cannot even decide for themselves the time and manner of their deaths , WTF ?
Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremists with their Extremism, Propaganda, Lies and False Hope that they give to Suffering people are truly disgusting .
ReplyDeleteThey have very rigid Black and White thinking, they refuse to see other points of view. They make Impossible, Unreasonable demands upon suffering people, they are Truly Unbelievable, truly Unbelievable how Disgusting they are. Most people can't stand Pro-Life Imbeciles,
Suicide Prevention Dictators are the worst Criminals in the World, they talk about Suicide Prevention and Saving Lives, what about Working to Improve Actual Quality of Life for Suffering people, get at the Root Causes of people's misery and try to Fix those problems
A person recently typed online
ReplyDelete"A few counter arguments against pro life people:
"You can't think clearly" - A person has lived years over years of life. Many things happened to them during their lives, many events and processes that led the person to put everything he knows together and draw the conclusion that he's better off not being here. Saying that a person "can't think clearly" is a slap in the face of that person, dismissing his entire process of identity building as "stupidity" is very disrespectful towards the person who's been an emotional distress for so many years.
"Your pain and suffering is temporary" - Lot's of suffering is permanent. Illnesses, disabilities, living in a predatory political, economical, social system, living under a dystopian dictatorship, living as an ethnic minority, poverty is most likely to be permanent for most people, since the pradtory system we live in doesn't give us viable ways to get out of poverty, loneliness is also pretty permanent. Those who were popular at high school are still popular in adulthood and have lots friends and romantic and sexual relationships, whereas the nerds and incels suffer from loneliness and isolation, which is really hard to break through. (hard is not impossible, but it means most people don't reach their goals). It's actually harder to make friends in adulthood because everyone is busy surviving and taking care over their families, so people who don't have the luck to be at the right place at the right time to meet the right people have a very small chance to change their fate of loneliness and isolation, some people are just better in social interaction than others, and some people don't want to give up on their personality to be more likeable and that should be respected.
"Your luck might change in the future" - You don't have a crystal ball, you can't predict the future, you can't make decisions based on on "maybe". Aliens MIGHT invade earth in the future, a bomb MIGHT explode in Paris in the future, does this mean I should plan my life according to that? No. We can only make rational decisions based on paast and present experiences, we can only trust what's definite and not what "might" happen. If we've had it bad so far, it's our choice to leave the theater before the bad movie ends.
"Hold on to the good things, celebrate the beauty, there are good moments in your life" - For us, life is a shit covered with a few crumbs of a cake, what you're telling us is to hold on to the crumbs and act as if we're eating a cake. No can do. Shit is shit, no matter how much you try change your perspective. There beautiful moments in jail too, it doesn't make the incarceration experience less traumatic or less hard. Most prisoners would rather get out of jail than stay there. Homeless people would rather get housed than stay homeless, even though there are beautiful moments in being homeless, taking drugs. no one tells you what to do etc.
"The right to die is a slippery slope. Today they're euthanizing people, tomorrow they will murder them" - The lack of right to die lets the government full control over people's bodies, which means the slippery slope is happening by DEPRIVING people of the right to die. Today they're forcing us to live because we're profitable, tomorrow they'll murder us because we're a waste of space. When the choice isn't ours, that's where dark regimes start.
To sum it up, the right to die is about the social contract. We didn't ask to be born in society, we should have the right to leave. There are rules to life, we're only asking you to ask for our consent to life"
A person recently typed online
ReplyDeleteAbout the Right To Die that
"I had an argument with a friend about the right to die, and on one hand he did agree with my reasons of bodily autonomy, but he did say that there are cases of people ending their lives because of a problem, and then after a certain time, the problem gets solved and they would have remained alive and happy if they had waited long enough, which is very similar to the argument "mentally ill people who attempt to end their lives regret it later". The thing is this. We don't have a crystal ball to predict the future. We don't know if these people's lives get better or worse for them, also, humanity doesn't have the means to evaluate who is incurably and severely depressed. It's also important to mention that some people ARE in their sound mind, but have difficulties with expressing themselves, so the case worker can't know for sure the said patient is really severely depressed and in his sound mind. Furthermore, the definition of "life worth living" is very subjective and whatever definition you give seems arbitrary, so "only the good cases should be allowed to get euthanized" is something that is impossible to be done. Even if we don't win the argument for euthanasia, we can definitely break even by saying "I may be too biased to decide to die, and you may be too biased to decide to live".
Another person typed in reply to the Above Right To Die comment about the definition of
ReplyDelete"life worth living" . The reply said
"After so many years, life gets worse and worse.
The fact that it is so subjective should be good reason that only the individual themselves can determine whether the suffering is worth it.
To be asked to live according to someone else's perspective is unfeasible."
Again I ask, why must Pro-Life Cultists force their views upon others ? They have this Unhealthy Fanatical Pathological Obsession to Force their Views upon others. They are Very Emotionally and Intellectually Immature and Insecure that they feel compelled to Force their Views on others.
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Forced Living Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" are a Cult , they are definitely Cultists, yet they falsely accuse Right To Die Supporters of being a Cult.
Another person recently typed online about the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die that
"Those who prefer nonexistence are the most persecuted group of people in the world. The fact that 25 million dollars is being put towards more persecution is sickening. Preventionists believe they are “helping people”, which makes it more terrifying."
That comment was in reply to a recent article about 25 Million dollars being donated to
"Suicide Prevention"
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns, Nutters, Fascists, Know it alls, Extremists and so-called "professionals" are Very Judgmental Self-Righteous Hypocrites and Losers , who are they to Judge ?
Plus another person recently typed online about Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Dictators Extremists and so-called "professionals" that
ReplyDelete"They are relishing our suffering and are genuinely wicked."
A person recently typed online
ReplyDelete"I have fun diagnosing psychiatrists using their own pet tricks. E.g if they diagnose someone with depression because they hate life and want to Die, I can diagnose them with Stockholm Syndrome for Living Life and advocating for Life in spite of All the problems Life causes for them"
The website has an excellent 3 Part article headlined
"The Case for Medical Aid in Dying: Part 1"
August 23, 2022
by Douglas W. Heinrichs, MD
Part 2 of this article by Dr. Heinrichs is dated August 30, 2022 and part 3 is dated
September 6, 2022 , Good Arguments that Refute and Debunk the False Arguments and Lies of the Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremists
Also recently on the Facebook page of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, many people have been saying that their
ReplyDelete"Foundation" is a Scam along with it's activities and Walks to
Raise Money and "Save Lives" and "Stop Suicide"
More and More people in America and Worldwide are becoming Anti-Life, as things sadly get Worse and Worse in America and Worldwide, as life gets More and More Hectic and Complicated
As many people have said Suicide Prevention and Forced Living "Life till the bitter end" Extremism and the brutal methods described in this blog is definitely a form of State Sponsored Terrorism against Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives and want a Peaceful Painless Death.
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing to want to prevent Impulsive Suicide, but the
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremists with their Extremism Never Know when to Quit, Never Know when to Quit and give it a Rest Already with their Harassment, Persecution, Stalking and Oppression of Suffering people who want to Die, countless people have suffered with unbearable Mental illness and other problems for Decades upon Decades upon Decades. More and More people are speaking out against the Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and in Support of the Growing Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement for any and all suffering people
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Fanatics, Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" are truly disgusting and creepy, all they think about is Suicide Prevention, that's all they think about, all they talk about is Suicide Prevention, how to Squeeze every last drop of life out of Suffering people, Truly Disgusting
ReplyDeleteThe website has a Superb article headlined
ReplyDelete"Suicide as a Moral Issue" by Thomas S. Szasz dated July 1999 anyone can look it up
The late Dr. Thomas Szasz in the article spoke out against Suicide Prevention Extremism and Fanaticism
Pro-Life Tyranny and Oppression is truly disgusting, immoral and unethical , and from the pits of Hell , as things sadly get Worse and Worse in America and Worldwide, as Life gets More Complicated , Hectic and Stressful , More and More people are becoming Anti-Life and Supporting the Growing Right To Die , Death with Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering people,
ReplyDeleteA person recently typed on a Right To Die website, that supports the Right To Die for Any and All Suffering people
ReplyDeleteThe person typed
"The asymmetry between pleasure and pain can be explained with the terms "soft pleasure", "hard pleasure", "soft pain" and "hard pain".
There is soft pleasure, like eating ice cream or watching a movie, anything that is short term pleasure, that is fun, but doesn't really improve our survival conditions. And there's a "hard" pleasure like winning the lottery, moving to a first world country, a revolution, finding the love of our life, anything that improves our survival conditions for the rest of our lives. The vast majority of the world's population won't get to enjoy "hard" pleasure, but only soft one, because the who have control over improving our living conditions, refuse to do so, and there's nothing we can do about it. Now, let's move on to pain.
There's also soft pain and hard pain. Soft pain includes sticking your tow at a table, getting your finger stabbed by a needle, a headache, small physical injury that results from falling, things that are bad, but don't affect you for the rest of your life, but there's also hard pain. Hard pain is work stress, constant humiliation, harassment, constant physical or sexual abuse, the daily struggle to survive is a hard pain since it generates lots of trauma that affects our quality of life on the long run for the worse. And let's not forget accidents that lead us to disabilities, homelessness, loss of loved ones, illnesses etc. The vast majority of this world suffers from this hard pain (many times, they suffer from more than one kind of hard pain) on a daily basis for decades until they die painfully. Even soft pain, if perpetuates on a regular basis, can lead to long term physical and mental damages and therefore is a hard pain.
Conclusion: Life, for the most of us, is significantly more negative than positive, since the negative affects our survival, but the positive doesn't improve our survival. There can be positives that make our survival easier, but most of us aren't going to enjoy it, but we all are forced to suffer from stress and from immense suffering, exhaustion, reduced resiliency etc. Life is nothing but a struggle to survive, a constant war that results in losing, and that's why we're better off without it."
Another person recently typed online in Support of the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Movement :
"We live in a world plagued with toxic optimism where people are pressured into taking the position that “life is good”. Those who claim otherwise are labeled “negative”, “defective”, or “mentally ill”. "
Countless people Hate Life and are Anti-Life and Support the Growing Right To Die Movement
A person recently typed online about a day ago in Support of the Right To Die for people with Unbearable Mental illness the following
ReplyDelete"Hello everyone! As part of our fight for the legalization of euthanasia for the mentally ill, I've done some research on the views that medical ethicists hold that make them particularly stubborn about favoring euthanasia for the mentally ill who wish to die. I want to figure out just what makes them so insensitive to their suffering and why they insist on imposing life on them. I think it's important to do this so that we, as a human rights organization, can be better prepared to advocate for everyone who wishes to no longer exist down the line, including people with mental illness.
I put myself through the insufferable task of watching a presentation on Youtube by Laura Roberts. Aside from opposing to euthanasia for the mentally ill, she's one of those stuck-up individuals with a high status in the field of psychiatry who uses highly academic/clinical language to explain her views, rubbing her professional hubris on people's faces in her presentation. Let me translate into English what that bitch said about Euthanasia for the mentally ill:
1) Because people with mental illness are marginalized in society, have less access to care, and are vulnerable;
2) Because mental disorders are not “exactly” terminal;
3) Because on-and-off and reversible negative thinking and thoughts of suicide are merely “symptoms” of many mental disorders, and
4) Because on-and-off and reversible threats to voluntarism and decisional capacity may arise as signature features of many mental disorders,
... the ethics of euthanasia for the mentally ill must be put into question.
So here's my response:
1) Everything that she mentioned in her first argument sounds to me more like a reason to *favor, * euthanasia, rather than to *oppose* it. It's perfectly understandable that many individuals with mental illness find being marginalized, feeling vulnerable, and facing challenges in getting care so much of a burden that they would rather die than continue living. In fact, if the mentally ill didn’t have to deal with these disadvantages on a regular basis, then Laura would be in a much better position to rally against euthanasia for the mentally ill and her stance against it would make more sense. It's cruel and inconsiderate of Laura to say that the mentally ill do not deserve to be put to rest through euthanasia at their request because they face pain-inducing social disadvantages that aren't even their fault and that aren't within their control! How is this an ‘ethical’ train of thought?
2) Mental illness, like terminal illness, DOES NOT HAVE A CURE! This means that living with a mental illness often becomes a long-term, or even life-long struggle which brings a plethora of issues that can be more than what the sufferer can cope with. That alone justifies bringing euthanasia to the table. Secondly, treatment-resistant mental illness *does* fit the definition of terminal as it cannot be cured, cannot be treated adequately, and will more often than not result in the patient seeking death. Simply put, mental illness CHRONIC and DOES NOT HAVE A CURE. Therefore, it is often a long-term pain-inducing illness, and therefore should be given the same considerations as terminal illnesses in the context of euthanasia when life with mental illness becomes chronic, intolerable, and unlivable."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"3) Whether or not someone deals with negative thinking and suicidal behaviors because of symptoms of a mental illness is irrelevant. The fact that these struggles are caused by symptoms mental illness doesn’t make their underlying pain any less deserving to be dealt with by any means necessary (including euthanasia). Pain is pain, regardless of its underlying cause, and to say that a person should not be euthanized because their unbearable pain comes from a mere symptom of a mental illness dehumanizes that person, invalidates their suffering, and also *stigmatizes* them and their suffering altogether. So while Laura recognizes that the mentally ill face stigma in society that makes their situation worse, she still stigmatizes them and their painful struggles as being *particularly* ineligible for euthanasia because their torment and suffering are symptoms of a mental illness. Interesting how someone who acknowledges the struggle that the mentally ill face with societal stigma also stigmatizes them when talking about who should and who shouldn’t get a euthanasia procedure.
4) In the chronic and treatment resistant cases of mental illness, suicidal impulses are hardly reversible or are they hardly transient or occasional. They are long-term side effects from a combination of ineffective treatment, long-term psychological suffering, and serious worsening of quality of life. It is only logical, rather than “impulsive” for someone in this predicament to prefer dying over continuing an on-going senseless, long-lived, and unpleasant life struggle. So, contrary to popular belief, it is possible for someone with mental illness to have reasonable grounds to request to be euthanized."
The comment lastly says
ReplyDelete"Conclusion: Laura gives no credit whatsoever to people who wish to die to a mental illness. She says that she’s fully aware of the stigma that they suffer, yet she stigmatizes their suffering as particularly “invalid” to justify ending their sorrow through euthanasia by arguing that suicidal urges come mere symptoms of mental illness and “decisional incapacity” rather than underlying feelings of unbearable pain. She therefore dismisses the suffering of the mentally ill as somehow “less worthy” for them to be considered as legitimate candidates for an euthanasia procedure without seeing the whole picture of what suffering with a mental illness entails. She also overlooks the long-term struggle of people with serious/chronic mental illness, their struggle to live well, and the lack of benefit they get from the treatment that is supposed to help them. And she implies that these case scenarios come from mere transient impulse rather than tiredness from living a life defined by a monotonous struggle to cope with psychological suffering, and to create a life that is happy and that has meaning.
…and, most shamelessly and senselessly, Laura implies that the sociocultural factors that put the mentally ill at a disadvantage are reasons to *deny* them euthanasia at their request, rather than reasons that justify granting them this service.
Push comes to shove, Laura Roberts and all other oppressors who oppose to euthanasia for the mentally ill have a general sense of apathy towards their suffering, downplaying the serious pain, torment, and agony that mental illness induces as not being, chronic, painful, disabling, and and life-altering enough to warrant being dealt with through euthanasia. So, they believe that putting up with life with those problems is always the better deal, even if the death-wishing individual with a mental illness gets the short end of the stick time and time again.
…Therefore, those who oppose to euthanasia for the mentally ill are usually everything but sympathetic individuals- the very people who shouldn’t work in the field of medicine to begin with.
Fuck Laura Roberts, and fuck those who oppose euthanasia for the mentally ill! " Plus people with Mental illness often have Many other Unbearable Sufferings and Problems in their Lives besides the Mental illness that make their lives even more Unbearable, Such as Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Loneliness, etc
Yet Another person recently typed online in Support of the Right To Die that
ReplyDelete"When young people, kids and teens get upset or cry, adults always tell them that life is very tough, very long and there are even bigger setbacks and worse people out there in this vast world or gets even tougher and they ask kids to not break down 'so soon at minor setbacks or a death of close person'.
When they know it is even worse or tougher then why the hell they bring kids to this world at all? And how is it 'motivating' or 'guiding' if you are only telling a kid how even worse things lie ahead?
I always found this talk more depressing and terrorising rather and I do not think it uplifts you or makes you look forward or stronger for so called future!"
A person recently typed on a Pathetic Suicide Prevention website the following
ReplyDelete"No where is the stigma of mental illness more prevalent than in the clinic/ hospital setting. If someone has a problem with an organ in their body like the heart for instance, and have heart attack. They receive sympathy. When the illness is of the brain, judgement, scorn and blame the patient is the result."
Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is from the pits of Hell
I will return in a few days with even more Arguments for Our Growing Movement
A person recently typed online in Support of the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die that
"Nature is NOT beautiful at all. Exactly opposite, it's very ugly, cruel, heartless, cold-blooded, merciless, indifferent, bloodthirsty, blood-lover, sadistic, psychopath/sociopath, serial killer,...etc. from its core.
I am 101% sure if animals could speak, they too will ask for the right to die.
This is NOT to say that I don't enjoy its beauty. Of course, I do but I can't unsee & forgive its dark side for the sake of its beauty. It would be like forgiving a pedophile for the sake of candies he gave to children after molesting them or a rapist who gifted a luxurious flat to woman after cruelly raping her."
I agree with this person that Nature can be beautiful at times, but often it is very ugly and cruel and I also agree that if animals could talk they would indeed be asking for the Right To Die and speaking up in Support of the Growing Right To Die Movement
A person recently typed online in Support of the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die that
"The mental health system is such a joke. It takes 2-3 months to see a psychiatrist only to encounter the biggest incompetence and ineptitude I've ever come across.
How people are too obtuse to see the necessity for legal suicide is beyond me.
It's about time safe and painless access to suicide became legal. Clearly society doesn't give a fig about life. Look around. I live in the state with the largest homeless population and in the country with no regards whatsoever for people's well-being.
How on earth can we gain support for our cause ?
I know it's not impossible. It's so bleak for it to take real root, but 200 years ago, no one would have considered same sex marriage or abortion or universal suffrage, or the abolition of slavery feasible, much less becoming actual law in many western countries.
What can we do to ensure our rights are heard and validated ? What can we do to make our voices be heard?
Because in any true free society, the right to a peaceful exit is fundamental. It's inherent. It's our life we're living. No one else's."
My Note , Many Polls have shown that the Vast Majority of Americans and People Worldwide support the Right To Die for any and all types of Suffering people who Request it, Voluntary Euthanasia, Assisted Death.
Support for the Right To Die Movement is Growing !!!
A person recently typed online in Support of the Right To Die and against the Evils of Suicide Prevention & Forced Living Extremism that
ReplyDelete"Question: Why FORCE someone to live when they clearly don't want to?? Why FORCE someone to live in pain and disease with zero chance of ever getting better?? "Saving" someone is an ego boost for the "rescuer". It doesn't help the person you're trying to save. If people no longer wish to be alive, LET THEM GO!!! It's part of our body autonomy!!"
Because of All the
ReplyDeletePro-Life BS in our Society, countless people are unable to Enjoy Life, because of all the
"Pro-Life" BS Extremism in Our Society
They live in FEAR of the Future, because no matter how Unbearable things get they are told that they just have to "live" and Suffer till the bitter end, till the bitter end, no matter how unbearable things get , they just have to linger and suffer till the bitter end, till the bitter end, with no Legal Options of a Peaceful Exit , this Fills them with FEAR, Terror and Dread of the Future
Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is Torture, Slavery and State Sponsored Terrorism against Suffering people
A person recently typed online in Support of the Growing Right To Die Movement that
"Something we often hear is that talk about suicide is a “cry for help”. It’s really astonishing how insulting the world can be toward those in desperate situations. What pleasure some people derive from the sight of one who is in pain. How they jump at the chance to apply their “compassion” to one they see as being below themselves. Yes, I suppose in talking about suicide I wish on some level for help, but what I want is help and support in facing my death, not to prolong my life."
Another person recently typed online Against the Evils of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism & Life Worshipping , Suffering Worshipping Idolatry
ReplyDelete"Suicide prevention organizations may pat themselves on the back for having prevented many suicides, but there's something these people ignore. They don't check whether those who remained alive are happy to be alive, are they satisfied? Or maybe even after the attempt was prevented, they still want to die, maybe they're still suffering. Suicide prevention is merely the act of preventing someone from taking his own life, but couldn't care less about how miserable he is."
Plus one person typed in reply to the Comment about Suicide Prevention Organizations patting themselves on the back
ReplyDelete" I don't think of it as "Suicide Prevented", rather it's just
- Suffering Extended
- Release Rejected
- Jailbreak Failed
.. take your pick." Some people replies All of the Above
Some people Replied
DeleteAll of the Above
Yet Another person Replied to the Comment about
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention Organizations patting themselves on the back that
"Indeed. They just choose some of the poster examples of "I was down before, but now I'm better, dont kill yourself".
The other question I always ask is: if every dead person from suicide could be resurrected for a few minutes and asked if they regretted their decision, what would the answers be? Suppose as well that they could be shown the alternative future had they not killed themselves. Even a 50/50 response rate would be a big indictment." I will return in a few days with even more Arguments for Our Movement
Yet Another recently person typed online Against Suicide Prevention that
ReplyDelete"I have a huge respect and courage for victims, but I have absolutely no sympathy, no respect for the preventionist. The preventionist are nothing but pro suffering. If people don't care about the victim, what's the point of preventing them from exiting: There's no point. Suicide prevention and mental health hotline is a huge waste of money."
The Superb Right To Die website has a New Article
"When Safety Becomes Slavery : Negative Rights and the Cruelty of Suicide Prevention" on November 7, 2022
by existentialgoof
More and More people are Boldly Speaking up Against the Evils
Of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism
Another person recently typed online in Support of the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die that
"It's mind-blowing and just baffling how many people are pro-choice when it comes to reproductive rights and abortion and so anti-choice when it comes to suicide. The person that has actually already been born and tasted life for themselves is telling you that their life isn't that swell. Theyre aware and can consent to dying. Yet it's seen as immoral?
Reminds me of how Frederick Douglas supported abolition of slavery but when it came to supporting his colleague's women suffrage movement...nope." Again we All need to see the website which has a New Article
"When Safety Becomes Slavery : Negative Rights and the Cruelty of Suicide Prevention" on November 7, 2022
by existentialgoof this is a good article about the Cruelty of Suicide Prevention
Why do Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Clowns, Dictators and "professionals" Ignore the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless disabled and healthy people alike who are unable to get Sex for various reasons, they want Sex yet are unable to get it
How the Hell can Suicide Prevention Clowns, Dictators and so-called "professionals" Ignore the Very Real Valid Legitimate Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of people unable to get Sex
A person recently typed on an
ReplyDeleteInternet Right To Die Group Against the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention , Forced Living and Pro-Life Oppressors
".., I think it's important to not only consider why they stand against euthanasia (as I discussed earlier), but what their true agenda is as well. The core of their agenda is to prevent people who wish to die to be euthanized at their request. They bombard us with religious reasons, political reasons, reasons that do nothing but invalidate and minimize the plight and sorrow of many who wish to die, etc...
However, if you think about the plethora of reasons that pro-lifers throw at us to oppose euthanasia for the mentally ill, you can see four main problematic patterns/tendencies behind their opposition to it:
The Comment continues:
ReplyDelete"1) Opposition to voluntary euthanasia stems from beliefs that are passed down from a higher authority- a government, a religion, or other kinds of prevalent social facts (like the belief that "life is good") that strongly oppose euthanasia.
2) Opposition to euthanasia also stems from the demand that those who wish to be euthanized must conform and act according to the wishes of those pro-life predominant institutions, beliefs, societies, etc. that have an agenda and not necessarily the best interest of death wishing individuals in mind.
3) Opposition to euthanasia also tends to invalidate, minimize, and downright ignore the plight of those who wish to die as well as the grievances that lead them to crave death, treating them as though they're not as big of a deal as dying, or as though they are preferable to death (The horrifying experience that Dax Cowart went through, begging to be allowed to die while some disgusting nurses subjected him to excruciating treatments to treat his burns while adapting to being blind, is the perfect example of this).
4) Opposition to euthanasia also comes from a cultural dictatorship that heavily opposes, shuns, and backlashes against anyone who speaks lowly about life and expresses inconformity with it while explaining why voluntary life extinction can be justified.
So, let me sum up the tendencies of opposition to euthanasia in just a few words:
1) Opposition to euthanasia from social institutions
2) Opposition to euthanasia from a large chunk of society
3) Expectation to conform to preservation of life at all cost
4) Backlash to, and shunning of, active inconformity with the three tendencies mentioned above, regardless of sound reasoning.
What does this say about pro-lifers?
It means that pro-lifer entities and societies that oppress euthanasia supporters have an overarching dictatorship where they believe everyone must *conform* to the expectation of life-advancement and life-preservation expectation of the more predominant and more empowered pro-life society, and that *their* pro-life beliefs are the only ones that are valid, correct, and ethical.
What does this mean to us?
Pro-life movements are inspired by collective zealotry that not only aims to suppress any movement contrary to life-preservation and prolonging, but to demand that every individual who disagrees with their pro-life agenda refrain from taking active steps to oppose it or dethrone it merely for the sake of their pro-life beliefs. So, in simpler terms, they want to force those of us who want to take active steps in making euthanasia legal and in getting euthanized to either get suppressed by any means necessary, or to give up our free will to choose between life or death merely for the sake of what pro-lifers believe.
... think about it: pro-lifers want those who wish to die to act against their beliefs for the sake of the pro-lifers'. So they want human beings they don't agree with to act against their wishes for the sake of the beliefs of the larger society rather than those of the individual, and the fact that they sometimes use handcuffs and other restraints to push death-wishing individuals into living is very telling of the oppressive nature of pro-life movements. This perfectly fits the definition of a dictatorship: a predominant societal structure that suppresses individual freedoms for the sake of the beliefs of the larger structure. And this is my main gripe with suicide prevention movements and restrictive euthanasia laws- they are about forcing people into living (especially on those who do not wish to do so) more than anything else. Even if life genuinely sucks for you, they'd rather for you to endure excruciating suffering over allowing you to have a peaceful death. If that's not cruelty, I don't know what is.
Members of this group: do NOT give up your will to strive for the legalization of euthanasia and to be euthanized for the sake of the opposing beliefs of other people or institutions!
A good Bible Verse that reminds myself and others of the Arrogant
ReplyDeletePro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Dictators is
"Isaiah 5:20
"20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter." This Bible Verse does indeed remind myself and others of the Evil, Wickedness , Propaganda , Lies and Hypocrisy , their Heartless Selfish Cowardly uncaring nature and Fanatacism
Again that Bible Verse is
Isaiah 5:20
Another person typed on a
ReplyDeleteInternet Right To Die group
"It could be so helpful to other people and science etc if we were allowed to choose to die. I heard that a body is only useful for transplant etc upto 4 hours after death, so if they'd just allow us to be put to sleep and maybe be monitored, they could have access to a whole body to use."
Plus on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die group, another person recently typed the following Comment
"Why the hell do pro lifers and breeders talk as if they are selfless and others are selfish?
Getting married is innately selfish, they do it for own sexual and financial, social security needs. They have kids to prove own virility or fertility, have someone to inherit their property or fulfil their own unfulfilled dreams or someone to control and dominate or raise as they please and take care of them in old age. They earn or work for own needs. They buy stuff for own whims or needs. They even pray to God for own selfish needs. So when each action of theirs is selfish then who are they to call others so? What do others do in life which is not selfish? Parties are also selfish show off or selfish networking. Shopping needlessly is selfish. Flaunting life on social media is selfish. Running after money and status or fame is selfish.
Dictating others whether or how to live their OWN lives or meddling in whether someone can die or not is selfish! It is their selfishness to force someone to live against their will or conform to standards they set. How can they call anti natalists and pro death ones as selfish when they are the real selfish ones whose each action is borne out of selfish needs, whims or self made 'social and cultural standards'? Forcing anyone to follow the herd is selfish. Keeping anyone alive against their will is selfish."
And I Will Return in a few days with even More Arguments for Our Movement
I have a Feeling that if
ReplyDeleteR.D. Laing was alive today he would be Supporting the Growing Right To Die Movement for Any and All Suffering people, including for people with unbearable Mental illness
Plus on an Internet
Right To Die group a person recently typed
"Remember that our ideas are not new. Our philosophy transcends the confines of time. It's just people have long dreaded to give voice to life's poignant truths and they, alas, were institutionalized to numb their tribulations. But the truth is there. It's in the wail of the newborn the moment it is pulled from the womb. It's in the cry of the forsaken refugee, the screams of raped mothers, the despair of the hunted, the chill and hunger of the beggar.
Look at many of the tenets of Buddhism. At the laments of Ecclesiastes and the moments Job cursed the day of his birth.
Look at the Cathars, the bonhommes, the good men, who, despite the scholarly debates with regards to their existence, believed that this earth was a relentless prison of carnal torment and condemned procreation. And they endured the stake and the brunt of the wicked church and vicars of Rome.
Our voice has had a name though the ages. It's in the whispers of the forgotten dirges of history. Remember that and be proud. Our movement will catch fire. It's bound to happen. And when it does, we shall rejoice for our voice will have been vindicated and heard loud and clear."
Suicide Prevention Dictators and so-called "professionals" think calling the
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention Hotline will help people,
What "Resources" does the Hotline Actually Have to help people with the Actual Root Causes of their Misery and Suffering, such as Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Loneliness, Social Isolation,
Risk of becoming Homeless, and to Prevent them from ending up living on the Streets or the Homeless Shelter System, the Horrible Shelter System. What about Chronic Loneliness and people unable to get Sex, Countless people who want Sex yet are unable to get it
What alleged "Resources" if any do Suicide Prevention Hotlines have to Help people with the Root Causes of their Misery, the things I just mentioned, are they going to pay the Bills and Rent of Suffering people, help people get Sex ? And if these Suicide Prevention Hotlines actually have Resources that can help get at the Root Causes Of people's Misery and fix them , the problems that I just mentioned, don't the Pro-Life Clowns realize that many people are Terrified to Call a Suicide Prevention Hotline, how Awkward and uncomfortable it is for Suffering people to call , knowing that the calls can be traced and people be thrown into Psych Wards against their Will , so even if Suicide Prevention Hotlines had Actual Resources to Help with Root Causes I mentioned, how can people know about and access them if they are afraid to call the Hotline and be Thrown into Psych Units ? How ?
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die group
ReplyDelete"Nothing sets me off more than being told that I am “blessed” and should be grateful because I have my own apartment, car and a job and never go hungry and that there’s people out here who have it worse than me.
For one, I have to work 12+ hours a day just to survive. To the point where my body is in so much agony. All it takes is for this car to fuck up and I will be on the street because depsite me working long hours, I am not able to save.
Two, why would you want to serve a God that ” bless” one person but not the next.
Three, I should be happy at someone else’s expense?"
A person typed in response to the Above Comment
Delete"The very concept of blessed means someone else is cursed, suffering as a result."
Plus on the Right To Die Group and other Groups in the Growing Right To Die Movement
ReplyDeletePeople often state the famous quote
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
by Jiddu Krishnamurti I'll return in a few days with even more Arguments for Our Movement
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die group
ReplyDelete"There is hardly any pleasure in life which doesn't come at the cost of pain/suffering or deprivation of others (remember "deprivation" is also a kind of suffering because wishing/wanting/desiring something yet not getting it brings frustration/disappointment/sadness). Almost all pleasures cause suffering to others. Let's see few examples.
Both A & B love/like C but C is interested in B only. So both B & C's pleasure will come at the cost of deprivation(suffering/pain) of A only.
Someone else must win a silver or bronze medal in Olympic in order to for someone to win gold medal. NOT to forget that except 3 people ALL other participants won't even be able to win ANY medal at all, LET ALONE gold or silver.
In order to for someone to get his/her desired/favourite university/college many others must be thrown out of the list/race simply because there are always many more applications than there are vacancies or seats.
In order to for someone to get his his/her desired/favourite job in the desired/favourite company many others must be thrown out of the competition. AGAIN, simply because there are always many more applications than there are vacancies or seats.
You go to buy something to shop A instead of shop B. So the income (pleasure) of the owner of shop A comes at the cost of deprivation (suffering/loss) of shop B.
In order to for any movie to hit or super hit at the box office many other movies must fail or be flop because people are not going to waste their money & time.
In order to for someone to become rich so many other people must become poor or middle-class. Because it's technically literally impossible for all people to become rich simultaneously. No economy can work that way."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"Any cricket or football team's win must come at the cost of loss/defeat of opponent team only. Simply because it's technically impossible for both the teams to win simultaneously.
For few/some students to come into merit or distinction list many other students must fail or at least should get less marks in examination. Simply because it's technically impossible for all students to come into merit or distinction list.
Materialistic progress/development must come at the cost of destruction of environment and animals.
Total Population on the earth 100 years ago was only around 1 billion. And average life expectancy was also around 30 to 35 years only. But there were no cures for many diseases. Now we have found many cures for many diseases but population has increased so much therefore, suffering also increased much more. In other words, it really didn't make any/much difference between how was the situation 100 years ago and now.
Thus, there is hardly any pleasure in this world which doesn't come at the cost of or involve suffering/pain/deprivation of others.
If "truly" altruistic/selfless man decided to live a "truly" altruistic/selfless life he will have to give up/sacrifice with most pleasures of life. Thus, his life will become more miserable (so it means AGAIN someone's pleasure at the cost of suffering/pain/deprivation of someone else). There is really no escape from this cycle or loop.
It's just like the basic scientific theory/law about energy that all of us learnt in our schools that "energy neither can be created nor can be destroyed. It can only be converted from one form into another, while the total amount of the energy in the universe always remain intact."
So similarly, suffering neither can be ended fully(except in the state of total extinction) nor can be reduced. It can only be transferred from one person to another, while the total amount of suffering always remains intact in the universe.
Although it's quite possible to see "seemingly/apparently/outwardly" that the lives of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or Kate Winslet or Roger Federer contain much less suffering relatively/comparatively, their suffering is "actually, in fact", transferred to millions/billions of others. The total amount of suffering in the universe always remains as it is. It doesn't go anywhere. It's only "transferred" from one person to another.
As David Benatar says, "A charmed life is so rare that for every one such life there are millions of wretched lives."
Obviously, needless to say, such charmed lives' charmness must come at the cost of wretchedness of millions/billions of others lives."
Another person recently typed on the Right To Die Internet group
ReplyDelete"What is the logic behind calling suicide "cowardice", WHILE people, in general, THEMSELVES are so much afraid of death in this world?
Isn't it like, as is the idiom in English, throwing stones, while you yourself live in a glass-house?" I will Return in a few days with More Arguments for Our Right To Die Movement, Our Growing Movement
Plus a person recently typed on a Pathetic Suicide Prevention Website the Following Comment in Support of the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die that
"I truly believe those who want to go should be able to. You shouldn’t have to be physically ill and on your deathbed to receive assisted suicide.
Quit the ‘talk to someone’ crap.
Life isn’t for everyone… let people end their suffering in a dignified manor. Staying alive to make others happy is no life at all."
A recent comment a person typed on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group Against the Evils of Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism is
"Struggling with mental illness for more than 20 years has brought me to this topic and this group. It would be a huge relief just to KNOW that a peaceful and painless exit option guided by professionals would be avaiable. It would make life much more bearable to simply have this OPTION, even without instantly using it. Also it is impossible to talk to therapists about this topic withouht fearing that they will institutionalize you. I'm not even actually suicidal, I just wonder why this topic is still such a huge tabu nowadays. It's great to find a group where it is possible to simply talk about these thoughts without being judged."
Yet Another person typed on the Right To Die Group Against the Evils of Suicide Prevention
ReplyDelete"sadly a lot of people want to prevent suicide/death but not homelessness and other forms of suffering"
Confirmed, Power Rangers Actor
ReplyDeleteJason David Frank died by
Suicide , look up the details online, now the Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators and so-called "professionals" are going to Cry About it Forever, and have their Immature Hissy Fit
Temper Tantrum, getting all Hysterical and Psychotic about it, having Endless BS Legal Issues . Now the Suicide Prevention, Forced Living idiots are going to get even More
Creepy with their
Pathological Obsession Fixation with Suicide Prevention at All Costs ,
Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and "professionals" are the Most, Annoying, Irritating people in the World, they are the Misfortune of the World,
Plus an article on is headlined
"Contractor: Golden Gate Bridge suicide net will cost $400M" on November 30, 2022
"The lead contractor in charge of building a suicide prevention net on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge that is already years behind schedule says it will cost about $400 million, more than double its original price, because of deterioration that was concealed and other problems.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A suicide prevention net on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge that is already years behind schedule will cost about $400 million, more than double its original price, because of problems sparked by the government agency that manages the span, the lead contractors allege." The full article is online, 400 Million Dollars, 400 Million Dollars is going to be Wasted on a Suicide Prevention Net, $400 Million Tax Payer Dollars Wasted, that 400
Million Dollars should go towards fixing Real Problems in our Society, the Root Causes of People's Misery, that Stupid "Net" won't Stop Suicide, people will just end up funding other Methods,
Can't believe that Insanity
$400 Million Dollars is going to be Wasted
Correction, people will just end up finding other Methods
DeleteGood Grief,
Delete$400 Million Dollars Wasted, All that Money Wasted, Tax Payer Dollars Wasted on the BS
Suicide Prevention Net , and suffering people will just end up finding other methods, $400 Million Dollars Wasted , when all that Money would be better used for Fixing the Actual Root Causes of people's Misery, Improving Actual Quality of Life
400 Million
Delete$400 Million Dollars Wasted
$400 Million Dollars Wasted, Tax Payer Dollars Wasted
$400 Million Dollars Wasted 😡Suffering people will just end up finding other Methods
The Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" are Relentless Parasites with their Pathological Obsession with Suicide Prevention
Many people have said that there is a lot of BS Toxic Positivity in America and Worldwide
ReplyDeletePlus, just as in America and Worldwide there are Public Monuments and Museums devoted to the Horrors of
Slavery, The Holocaust, & Other Genocides in Human History. When the Right To Die, Painless Death with Dignity is ultimately Legalized Everywhere in America and Worldwide, Free of Charge for Any and All Suffering People who Request To Die and Give Explicit Consent . There literally needs to be Public Monuments and Museums in America and Worldwide devoted to the Memory of the Evils and Wickedness, Injustice of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism, and the Victims of Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism, the Horrible Suffering Caused and Prolonged by Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism. So that Humanity Never Forgets the Horrible Injustice and Crime Against Humanity of Suffering Mentally ill and other Suffering people being Forced to "Live" in Misery Against Their Will, Against Their Will, at all Costs to Suffer Even More, till the bitter end, being treated worse than Criminals, worse than animals for the "crime" of wanting to Die
Public Monuments and Museums in America and Worldwide devoted to Remembering & Honoring the countless Victims of Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism in Human History, so that the World Never Forgets and so that the the Horrible Mistakes of History Never Repeats itself
Never Forget and Never Again ,
ReplyDeleteNever Again, Never Again
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"There are two kinds of people-
exploiters and exploited. Exploiters are pro lifers who thrive on the exploited. That's why the exploiters want more and more people to parasite on and vehemently oppose if anyone wants to quit."
Yet Another person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"The word "Therapy" is the wrong way to describe the "get together" between the client and the psychologist.On real therapy, there's an expectation to cure the problem, make it go away forever. Treatment in which the cause goes away but comes back after a while, isn't a good cure. No psychologist can assure to cure your problem. Even medical doctors can't promise you your cause will be cured forever, and psychology is a much more abstract thing. There are so many factors that determine a human being's mental state, and many of them are out of the psychologist's control. Some psychologist even admit that they can't take away your suffering, they can only change your feeling about it. All psychologists can do is give you validation to your feeling and nothing more. While validation is an important thing, it's far from being enough to help a person lead a healthy life. Validation won't cure me from the worst of human scum and won't cure my hunger or exhaustion."
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention and
Forced Living is Torture, Abuse and Terrorism against Suffering people
The Stupidity of Pro-Life
Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and "professionals" Never Ends
Yet Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"One of my father's Distant Cousin Died unexpectedly and Peacefully In his Sleep. He was not too old nor too young was 56 years old. He never thought about death. No signs of any illness on him. Everyone deserves a peaceful death like this. But the death prevention Clowns are causing trouble, their justification is toxic positivity.
Prevent early death, extend your life, Don't be unfortunate to die early".
Another person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"Thoughts on life and death in the midst of chronic illness, mental illness, and suffering as a whole——
Quality or quantity?
I’m about to be 27.
My son who I placed for adoption at birth due to onset of illness is about to be 4.
All my friends are getting married starting careers finishing grad school travellimg buying homes and living large.
I just feel like my youth is zooming by and right when I got sick at 21-22 was when my life was supposed to start.
I didn’t get to finish school, get a job, raise my child etc.
It’s so incredibly hard I’m trying to stay positive but most days it feels impossible
I feel like my life ended before it ever got to start
Occasionally I’ll have a panic attack and write down all the people I need to contact to apologize for goi ghost
Then I come to my senses realize one I don’t have the energy two no one will understand and it’s embarrassing.
I just fell off the face of the earth.
I went from this normal college girl working dating partyin w friends on a track to law school to boom lost it all laying here five years feeling sorry for myself.
There was a lot of trauma in between and I’m trying to work through that but barely have the energy to do so
I’m just stuck. Frozen in time.
Or at least that’s how it feels.
I’m blessed to have food to eat and a roof over my head but that’s not enough for me.
I want relationships experiences and the youthful life I envisioned but never got to see through.
I can appreciate what I have while also mourning what I lost.
But I lost so much so quickly due to trauma this illness poverty mental health and abuse.
I wish I could push some button and go back in time and do things differently but I can’t.
Most days I can wrap my head around it or at least deny it enough to pretend I’m okay.
But I’m not.
Some things are so painful and so major you may never be able to move on….
And that’s where I’m at.
I’m angry I’m sad I’m frustrated.
And most of all I wonder why.
Or could I have done things differently.
Will this ever end
It doesn’t feel like it
One thing is for sure.
I REFUSE to live a mediocre half ass life.
I was NOT put on this earth to lay in bed day after day feeling sorry for myself
And if I cannot find a way to improve my quality of life drastically and soon, I WILL be considering other options.
To quote John Stark
“Live free or die;
Death is not the worst of all evils ….”
Yet Another person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"The level of depression and anxiety I suffer from is literally getting out of hand. I cry intensely 4 or 5 times a day, hating my parents for bringing me into this horrible world. "Life is beautiful" is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The only person i wanna be with doesn't even want me. Everything feels unfair and painful. The only thing I did right in my shitty life and that I'm proud of is that I got sterilised at 25, to not give this horrible punishment that life is to anyone. I'm sorry but breeding is murder. I can't wait to be f*cking dead forever." I will return in a few days with even more Arguments for Our Movement
With the recent Suicide of
ReplyDeleteStephen “tWitch” Boss, the dancer who rose to fame on So You Think You Can Dance and as the DJ for The Ellen DeGeneres Show at the age of 40 on December 13, 2022 . With his recent Suicide,
More Pathetic Pro-Life "Suicide Prevention"
BS articles are appearing online, the Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" are Shamelessly Exploiting his Suicide to Promote More Pathetic Lame
"Suicide Prevention" BS and Propaganda, Lies and False Hope given to Suffering people
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group that
ReplyDelete"Who else is fed up of this bullshit fake sorrows, fake show of sympathy after every high profile suicide case eh?
I hate these pretentious posts, tweets, media panels, discussions post suicides. And the lame suggestion to 'check up on friends'. Balderdash.
Why this show off, why this pretense? And why judge someone who decided to take own decision for oneself? Why the F does world have issues with one taking decision for own life if one wants to end it? Why the nonsensical media glare?"
Yet Another person typed in the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group as a Response
"I must add I HATE this bullshit claiming suicide is tragedy or call for help. Blah blah. STFU. Just accept that person had right to decide for oneself. According to me s**cide is greatest act of personal sovereignty, self determination, self assertion and autonomy. You MUST have right to d*e your way, as per your wish, at time of your choosing. Who asked for this unnecessary attention or analysis of someone's death? Why can a person not be allowed to die without being subjected to unnecessary attention?"
Yet Another person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group
"I've just read the most heartbreaking story in an LGBT group.
The guy met another guy who was 20 years older than him in the early 2000's. They used to have casual sex. One day, the older guy recorded the young guy during sex. The young guy was in the closet, his parents were very conservative and were against LGBT people, so the older guy realized he had a really good "card to play with", he told the younger guy "I will force you to have sex with all of my friends, and if you refuse, I will send the video to your parents". So the young guy was forced into sexual abuse multiple times. In order to escape the situation, the young guy logged off the internet and the cellphone and cut ties with the older guy. The older guy managed to find the young guy's parents and sent them the video. The parents kicked the young guy out of the house and he was homeless. He was 17, afraid of the dark, still going to school. He slept on the beach and took showers in the beaches shower, he volunteered with old people only to get access for food. He went to the military (mandatory service), which gave him a shelter, but after a while, during his military service, he was no longer qualified for accommodation , so he went back to the beach, when he finished his military service, nobody visited him. Today he works at a very crappy job lives in a very crappy small place. He's very miserable and he suffers tremendously.
It's stories like this which is why I support the right to die. There's just too much suffering going on for people who did nothing wrong. If society can't or doesn't want to help people like him live with dignity, let him at least die with dignity to end his pain."
Yet Another person typed in the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group:
"Just tried to have a conversation with a ‘therapist’. Waiting to see if I will be incarcerated for being ‘a danger to myself’. I am trying to take care of myself, an impossible task, in this existence fraught with danger at every turn. We are the whistleblowers who point out the hypocrisy and pay the price with banishment…I’m reminded of Galileo being an outcast for suggesting that our planet revolved around our sun…"
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"Yesterday, I came across an article in the Psychiatric Times written by Dr. Brent Kious and Dr. Margaret Battin highlighting a moral dilemma between the current practice of giving the terminally ill the dignified option of Physician Assisted Dying (PAD) while shoving the chronically mentally ill into the undignified Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment for Suicide Prevention (IPCSP). In their article, Drs Kious and Battin point out the obvious, considerate, and humane idea that intolerable and chronic suffering should be treated the same for mental illness as it is for physical illness in the medical setting, and added an excellent point that IPCSP not only discriminates against the mentally ill in this regard and puts them at an unfair disadvantage here, but it also gives physicians an undeserved power to oppress the mentally ill and to determine that their suffering isn't disabling, chronic, and painful enough to be good candidates for euthanasia. And sure enough, the pro-life asshole of all pro-life assholes, Mark Komrad, together with his cronies, got in a back and forth with Kious and Battin in the Psychiatric Times through an exchange of counterpoint essays, starting off by proving Kious and Battin right about the other side's opinionated practices when it asserts in its first rebuttal essay that "involuntary psychiatric commitment to prevent suicide suggests that the suffering of persons with mental illness does not justify ending their own lives, ruling out PAD." Komrad and his cronies say this in their first rebuttal essay, word for word, just like that, as if their simply saying that made it true and coupled with Mark Komrad's trademark inconsideracy and insensitivity for the excessive amount of pain that the mentally ill (which he undesrvingly gets to see) have to go through on a regular basis. Like that wasn't enough enough, Mark Komrad and his team add a dose of shameless hypocrisy in their rebuttal essays to Drs Kious and Battin by not only demonizing euthanasia for the mentally ill (whose goal is to end suffering, not to prolonge it!), but by saying that it is *unethical* for clinicians to comply with 'vulnerable' people with mental illness to euthanize them (while implying that subjecting these vulnerable people to unwanted, forced treatment that sometimes leads to unwanted, forced, and unpleasant outcomes, is perfectly ethical). These assholes also conclude that, because forcing the mentally ill to unwanted treatment is ethical from their twisted view of what is 'ethical' and what isn't while complying with their wishes to be euthanized isn't, then there isn't really a moral dilemma between the terminally ill being allowed to die with dignity, and not the mentally ill, to begin with."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"No, I didn't get it, either.
As I put myself through the triggering task to read Mark Komrad's team's subsequent rebuttal essays, which got increasingly harder to understand due to their infuriating tendency to put together excessive archaic and Latin words together to convey ideas that they could have just written in the simpler and more relatable English that Drs Kious and Battin used in their articles, I actually came to discover the very root of Mark Komrad's and his team's stubbornness to accept what people like you and I understand as ethical practices.
According to Mark Komrad and his team, they derive their ideas of what is ethical and what isn't in medical practice from what they call "Hippocratic medicine," which they say is in absolute opposition to euthanasia and set the ground rules for what is ethical in medical practice and what isn't, which are outlined by Hippocratic ideals. Komrad & Co. regard these rules of ethics as absolute and unchangeable to whatever legislative, cultural, etc. challenges their ethical legitimacy. They go on to argue that euthanasia is in violation of the principle of beneficence, that it is therefore against the values of the "hippocratic medicine" that their counter-intuitive ideology was founded on, and that it also goes against what they believe is the driving force of hippocratic medicine: to heal/cure/treat/ etc. but not to kill. "
& continues
ReplyDelete"It was quite enlightening for a non-comformist in current medical practice like myself to get some clarity as to why so many clinicians are so stubborn about euthanasia. However, despite this insight, I still see major flaws and contradictions in Komrad & Co.'s so called "Hipoccratic" inclinations:
Issue #1: If these pro-lifer clinicians are so bound to healing and not killing that they won't comply with euthanasia requests for people with refractory mental illness, why do they not condemn PAS for the terminally ill in their essays? What about PAS for the terminally ill makes it more consistent with "Hippocratic" values that PAS for the mentally ill does not?
Issue #2: Despite the claims that Komrad & Co. make about "Hippocratic" medical guidelines being "absolute" and "unchangeable," the Hippocratic Oath has been changed numerous times as have Hippocratic standards. As Drs Kious and Battin pointed out: The original Hippocratic Oath limited training in medicine to males and prohibited not only giving a deadly drug even if asked for it, but also surgery, abortion, and taking fees for teaching medicine. Multiple revised versions of the Oath have been developed to try to align it with contemporary medical and social values." Explain to me, Komrad and company, where's the "consistency" of "Hippocratic" values in this. Also, explain to me why these changes are ok while changes to negative views about euthanasia for the mentally ill are not.
Issue #3: The Hippocratic Oath, after having gone a shit-ton of changes through history, says THIS in its more recent version: "Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty." This part of the oath clearly states that taking a life is going to be part of the Hippocratic job at one point. So, what's all this bullshit talk that Komrad & Co. give the readers of their rebuttals, time and time again, about the doctor being the healer and NEVER opting for taking lives for medical reasons?
Issue #4, and perhaps the worst issue: Komrad & Co. take Hippocratic ideals to gospel to such an absurd extent that they wind up practicing to honor and glorify their beliefs about the profession over the interest of the patients that they see. These clinicians that so much oppose euthanasia for the mentally ill go by the book to such an extent that they will step on their vulnerable patients' toes if it means honoring their ideology. Therefore, Komrad & Co.'s practices are based in fundamentalist biases that serves their clan rather than pragmatic approaches that are more patient centered and that honor each patient case or situation more amply and prudently than the cookie-cutter and narrow one-size-fits-all Hippocratic approach to medicine that is centered on an outdated pro-life ideology that has been tampered with too many times to deserve to be deemed legitimate and reliable to tell us right vs. wrong in medicine.
Conclusion: Komrad & Co. are anachronic fundamentalist clinicians that modern medicine does not need. We need Drs like Kious and Battin who advocate for the dignity and comfort of patients, and who place these virtues, and their patients, at the center of medical practice who also understand that death is sometimes the only hope that their patients have to have any kind of dignity and comfort in their sometimes-troubled existence.
Yet Another Person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"Why the hell do people want to live long or age? I find it ridiculous that health and looks, senses and memory decline with age and still people live, keep going on or keep getting operations or surgeries done hoping to fix themselves. Or believe in pseudo science or remedies hoping to keep healthy or stay young. Total nonsense. Why these surgeries or procedures or knee replacement, dentures, wigs, hair transplant or botox or treatments to be what you are not and spend so much money trying to fix the inevitable decline?"
And another person typed
ReplyDelete"'Y 'chromosome is decreasing worldwide and fertility rate also decreasing, nature wants Population decline."
Another person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group:
"Legalizing euthanasia will only encourage the government to eugenics the poor. Instead of helping them, they just let them die".
For the thousands of years that human societies have existed, euthanasia was illegal, but it didn't put any pressure on the leaders to improve the pleb's living conditions."
A person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group
"I think media, books, religion, astrology, motivational books are reason for lot of unrealistic expectations, false hopes, sadness, disappointments, false beliefs, standards and fantasies people have? I think it just makes person more miserable and unable to handle actual realities of real world which is totally random, cut throat, unpredictable and full of uncertainty. Our system fails humans by giving them false hopes, controlled or protected environment as kids and throwing them to wilderness later without teaching them how to deal with unforeseen or inimical circumstances."
A person typed in response
ReplyDelete"This was my experience as someone with a strict, religious, oversheltered, overparented, traumatic, escapist upbringing up until my early to mid-20s. "Real life" has been constant shocks and traumas one after the other, even worse (in some ways) than my experiences of childhood bullying and teen bullying. Many people aren't realistically and properly prepared for adulthood. The fact people often experience "adulting" as a shock is observational proof of this pattern."
Another comment typed in response was
ReplyDelete" Perfectly said. Enmeshment with parents and over protected environment at home with parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts keeping you in a fixed or predictable routine or over sheltering you or not letting you explore things your way or instilling fear in you and not preparing you for real world and even school having rigid or fixed structure, ultimately do not prepare us for real world. This is why adulting hits hard. It is hard to figure what to do. What decisions or choices to make and also far worse if things do not happen in real life as it was taught in school or college or home or written in books. Some people seek self help books or coaches for everything in life or need guidance as they cannot handle things themselves or by own instinct nor can they handle plans going awry."
And another person typed in response
ReplyDelete"I have done tons of therapies and personal growth groups but at the end it did not have the slightest result."
A person typed in response about those therapies and personal growth groups
ReplyDelete" I think they are counter productive rather and make you feel worse"
A person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group
"Why does so called society, family, media, friends, doctors, therapists, self help books etc try to make you conform? Why can they not leave a person alone and let them do whatever they want on their own? Why they gotta judge or slander or create social or emotional pressure or make you feel you are doing something wrong or dictate what to do or judge you or interfere in your life, beliefs, ideology or else throw labels at you and threaten you? Why not live and let live, let each do their own thing, die and let die, mind own business and stay in own lane? Why they gotta eye everything you do in real life or online or poke nose in neighbour's house or gossip or bitch about everyone or use even violence to enforce their diktat or gang up on others to make them conform?"
Another person typed in response
ReplyDelete"I'm starting to think that normie people obsess about and try to police what other people do, because it distracts them from noticing that all their bulls*** is pointless and from dwelling on the fact that they aren't interested in their own boring empty lives. They can't let themselves realize that though because then they would have to admit something is wrong with "how we do things" and "it is how it is" and wouldn't be able to keep up that Toxic Positivity they so believe in."
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"It just hit me that part of the pro-life dictatorship that we all live under doesn't just manifest itself in brutal and aggressive tactics like police chases and apprehensions of suicidal individuals in the United States. It also manifests itself in simple things like the type of comments that people make in groups like this one (rightfully critical about life, suicide prevention, and medical oppression) being censored and erased in other groups, and people posting those comments being shamed and removed from those groups. Toxic positivity, pro-life culture, and suicide-prevention incentives are very oppressive, even in the most subtle ways."
Another person typed in response
ReplyDelete"I’ve been thinking a lot about how humans live too long . Our detriment and damage to the earth would have been greatly limited if at a minimum we didn’t increase our life expectancy, but that came with agriculture , building societies , Industrial Revolution etc even if we didn’t try to … as long as humans innovate unfortunately most things lead to longer lives and encouraging that. It’s sickening"
Another comment recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group was
ReplyDelete"How many of you feel totally daunted and repelled seeing unfairness, corruption, hypocrisy, crimes, lawlessness, manipulation and unethical behaviour in world? And the more you see what a lie everyone is putting up, how whatever you studied or believed was mostly not true, and people drift apart or become unrecognizable, the more you hate life and world and feel out of place and no longer want to be part of it?"
A person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"We need to bombard “preventionists” and optimists with these facts:
According to the World Economic Forum -
50 million people (around 1 in 150) are living in modern day slavery.
22 million are in forced marriages
700 million live in absolute poverty (with over 800 million malnourished)
An estimated 1.3 billion people – or 16% of the global population – experience a significant disability today. - WHO
Across their lifetime, 1 in 3 women, around 736 million, are subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence from a non-partner - WHO
These are only based on 5 statistic. There’s 8 billion of us and we already covered over 2 billion people living in hellish situations.
No wonder 25 million people attempt each year. I’m surprised the number isn’t far higher. How can anyone see life as a net positive?"
Another person typed on the Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"Procreation has led to 67 million deaths in 2022. “Choose Life” is probably the most popular slogan used by preventionists.
Our parents chose life for us. If we live long enough, we will have no choice but to die.
“Pro-life” is an oxymoronic term. The creation of life will always lead to a “natural” promortalist outcome."
A person typed in response
ReplyDelete"None of them is "Pro-Life", they don't give a damn about the kind of life this person grows up with.
They're just "Pro-Birth" and that's it."
Another person typed
ReplyDelete"What I hate about our modern world is the extreme longevity of people today. Science has done much more to extend the duration of life than to increase the quality of life. As a result, the total suffering of a modern person is likely to be greater in many cases than that of a prehistoric person who died at 30 from an infected wound."
Another person typed
ReplyDelete"Suffering that goes on in this world every second and every single day is astonishing & unbelievable."
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"Few days back when I was watching a News Channel, in a discussion show there was an incompassionate Psychiatrist who criticized everyone who wants to die. She talked very madly blatantly offending all people who desire death her justification was suicidal thoughts are a disease it must be treated. I was shocked to see that no one raised their voice or any words against her."
A person typed in reply to the comment about the
ReplyDeleteincompassionate Psychiatrist
"You know who needs to be treated? People with a mentality that glorifies suffering and expects everyone to accept the same. Rightfully, they should be categorized as mentally unstable."
Another person said that they are psychopathic/sociopathic
ReplyDeleteand another said
" I'll take it a step further and say they are psychotic. They share the same mindset as those who kidnap people to torture their victims for their own enjoyment and entertainment. Yet suicide preventionist whether by profession or everyday people, are looked as heroes and angels. I agree with everything you say they are unstable."
And another person typed in reply
ReplyDelete"I never watch news when a bigshot commits suicide. I hate why media makes news of suicide as if it is something wrong or people are in denial and refuse to believe it is suicide and think it is murder.
I hate nonsense on social media and these anchors, counsellors, therapists, doctors talking shit and behaving as if it is illness or today's youth are weak. Like using suicide of someone else to sell own ideology or services and trap more clients. What is wrong in suicide and why therapists talk shit?"
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"Ugh, yes!! Just yesterday, I came across another piece of merchandise from the pathetic "Life is Good" line. We would all obviously want to burn it or throw darts at it in this group for the obvious lie in the design. But because this shirt is so offensive to us, and out of sheer pleasure, I'm going to shit on the design of this shirt not just from an antinatalist point of view, but from an art critique/analysis point of view. I've taken several graphic design courses where we've had to analyze graphics and the success of a piece in conveying a message, so I'm gonna take a shot at this with this shitty design. Y'all should get some popcorn, chips, a coke, or whatever cuz I think you guys are gonna love this.
I'm going to shit on pro-life propaganda like it hasn't been shat on before."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"From my first glance at the sweater, I was repulsed by the design in it not only because of the intended message (the idea that "life is good"), but also because of the mediocre and illogical way the artist tried to convey it. The main theme in the picture seems to be a moment in life where the stick figure is having a bonfire with their beloved pet on a campfire with a smile on his face, and the artist added the words "dining out" to sort of tell us what the special occasion is in the image. Those two elements alone, in my opinion, are a neat way of reminding us of the good moments in life and encouraging us to embrace them. Many people derive happiness and pleasure from those moments, so I can't argue with the artist up to that point. But then he slaps the words, "life is good" underneath, and that's where he fucks up the design as a hole and the potential for it to be relatable and engaging, even to those of us with life-hating leanings. The artist is mistakenly implying that, because of the good moments in life (like the “dining out moments”), life as a whole is good- taking the message to a disturbing extreme and generalizing the "holistic goodness" of life the artist advertises even to the terrible suffering of struggling, vulnerable, and pain-stricken human beings who, for example, are hardly in a position to even have a bonfire, or even a loving sentient being to their side, or even a damn sausage to eat. Sure, even the most struggling of individuals may have good times in their life here and there, but it makes no logical sense to assume that, because of those sporadic good moments in life, that life as a whole is good.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with this ex-”friend” of mine from a college student organization with whom I never looked eye-to-eye due to her being repulsed by my anger issues from back then, and due to me feeling like she had a privilege-derived condescending bitch streak in everything she said to me. I remember a time when I told her that, “life sucks.” And she said, “No. A moment can suck, but life doesn’t suck.” And here’s yet another example of how that bitch and I are opposites: with this art analysis, I want to argue the exact opposite of what that bitch said to me: A MOMENT IN LIFE CAN BE GOOD, BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE LIFE AS A WHOLE GOOD!"
& lastly says
ReplyDelete"Also, I think that the design in the sweater also fails in reaching people in another highly notable interpretation of the entire design, which doesn’t only come off as offensive to those who hate life, but highly egocentric and short-sighted in general. By the artist telling his audience that life is good because the stick figure (or anyone in the stick figure’s position) THEMSELVES are having a good “dinging out” experience in it, then the artist is essentially conveying the idea that life is good because of the good life experience(s) that the people represented by the stick figure THEMSELVES have, as though their own experience alone was some sort of universal determinant or qualifier of how “good” life is.
So, this eyesore of a graphic design fails in one major way: by adding the words, “life is good” to an otherwise respectable design. Why? Because, by adding those three words, the artist is implying two ideas which are highly inaccurate and short-sighted:
1) The idea that the good times in life make all of life good.
2) The idea that the good experiences in life of a few make all of life good for all.
It's so sad to see the potential for viewer engagement of a visual design become completely killed off just by adding the sentence, “life is good.” Without it, the whole design would could have narrowed its focus on the good times in life alone, which would have been a much more relatable and powerful theme that would have even spoken to a huge population of life haters. The good thing is that the artist was honest at the very least, and told us from the get-go that life is what he’s praising, more than just bonfires and the company of pets. So that’s where we know to ridicule the hole outfit as I did in this photo.
Fuck life, fuck that sweater, fuck its design, and fuck the “Life is Good” wholesaler!"
Another person recently typed on the Right To Die Internet Group
ReplyDelete"What a lot of positive optimistic life lovers don’t understand is at times they be confessing life is bullshit indirectly. When they say “it’s the little things in life” they just confirmed life is majorly suffering. When they say ” you have to find something worth living for” If life is so great, you wouldn’t have to find something worth living for because life itself would suffice. When they say “my life had no meaning until I had my baby and my baby saved my life” Well what is your baby saving you from? It’s like saying you’re locked up in a basement (prison called life) but now because you have your child with you, it is not as bad because at least you aren’t alone. Now your child is locked up in the basement."
Another person typed in reply to the Comment about Life Lovers
ReplyDelete"They are manipulative liars. I honestly think they are pitiful." and that there is a lot of
Toxic Positivity BS going around
An online article about
ReplyDeleteSuicide Prevention dated
January 1, 2023 says in part
"the reason suicide rates have remained stubbornly high for decades is the outdated notion that mental illness is what causes suicide.
“We have decades of research that that core assumption—the bedrock of prevention efforts nowadays—is wrong,” said Bryan, who directs the Suicide Prevention Program at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. “We keep zeroing in on one small piece of the puzzle, then scratching our heads that…we’re not bending the curve.” This misconception has led to focusing on mental health treatment as the primary method of preventing suicide. Bryan and a growing number of psychologists believe that practitioners should instead look at the broader problems, such as financial struggles, relationship problems, discrimination, and other factors, that put people at risk.
“Because we’ve thought of suicide as a mental health problem—something inside people—we say, ‘You suffer from depression and need to go to treatment,’” said Bryan. “But therapy and medications won’t pay your bills, won’t help you have a boss who treats you with dignity and respect, won’t change the neighborhood you’re in.” Psychologists, said Bryan, need to go beyond mental health, empower patients, and become advocates for better jobs, housing, and nondiscrimination policies." Even in the Full Context of the article, the point is the same, Not Everyone who dies by Suicide has a Mental illness, Not everyone who wants to Die has a Mental illness or Terminal illness. Wanting to Die is Not a Mental illness. All types of Suffering people want to Die. Countless People are Suffering from Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness , Unemployment, Loneliness, Housing Insecurity, Fear of Crime, Too Much Stress at Work, School, being unable to get Sex, not even being able to legally Pay for Sex via Prostitution without Fear of Being Arrested , the list goes on of Horrible Problems that Countless people have, we need to Fix Our Society as Countless people have said, Make All of Society More Humane. Create a Better Social Safety Net for All Citizens , Much Less Paperwork, Documentation, Red Tape, Waiting Periods, Headache, Hassle. So that no one ever Falls through the cracks or gets lost I. The System, etc. Improve Quality of Life for All Citizens, get at the Root Causes of people's Misery and Fix them. Governments, Society, Charitable Organizations coming together to help the Less Fortunate and Suffering people
Plus , people Suffering from Mental illness often have other problems in their Life in addition to Their Mental illness, problems such as Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness , Unemployment, Loneliness, Inability to get Sex , etc
ReplyDeleteA person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group that
"Wow. I was just watching a video documentary on Arthur Schopenhauer which states the following, word for word:
"Schopenhauer, however, became increasingly disillusioned by academic philosophers because of their emphasis on abstractions and generalizations instead of experience. Academic philosophers, he felt, acquired their philosophical problems conceptually, while the REAL philosophers acquired them existentially- by an involuntary reflection on their own existence and experience."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"If you guys think about it, there's noticeable parallels between Schopenhauer's discontent with the academic philosophers of his time and our discontent as a group with the societies and institutions that impose the pro-life hegemony of our own time which we so much despise. We as a group derive our motives for voluntary euthanasia mostly from practical life lessons and life experience (similarly to how Schopenhauer approached his work) while the pro-life imbeciles that oppose euthanasia tend to base their motives on *generalizations* about the "goodness" of life as well as *concepts* about medical ethics stating that euthanasia is "wrong" (like the academic philosophers of Schopenhauer's time would have done), regardless of how the struggling, vulnerable, and death-wishing people of the world are affected by being forced to live.
I think that seeing this parallel between Schopenhauer's clash with academic philosophers and our clash with pro-lifers helps to put things in perspective and to see a key way in which we are right, and pro-life, euthanasia opposers are wrong:
Pro-lifers are wrong in their opposition to euthanasia because they expect their generalizations and concepts about people's lives (in other words, their positive bias towards life) to apply to everyone, and therefore set out to impose life on those who do not wish to live, even if this causes a noticeable distress and decline in a person's life that only helps to prove how bad life really is and how the pro-lifers' motives are rooted in a skewed view of life and an outdated, misguided Hippocratic idea of what it truly means to "do no harm," and to truly "benefit," people in pain. This is why assholes like Mark Komrad, for example, are not shy about expressing a lack of empathy for people with a serious, chronic struggle with refractory mental illness (an unethical thing to do) in his numerous papers against voluntary psychiatric euthanasia. He attributes his disapproval of this practice to Hippocratic ideals against it and thus simply concludes that ignoring a pain-stricken patient's beg for death to a difficult to treat ailment is the *ethical* thing to do, even if it isn't. So, if the Hippocratic Corpus had stated somewhere that all doctors should go to a zoo and suck and elephant's dick, Komrad would do it without hesitation.
We, on the other hand, are right because we are primarily focused on the human experience and the practical knowledge derive from it. Through this knowledge. we've come to realize that life has been cruel and unjust to a lot of us with some kind of pervasive illness of affliction, and that the positive conceptualization of life and the traditional medical views against euthanasia that dominate our world today simply don't hold enough water to be deemed "absolute truths," so we make strides to ensure that one day euthanasia will be legal for those who need it while those who want to live can still live.
Simply put, pro-lifers are wrong because they want to impose their will on those who wish to die based on concepts and generalizations about life, while we are advocating for the extension of their rights based on experiences that tell us that the cruel nature of life *urges* the need for the legalization of euthanasia rather than its continued criminalization.
Pro-lifers want to take away rights from those who need them, while we advocate for the people who need them to have them. That makes us better than our counterparts.
I think we're on the right track, and I strongly believe that the more we put our lived experiences with life's cruelty out into the open, the less that pro-lifers will be able to defend the anti-euthanasia practices that do significant harm on their victims."
A person recently typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"I've been thinking a lot about those who could have been saved if only the government was less corrupt, and according to this logic, euthanasia should be illegal because most people can be saved with better social services, and that's why people would say we should dedicate all our energy and resources on pressuring the governments to do more and not to legalize euthanasia. But there's two things I understood:
1. We live in a society - someone has to build up that society. Someone has to get very uncomfortable to make me comfortable, someone has to risk his own life to save others. This world is a very dangerous place and innocent people might find themselves disabled for life for accidents that aren't their fault. Even the most generous society can't prevent this from happening.
2. Ever since the dawn of humanity, humanity failed in creating a non corrupt society, so expecting governments to be more generous is just unrealistic. Power corrupts. So instead of struggling for social housing, which obviously isn't achieving anything, I don't think we have a choice but to change our struggle from wanting a fair society to giving an exit door to those who don't want to be here. It's not the most ideal thing,but it can still prevent lots of suffering, and we do not have any other option."
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"I sent a text to my creative writing teacher about the right to die, and this is the reply I got.
"Hello -----,
Sorry for the late reply, I was busy getting married.
Your text is wonderful, powerful, thought provoking and important.
I, personally, think that every person has the right to determine when to end his own life.
I'm "only" 46, but many times I think about that one day will come and (hopefully, I won't suffer from any medical problems), I will decide to voluntarily exit this world, let's say, at 86."
And he considers himself as a very optimistic, life loving person."
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Clowns, Dictators and
"Professionals" are the Root Cause of Countless Problems and Misery in America and Worldwide
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"People in police, mental health professionals, army, medical profession, media/journalism, criminology etc know how harsh world is and have seen worse side of the world on daily basis. Why do they have kids at all and decide to bring kids in such a harsh, dirty, ugly world? Why do they not support suic*de, euthanasia, right to die unconditionally?
It is strange how you see worse side of people and world on daily basis yet still want to bring or continue life."
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"Ugh, what a pity to wake up to live another day. Yet another morning to taste the nasty flavor of my misery against my will.
I once had a psychiatrist tell me that "I need to start seeing the value of living." What fucking value is he talking about? Living a pain-stricken existence against my will? That's valuable?! That's as big of a lie as the lie that people have been told in notorious dictatorships of the world- that they live in absolute paradise, even when that paradise involves some kind of oppression and a life of struggle. Of course, that old fuck of a psychiatrist makes all the money that many of his patients don't make, can afford a dignified living that many of his patients cannot afford, and has it better overall than most of his patients do, so of course he's going to believe that there's "value" to living. That's just his privileged subconscious talking. It's as big of a lie as saying that there's value to living in a jail cell. Or, rather, it's like a prison guard telling an inmate that there's value in living in prison.
We all know that the idea that "life is good," is a similar lie. It's an overgereneralization of human existence that just doesn't apply to large populations of struggling individuals in this disgusting world. I think that people who like to just say out of their ass that "life is good" really just mean to say that life is good to *them* and they're therefore content with life as a whole. They're too comfy in their happy little world that they don't even make the effort to take in stories of people whose luck in life is severely lacking, and therefore continue taking the red pill of happy lies about the "goodness" of life.
Fuck life. Life is bad as it is not good to everyone."
A woman in the Right To Die Group typed in response to the comment
ReplyDelete"Totally agree. I had rich a privileged friends who called me a whiner. I don’t even own an apartment. I have half of room in russian kommunalka (community place), and I didn’t have money to travel, I was able only when I was a sex worker. And they were always telling me that I choose to suffer (not to mention developmental trauma and child abuse, sexual too). Only here people understand me"
The person who typed the original comment replied to the woman
ReplyDelete" I have developmental trauma, too. And we're both lucky that we even have it diagnosed because developmental trauma is something that (at least in America) often goes undetected by doctors (that is, the mororns who think that they know better than their patients). In 20 years of having seen hundreds of clinicians, only ONE therapist actually even saw developmental trauma in me, and that was only two years ago that I learned I had something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember. But even then, developmental trauma is still difficult to live with, even when you know you have it. As you probably know, it makes it hard to learn fast at work and school, and the end result is authority figures either shouting at you for not working as fast as they would like, or politely telling you with a cringey face that you're not doing as well as they would like. And developmental trauma is even worse when you're dealing with abusers and manipulators. They fool us into thinking that something we do that they don't like makes us bad, or that whatever bad things happen between them and us is entirely our fault, and that the manipulators themselves don't have any responsibility in it. And it's frustrating that our trauma-stricken brains simply can't fight the lies in our heads. We believe them, because manipulators have made us believe for the longest time that everything is our fault. It hurts to believe the lies of the manipulators, but it also hurts to believe the caring people who want to expose the lies of the manipulators for what they are. It's like your brain wants to keep you stuck in a position of suffering, regardless of what path you take in situations like these. And these catch-22's are one of the things that make me hate life so much, and why I think that life is bad. If life was good, trauma would not happen, or at the very least not involve so much pain in the recovery process. That, "no pain, no gain" aspect of life, in my opinion, is what makes life particularly sinister, despotic, and far from "good."
The reply continues
ReplyDelete"I empathize with the housing situation you mentioned. Because of my mental illness, it's hard for me to sustain the higher paying jobs. So, low income, means shittier housing, and shittier housing means that you sometimes have to share living spaces with people who show nothing but the most disgusting, primitive, depraved, and animal-like facets of living beings.
Also, I think it's interesting that you mentioned Russian komunalkas because, when I wrote this post and mentioned the dictatorships that brainwash their people into believing that they live in paradise, I was specifically thinking about communist Russia and the Soviet era joke about the Russian who compares a painting of Adam and Eve to Soviet Russia because of the fact that Adam and Eve have no clothes, have only an apple to eat, and think they're in paradise (as people were expected to believe they were in the Soviet Union who lived in similar conditions). The pro-life movements of the world aren't much different. In fact, they borrow this form of manipulation for control from oppressive regimes from the past. Pro-life clinicians want many of us with refractory mental illness and resulting precarious protective factors to believe that we have a lot going for us when in fact we don't. That's toxic optimism and denial of life's cruelty at their worst.
Anyways, I also feel like this is the only group where I feel truly understood. People here actually embrace my posts, whereas in other mental health-related groups (whose overwhelming majority is pro-life), my posts would never make it past the admin approval process, and I would probably get booted out of those groups within a day of membership in those groups. That comes to show how those of us who refuse to settle for pro-life ideals seem to be largely outnumbered, or at least outpowered by a dominant pro-life society. It's a shame.
Anyways, I apologize that I wrote so much. I just feel like I can relate to several of the issues you brought up in your comment."
Another person typed in reply
ReplyDelete"The privileged like to tell the rest that life is precious and worthwhile because they always need an enormous underclass to prop their privilege up. Without a lot of "losers" in the big game, they can't live like "winners". Without a bunch of labor surplus and education saturation and high consumer demand from billions of human beings struggling to meet their basic needs and buying crappy products in attempts to fill the hollow bored places inside themselves, the privileged wouldn't be privileged. That's why they want us to breed and why they want us to live. They like it even more when we're sick, because then we're cash-cows for the medical profession. When we die, we cut off their projected profits. In that way, our lives have a kind of sick them. It's why they can't explain how it is meant to be of such great value to ourselves."
Yet another person in the Group typed
ReplyDelete"I can't help but look at pro-lifers, pro-natalists, anti-suicide/euthanasia people as almost completely indoctrinated and uncritically blind as the way most of them see and scoff at those citizens living in totalitarian monarchist dictatorship like North Korea who religiously praise the glories of the "dear leader" and deceased godhead Kim-Il-Sung." While another person pointed out that Life is good for some people, and even then only if they were born good looking and into a rich family. Sadly for most people in America and Worldwide Life is Not good or beautiful,
And I will return in a few days with even more Arguments for the Growing Right To Die Movement
A person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"I don't know who started that "rumor" that teenagers end their lives only due to a "break up". Teenagers suffer from real problems, school stress, bullying and agression, parents' financial problems, abusive house holds, being an ethnic minority etc. Teenagers suffer from serious problems and their emotional distress should be taken seriously."
Another person typed in the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group
"With every passing minute. I feel terrified, weak, cursed, and incomprehensible. All these feelings unite inside me and press me so hard in my head, I feel like I'm going to explode or I feel like a part of me is missing. I can not stop crying. How did I end up here?
Life is a cosmic injustice."
Another person typed online in reply about Life being
ReplyDeletea Cosmic Injustice that
""Life is a cosmic injustice"
That's one of the best, most revealing and insightful statements I've heard, hidden well under the millions of lies about life's "beauty" which we're bombarded by every. Single. Fucking. Day.
As for the feelings you're describing, I can relate. The thoughts you're sharing are the very same thoughts that I had when my mental illness began getting seriously bad after I graduated from high school. It's like I was entering the super scary part of a rollercoaster that I had never seen before. I was entering a terrain of psychological terror I never even knew existed, which I felt that most people around me didn't understand. That made me feel all the more terrified, like I was in a creepy, haunted island all by myself.
How did you end up there? We may never know. But the good thing is that there are groups like this one where we can fight for the right to no longer exist so that everyone in this boat doesn't feel obligated to live this kind of nightmare against their will, especially those with treatment-resistant mental illness."
Another person typed in reply about Life being a Cosmic Injustice that
ReplyDelete" That exactly perfect the way your inquiry states it, and Thanks for coming to this Group because most people don't understand that life is a psychological terror in and of itself and The evil narcissistic people have made it complicated because they wants us to suffer and be slave to this evil system of lies and deceptive tyranny etc...."
Yet another person typed in Reply to Life being a Cosmic Injustice that
ReplyDelete""You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth PERFECTLY because when its all said and done life is an Evil Injustice of all of the chaotic problems, we all deserves a peaceful and painless way out ..I'm depressed everyday in ever way shape and form and beyond as well." because I mean no one ever asked to be here at all costs of this evil enslaved life period...."
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"I want to share something with you I shared with my brother last night. Life lovers don’t seem to understand there is something wrong with them being okay with suffering.
Life lovers always think that because you want to die that something is severely wrong with you mentally. I can’t speak for everyone but my reasoning for wanting to die has nothing to do with myself but everything to do with the outside world. Yet people like my brother don’t get it. So I asked him,
Remember the mass school shootings involving Uvalde and Sandy Hook. Everyone was thoroughly upset about that and showed compassion. Now say if you were talking to someone about those same events and they say “who gives a f , it’s life, and start laughing,” we can all agree that we would look at them like they are crazy and vile. Because who could find joy and laughter after a tragic event like that happens?
So when it comes to all the suffering in this world who is the one REALLY mentally ill? Life lovers who find happiness after all the horrific things going on in the world or realists who see all the horrific things and show empathy and express sadness because we actually hate suffering."
A person typed in response to the comment about
ReplyDeleteLife Lovers
"Do life lovers actually love life or are they coping through different methods? Number 1 way for them to cope is procreating & holding people hostage in relationships with them. That's y they don't support suicide. If my baby bro came to me & told me he wanted to go, I would help him find the quickest, painless method
Not gaslight him in order to reduce my suffering. Of course I would miss him but it's his decision to make."
Another person typed in response about coping through different methods
ReplyDelete"Have you noticed that those who claim to love life are the ones who bicker a lot and those who claim to be religious are unable to accept God's plans for them. They are the most hypocritical people. At least we hate life and we acknowledge that."
Yet Another person in reply to those who claim to be Religious that
ReplyDelete"An excellent question. Those who claim to love life are often the most calous. I hadn't thought of that."
A person said in response
Delete"That way, life-lovers are kind of sadists. Just sayin"
Another person recently typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"aren't we all tired of life? how about those "life lovers"? i think they are tired of life too. we share commonality with them. they are just masking themselves out or they just cannot welcome the "harsh truth" thus they continue living bound by illusions? and because of the "illusions" they live in, the consequence is they procreate because misery loves company?
the only difference is that, we here are the true ones who are woken, enlightened, and awakened free from any illusions or lies. we, who genuinely welcomed and accepted what is truly right. we, who exhaustedly fight for human's fundamental right."
A person typed in response
ReplyDelete"Have you noticed the amout the so called life loving people complain? They are unhappy with so many things but will never accept that life is unnecessary. They will preach about life and god and morality the moment you speak about antinatalism. Hypocrisy at it finest."
Another person typed in response about the Life Lovers
ReplyDelete"Yes they love life until you take away what keeps them distracted which is drugs, alcohol, lust, babies,attention, social media etc.
If you take away all of those things away, I can guarantee you they will be singing a different tune.
As someone who is self aware and introspective and come face to face with reality, it’s even hard for me to manage but never will I live a lie."
A person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDeleteAbout a Florida woman who in January 2023 shot and killed her
Terminally ill husband , the husband wanted to die , he asked his wife to Kill him .
The person on the group said
"Without the right to die with dignity, we are all slaves to those who profit off of our continued existence and struggle.
Being forced to live against one's will should be recognized and punished as the crime against humanity that it is.
This woman was a heroic angel of mercy working against an evil system filled with people who think they're doing the right thing, and she should be treated as such. To hold her without bond as if she's a hardened criminal who poses a threat to the community is absurd, and evidence of the inhumanity built into our laws.""
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Dictators, Clowns and "Professionals" are very dogmatic narrow minded, they have rigid black and white thinking. They are brainwashed and indoctrinated with Pro-Life BS, Propaganda, Lies, Hypocrisy and False Hope that they give to suffering people
Another person typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"I just need to get this of my chest.
On the last werkend two people i knew (one was a close friend) have died. Both about my age. And i just realised again, what a lose-lose situation life is.
I can either live long and keep on loosing people i love. Again and again and again. Or i can die at a younger age. That means, that people who love me will be left behind, mourning loosing ME.
I can get hurt and suffer, or i can hurt people and make them suffer.
How can people even think that "life is good/beautifull/ worth it"? Life is a complete shit show and there is NO way out, without people getting hurt. I just hate that i was born at all."
Another person recently typed on the Right To Die Internet Group
ReplyDelete"Anyone else have a deep hatred for their parents reproducing you? They weren’t the best or the worst parents but I barely feel love for these people. Knowing they have several hereditary severe physical and mental health issues yet still wanted to bring me into this world. And I’m the third born, they really didn’t need 3 kids either.
I’m only in my late 20’s and I’m having extreme anxiety about what’s going to come in the next few years regarding my health. I hate this so much.
People are so sadistic, this truly horrifies me about the human species. I’ve been lucky in other areas of my life than most but no matter how much good things happen to me, I will always hate everything about existence. I almost never experience joy, I feel very apathetic towards life."
A person recently typed on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Internet Group
"Why is there an emphasis on living despite harsh conditions and worst case scenario? What is bravery in living? Why is wish to die called cowardice? What the hell is brave or courageous about living?"
Another person typed in response to that comment about harsh conditions and worse case scenario that
ReplyDelete"Our selfish genes cause us to believe that life has value and that death is an evil that must be prevented at all costs. The belief in the "value of life" is nothing more than an innate delusion.
Here's a nice article by Mannu Herrán: "The Big Lie" article is dated
6 September 2017
Yet Another person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
ReplyDelete"The greatest act of love is allowing your loved ones the freedom of choice to die when they are suffering"
Sicologo , Some more people recently typed on the Pathetic Suicide Prevention Website I mention often on your other blog created in 2013
ReplyDelete"The prospect that life “may” get better, that an individual “might” find a reason to live, is a cruel carrot to dangle before a hopeless person’s eyes."
-Another person typed in reply
"I agree. And I find it astonishing that suicide prevention advocates presume that it’s their privilege to decide on our behalf that we have to suffer endlessly just in case life eventually does become tolerable in the future. They do this not only through psychiatric holds (which -----confesses to being conflicted about), but also by denying people access to effective suicide methods, so that many continue to live not out of hope for a better future, but because the consequences of a failed suicide attempt can be so catastropic that, as bad as life might be at the moment, it’s a risk that doesn’t seem worth taking.
I find that aggressive suicide prevention policies (including means restriction) actually takes away hope. Anecdotal evidence suggests that once you give someone the peace of mind of knowing that they aren’t serving a lifelong prison sentence; not only do they often choose to continue living nonetheless, but life actually becomes vastly more tolerable than it was when the option of suicide was being actively withheld from them.
One such case was reported of a Belgian woman whose severe psychological suffering became bearable once she finally received the green light to die. And merely having the control over her own life of knowing that nobody could deny her the option of suicide actually made life bearable for her, so that suicide no longer seemed necessary:
Suicide prevention advocates have no idea how much harm they inflict on the living, and we may never know how many suicides might have actually been prevented by allowing life to be optional rather than compulsory."
On the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group
Someone said that
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Fanatics, Extremists and
"Professionals" are sadists , but also Masochists because they want to live even with all the pain, suffering and misery that exists in Life. Another person pointed out that
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Zealots and Nutters are actually sadomasochists because they want and insist that others also go through the same pain, suffering, pain and misery in Life. Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Fanatics and "Professionals" make Everything Worse, they Refuse to see other points of View and realize that Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremism sadly Backfires Terribly on Society, creating all Sorts of Horrible Problems . Prohibition doesn't Work, it Never did and it Never Will, America no longer has Alcohol Prohibition, but Prohibition is Still Very Alive and Unwell in America, Prohibition still Exists in many forms. While the "Freedom" in America leaves Much to Be Desired
Be back in a few days with even more arguments for our Growing Unstoppable Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement
Yet Another person recently typed on the Right To Die Internet Group
ReplyDelete"I extremely abhor these stupid statements:
👉 "Why don't you just kill yourself?" (JUST? what kind of stupidity is that? It's not that simple, and those same people are those who disapprove of the right to die)
👉 "Maybe you should... " and all kinds of suggestions and advices to convince you that there's something wrong with you, that it's abnormal to lose all interest in living. (Maybe you should just shut your mouth 🙄)
And I also hate those hypocrites who believe they are being empathetic through suicide prevention and their gentle speech about mental health. All they do is perpetuating the suffering of others by keeping them here.
Obviously, suicide prevention may work for others who still can overcome their problems and want to continue living, BUT NOT FOR ME 🙄😪" And another person typed in response
"Mental Health Industry is BS, they just tell you to accept life the way it is"
And I will be back in a few days with even more arguments for Our Movement !!!!!
From the website an article is headlined
"Lakota board member compares district's suicide prevention, mental health groups to Salem witch trials"
By: Taylor Nimmo on Feb 07, 2023 About the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and Mental Health groups in Ohio, the Mental Health Groups and Suicide Prevention were also compared to the Evils of Nazism & Communism
And another person on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group said in Response
"Yeah, these f*****s are just torturers, it's thanks to this crap that I'm alive as well because they won't ****ing allow you to be able to die in peace. These people are utter scumbags, and I wish them the worst. They deserve to be hated.
I'm sorry you were forced to go through this."
We at this blog say no one committ Suicide, no one attempt it , but Peacefully Work for Reform in America and Worldwide
I will Return in a few days with More Arguments for Our Growing Movement for Human Rights and the Right To Die Movement
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