No people on earth boast about their country’s “freedom” as do Americans. It is not uncommon for many American patriots to exalt their country with an air of national pride as they chest-thump over civil liberties that their country has which others around the world lack, such as the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to criticize the government, among others. Other Americans like to support their portrayal of the United States as a “free country” by referencing the Declaration of Independence’s well-known claim:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Also, many people in American soil use the expression, “it’s a free country” when they agree to disagree with someone else’s actions, typically in response to actions that they deem to be odd, a bit startling, or unwise. A girl at a mall who sees one of her friends getting ready to spend her whole paycheck on fancy clothes in a single department store might say, “well, it’s a free country! She’s allowed to drain her earnings like that!” Likewise, a man who sees his friend at a bar drinking alcohol to stupor, gleefully mingling with other bar customers with incoherent speech, and languishing on the streets from severe intoxication may look at his drunk friend and also dismiss his actions by thinking to himself, “Well, It’s a free country! He’s allowed to get wasted like that!” When it comes down to it, however, how free is the United States truly? In what instances do we see that the United States is not the “free” or “glorious” nation that many American patriots portray it to be? Sadly, there is no shortage of examples, as listed below.
Racial Profiling
In the United States (as in many other parts of the world, sadly) being of color is a major factor that often strips someone from the freedom that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution promise all its citizens, and the rates of police brutality against people of color is one of the most striking example of this sad phenomenon. According to, from 2015 to May 2021, the rate of fatal police shootings against Black people stood at 36 per million, which is more than twice the amount of police shootings against white people in the same time-span. Also, an article from states that black people are 20% more likely to be stopped by policemen and are searched 1.5 to twice as often as white drivers. How can people of color feel “free” in a country where they will be inconveniently disturbed by the police when they’re driving solely for being of color? How can they live a life of “freedom” in a country where the police (the people whose duty is to keep citizens safe) have little to no regard for their safety in the first place? How can the children of parents of color live a free and happy childhood in a country where they have to live in fear that one of their parents (or even the child themselves) might get shot one day, just for being of color? How can people of color feel “free” in a country whose system of racial bias push them into issues like crime, poverty, and imprisonment?
Oppression Against the LGBTQ+ Community
People from the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender individuals, are often victims of fatal hate crimes in the United States every year, as well as targets of backlash just for being transgender or gender non-conforming. Many transwomen are murdered in the United States every year, and it is no wonder that a Day of Remembrance, November 20th, was established to memorialize those who have been murdered because of transphobia. According to the Human Rights Campaign, more than 200 deaths of transgender people have been recorded by the HRC since 2013, and their records indicate that the death toll stood at 37 in November of 2020-the highest number of murders per year since 2013. The Human Rights Campaign attributes these murders to a variety of factors, including anti-trans stigma that stems from lack of support from the government, lack of family acceptance, and cultural marginalization and invisibility. The HRC also mentions denial of opportunity (and thus, privilege) in society, such as denial of access to healthcare, employment discrimination, and unequal policing. Homelessness and physical/mental health disparities are very common problems that transgender people endure, and they are the direct result of the aforementioned contributing factors. How can these transwomen feel “free” in a country where coming out as their preferred gender alone feels like an imminent danger to their lives? How can they feel “free” in a country so saturated with transphobia that they are pushed into the periphery of society, becoming prone to problems with mental illness, unemployment, and homelessness?
Profiling in Action
The story of a woman we will call Jessica illustrates how sly the United States and it’s organs can be in their profiling practices, treating incidences of espionage and stalking as actions of “safeguarding” Jessica recalls:
“I remember back in the day, when I had recently moved to DC, I made a trip to the Dunn Loring station in nearby Northern Virginia. That was my first or second trip to Virginia on the metro, and I was impressed by the beautiful landscapes that I saw in all of Northern Virginia while riding the metro, so I thought to myself, why not film the landscapes I see in my rides and share it with the world? That same day, before leaving the Dunn Loring station, I saw a nasty white woman with red hair giving me a dirty look. That’s one of the very few times I got that kind of look in the DMV region. I had just come from the Midwest, however, where I got those kind of looks every so often for being part of the LGBTQ community, so I was used to that at the time and shook it off. Anyways, the train came, I got in, and I started filming the landscapes I saw while riding the train. Little did I know, however, that I was being photographed and spied on while I did this because, a few days later, detectives from the metro came to my house, stating that a “suspicious person” lives in it. I didn’t know what they were talking about and I had nothing to hide, so I let them in my house, and they just started interrogating me. They even showed me a photograph that some asshole took of me doing my filming, and told me that the person who took the photograph, who worked for some branch of the military, thought I “looked” like the type of people they work against, and I’m not sure if it is because I’m noticeably from the LGBTQ community, or if it is from my olive skin tone. Who knows? The cops also told me that the stalker found me suspicious because “I was carrying a map,” while all I was using was google maps like every other damn fucking clueless tourist in a city full of tourists like DC would. The pigs mentioned that I was spotted at the Dunn Loring station, the same station I got the dirty look from the old white bitch, so I suspect that she may have been behind this. In the end the cops took down my information and left. Boy, do I feel violated- all because I was filming the landscape of a city I had just discovered, just like a tourist would. Those asshole pigs might as well knock on Nick Johnson’s door for doing what he does for his Youtube channel. Oh, wait! He’s white, thought, so he’s allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants to do in this stupid country without the pigs meddling in his business.
I swear, the next time this happens to me, I will file a lawsuit against whichever people or entities are behind this.”
The fact that branches of the United States Military endorse such practices highlights how much more the United States as a whole favors asserting a controlling hand on the people in its soil rather than extending the freedoms that it promises for them in its well-known historical documents. Needless to say, any nation that spies on, interrogates, and profiles tourists who document landscapes and vistas that it’s own capital boasts is not, in any conceivable way, “The Land of the Free.”
Idiotic Law Practices in the United States
There are also some less extreme (but nonetheless pathetic and ridiculous) examples of the United States’ oppressiveness. One of them is the United States’ banning of Kinder Surprise eggs (not to be confused with Kinder Joy eggs) over potential choking hazards. Anyone caught smuggling these eggs into the United States by authorities can be fined $2,500 per egg, as if the Shopkins and Squinkies (which are perfectly legal in the United States) that children in the country play with on a regular basis didn’t pose the exact same choking hazard that the country so frantically tries to avoid with it’s ban on Kinder Surprise eggs. The United States thus becomes a country where kids and toy collectors alike do not have the freedom to enjoy the surprise toys inside the egg chocolates of one of the most famous and respected brands in the world, which most countries in the rest of the world do allow its citizens to enjoy without any restrictions whatsoever. Who would have thought that the government of “The Land of the Free” could be so oppressive that it will severely tax anyone in its soil who is spotted “smuggling” harmless chocolate eggs containing smiley assembly figures of Fred Flintstone holding a dinosaur grass mower, or another of Cindy Bear holding a magnifying glass with a butterfly sitting on top of it, or another of a Smurf holding a godforsaken watering can? The United States is both an embarrassment and a laughing stock to the world when it comes to its pathetic protocols on Kinder Surprise eggs. This is a ridiculous example of high-tier oppression that is hardly seen anywhere else in the world.
The United States also has major restrictions when it comes to the pursuit of sex, especially for involuntary celibates, or incels. Soliciting a prostitute is illegal in the United States, as if legalizing the exchange of money for safe sex with a consenting adult man or woman, under no coercion, in a safe and private setting, meant the fall of civilization. If one takes into account that engaging in, and soliciting, prostitution is illegal in the United States, but the making and broadcasting of pornography and sexual innuendos in American media is not, one sees a shameless and hypocritical double standard in American society which puts incels in the United States at a great disadvantage by narrowing their "freedom" down to merely being allowed to derive fantasies from porn or references to sex from TV shows to stimulate their libido, and to use them as a vehicle to reach orgasm on their own. This endeavor is limiting at best and unfulfilling at worst, and it is therefore a major cause of sexual frustration for many incels in the United States. Much to their dismay, they are not free to pay someone to partner up with to make those fantasies a reality without getting arrested in the United States, nor are they free to even talk about those fantasies or their sexual frustration without facing ostracism in American society as well as backlash, especially from the traditionalist, anti-prostitution prudes, activists, and zealots that abound in the country. The end result of this social dynamic becomes a tediously prudish American society that imposes far more restrictions than it allows freedoms when it comes to incels’ pursuit of sex. Law enforcement in the United States even goes as far as to waste time setting up sting operations to arrest and disgrace adults who make advances to pay for sex with another adult rather than investing the time and resources they waste in those unnecessary operations to fight real crime. To say the least, American society can be frustratingly tedious, prudish, oppressive, and disempowering to live in for incels, and it is likely that many of them are incels to begin with because they are socially marginalized by the vast majority of crowds in said society for reasons that don't necessarily have anything to do with their sexual ardor. This is yet another example of how freedom in the United States is very lacking and how it is in no way all-inclusive.
The above examples of nationwide oppression and restriction given above should be more than enough to dispel any notion in people's minds that the United States is a “free” country like the country’s patriots want everybody else to believe. But there is yet another arena in which the United States clasps its oppressive hands, and that is the mental health community in its soil. The United States specifically oppresses those with mental illness who wish to be euthanized, and it does so in three major ways:
1) Oppressive Legislation
The United States oppresses the mentally ill who wish to be euthanized through a public policy power known as parens patriae, which allows government authorities to intervene in situations in which a child, person, or animal need protection from an adversary influence. In this case, because the United States deems those with refractory mental illness who wish to die as always being “incapable” of making informed decisions, not only does the United States deny them the option to be euthanized, but it denies mental health clinicians permission to euthanize their patients. Furthermore, the United States gives policemen and clinicians the authority to intervene at their discretion in situations where someone with mental illness expresses wishes to die. And because these measures are compulsory, doctors and clinicians can take liberties to suppress any and all potential risk for someone to willfully end their own life in ways that range from highly-taxing, to coercive, to downright brutal, regardless of the consequences that such pursuits can have on the target victims of these oppressive measures. Below are some examples of these abuses of power.
2) Compulsory Treatment on the Suicidal
Because of the paternalist pro-life dogma that directs parens patriae’s stance on the suicidal in the United States, clinicians in the country are required by law to subject a patient to inpatient hospitalization if that patient expresses death wishes. In these instances, the therapist will call an ambulance or the police to transport the patient to an emergency room, and all of this will be done whether or not the patient wishes to be treated, or whether or not they can afford it. Because the nature of this procedure is compulsory, the methods that are used to carry out this procedure often involve excessive restraint. A survivor of these abusive measures, whom we will call Jason, shares a striking example of this form of oppression and coercion:
“I once saw a student therapist at a Christian Theological Seminary that offers counseling services. The procedures of that facility where pretty strict from the get-go. First, the therapist wanted me to sign a promisory letter where she provided a signature agreeing to be fully in charge of my treatment, and where my family members were supposed to provide a signature stating that they would be involved in my care, despite the fact that I was 26 years old at the time, and not younger than 18! I was also supposed to sign that paper stating that I would agree to be involved in this. I can’t remember whether or not I signed that paper. What I do remember is that I told the student therapist about my suicidal thoughts and my wishes to poison myself so I could end the pain I had to put up with because of my mental illness. This concerned the student therapist, so she asked me to sign a “no suicide contract” which I thought was a bullshit protocol I didn’t believe in and that I wanted no part in. So, when I told her that I refuse to sign that bullshit document, the therapist called the police. I knew better than to bolt because, from previous experience, I knew that the pigs would be after me regardless and the assholes would hunt me down and catch me one way or the other. I also knew that the more I evaded the police, the more fiercely they would chase me down, so I thought it was better to give in and put up with the long-ass wait for the police to arrive in the therapist’s office while the director of the facility would chit-chat at me about bullshit that was supposed to keep me distracted. When the pigs arrived, I was handcuffed (Yes! Handcuffed!) for the police’s “own protection” they said, as if they were the ones that needed protection from me, and not the other way around. I did not even act violently towards the cops in the first place! Anyways, before the pigs took off with me, one of the staff of the counseling center gleefully “congratulated” me for my “courage in taking this step” as if I was letting myself get taken away because I had any choice in the matter. The cops then entrapped me in a barred police truck (Yes, the ones where they transport the people that get arrested) and took off to the emergency room. I remember how much anger and despair I felt when I was in that cage with wheels. It was darker inside of it than the night sky, and I was so worried about what was going to happen to me and about going to the inpatient unit that I didn’t want to be in nor that I could afford. All I had left to do was to close my eyes, lower my head and whisper to myself, “everything is going to be ok.” “Everything is going to be ok.” Once I arrived at the hospital, they released me from the super uncomfortable handcuffs, and they had me wear a patient gown and sit on a chair in a room that reclinable chairs attached to the walls. It was very uncomfortable to recline on those chairs, so I simply sat upright. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited for hours until one of the hospital staff finally talked to me and asked me what was going on. I told her what had happened and told her that part of my problem was that I had no way to afford insurance, so I had to rely on a public agency for my care which didn’t have the best resources for me, including a therapist who worked on his computer for half of the session times he had with me because he was so overworked, from what he told me. I remember telling her specifically that I was scared being in a situation of so much restraint and was worried about what could happen to me at that point. The staff person asked me, “What do you want to happen?” I knew for sure what I didn’t want to happen, which was that I would be taken to an inpatient unit against my will,but I knew that if I even told the staff person just that, she would more than likely consider internalizing me, so I just told her that I “ just wanted to get better,” and finally something went my way. The staff person referred me to another public agency for counseling and psychiatry I had never been to in order to follow up, and they finally let me go. Unfortunately, days after, I came to find an envelope addressed to me at home, from that hospital, charging me FIVE HUNDRED PLUS DOLLARS for that uncomfortable, compulsory experience I didn’t request! And for the next few months that I couldn’t come up with the money, they just kept mailing me bills again and again until I had to pay the full amount (again, for an unwanted service) about year later.”
Jason’s story not only illustrates how the United States oppresses those who wish to be euthanized, but it downright treats them like criminals. What "free" country would endorse someone troubled by a mental illness to be handcuffed by the police and taken to a hospital behind the bars of a police truck (as if they had committed a crime) in a time of severe vulnerability, rather than taking the more sensible approach to have that person taken to a hospital by an ambulance? Also, what "free" country would demand someone with a mental illness to receive a medical “service” by force, and charge that individual for having been subjected to this highly negative experience just to receive a service they did not request in the first place?! As if such coercion wasn’t enough, the so-called “Land of the Free” takes its brutality towards those who wish to be euthanized to an extreme, as illustrated below.
3) Coercive Intervention and Intrusion
The United States’ suicide prevention initiatives are radical at best, stripping away all rights from people with severe mental illness to take any steps to have their lives extinguished, yet expanding the rights to suicide preventing interventionists to accomplish their death-prevention tasks in whichever way they please just as long as these tasks are accomplished, with little regard to how the implementation of these tasks, and the specific ways that they are carried out, may impact their targets. Because these death prevention tasks prioritize life preservation much more than it does the enhancement of the sentient experience of a suicidal individual, they are sometimes carried out in the most coercive and brutal ways imaginable. Jason experienced oppression by suicide prevention agents to this extreme as he recalls below:
“Back in 2012, I was part of a mental health group on Facebook. I joined the group to make friends and to share my experiences with mental illness with other people who could relate. In that group, I met a member by the name of Valerie Scalera, who went by the pathetic nickname of “Valerina Valerie.” She joined our Facebook group to advocate for suicide prevention because her own mother committed suicide. At first, there seemed to be no issue between Scalera and the rest of the group. Her posts in the group seemed very genuine and that’s how she started to develop following in the group for a few days before she stormed out of the Facebook group over her clashing with other members on the issue of suicide prevention. Valerie Scalera had a bad habit of chest-thumping about the “superior” knowledge that she and her relatives had on the topic of debate and putting down other members when she disagreed with something they said. To my later regret, I ignored these warning signs of abuse and continued to trust Scalera until I learned the hard way the mistake I was making. After Scalera left the mental health group on Facebook, I continued to feel unstable to where I felt the urge to message Scalera, telling her about having some intent to seek help from someone to achieve death. She took my suicidal gestures to heart, and instead of genuinely helping to lead me out of the distressful situation I was in and teaching me ways to deal with it, she once again went psychotic on me and spun out of control. She forwarded my messages to many of her contacts and, when I snapped at her for sharing such a delicate, confidential matter to a bunch of complete strangers, she bashed me back! She and I had a back and forth argument where Scalera spouted all her reproaches on what she perceived as “faults” on my part for my "gesturing" while I pointed at her evident immaturity and incompetence as a “suicide prevention advocate” who did a shitty job at handling these issues. As Scalera’s rambling left no room for agreement, I blocked her on Facebook altogether. Unfortunately, my troubles only snowballed from there. A few days later, two nosey asshole cops showed up to work no less, in order to interrogate me about what was going on, as if this ordeal was any of their business to begin with. Like that wasn’t enough, my embarrassment from the situation rode home with me when my mother picked me up from work. She yelled at me because, apparently, an abusive swat team violently broke into my house with sirens yelling, while I was at work, like they were trying to do a drug bust. My mother later told me that there was yet another twist to the situation- Valerie Scalera inexplicably got a hold of a girl who was in one of my classes in high school (whom I only talked to once or twice six years after graduating from that high school) to tell her about our ordeal, and she ended up having an argument with that girl just like she had several times with the other members of the Facebook group we met at, and with myself. And what makes the situation more shocking is that I already had the cops called on me two other crises- once by a suicide hotline, and another by a mental health agency who (unlike Valerie Scalera) actually knew how to handle suicide crises, and in those instances the swat teams involved just drove to my house quietly, knocked on the door, and talked to me. The cops never came to my house so violently as they did when Valerie Scalera was involved, so she must have gone so ballistic when she ratted me that she caused more alarm than was necessary.
It’s been 9 years since that incident happened, and I still couldn’t be more resentful of that abusive intervention. The only thing it accomplished was to turn me against the mental health system in America and suicide prevention programs and initiatives here. I witnessed their ugly side firsthand, and now I’m doing my part to help bring that whole system down.”
The End Result of the Work of Oppressors Disguised as "Good Samaritans"
In light of this form of brutality from the United States’ public powers, some striking phenomena about suicide prevention come to light. The most striking observation is that Jason was violated in an ordeal where he was emotionally vulnerable and where Valerie Scalera and the intrusive authorities were the aggressors. Valerie Scalera bashed Jason, blamed Jason for her confrontation with him, and created uproar that alarmed many people. The swat team, on the other hand, sought Jason out like they were chasing after a criminal, invading his privacy in a bullish manner that cause emotional distress on him. Furthermore, it is very strange that Valerie Scalera, the intrusive swat team, and the meddling cops that violated his privacy acted in the guise of "Good Samaritans" who wanted the best for Jason despite having treated him in a bullish manner altogether. This speaks volumes about Valerie Scalera's, the swat team's, and the meddling cops' priorities, in which the enhancement of Jason's sentient experience was not priority #1.
Accountability Issues
A second observation worth nothing is that the police had no problem rushing to break into Jason's house or seek him out at work out of worry that he was in a state of incapacity to function well mentally, but they never thought to do the same thing with Valerie Scalera. Considering the fact that Valerie Scalera was bashing when he was suicidal (instead of actually helping him), and recalling Scalera’s numrous arguments with people over the topic of suicide prevention makes it reasonable to assume that Scalera does not, in fact, advocate for suicide prevention with the right state of mind, or for the right reasons. In such instances, we can infer that Scalera goes through a phase of transference, projecting the very anger that she feels towards her mother for committing suicide, and towards herself for failing to prevent this, onto other people whom she relates to this struggle. And if one considers how violently law enforcement showed up at Jason’s house when Scalera was involved in their intervention vs. the numerous other times when she wasn’t, one can infer that Scalera abused community resources to excess to relieve her frustrations, rather than to alleviate Jason’s struggles. Why did this not alarm the authorities? Also, why did they not break into Scalera's house to teach her a lesson on proper ways of dealing with someone who is suicidal in the same way that they did to Jason over his “gesturing”? How did it not concern the authorities that Valerie Scalera’s clarity of thought was being clouded by her own biases, traumas, and emotional dysregulation when she acted so irrationally in this ordeal? Another striking observation of United States’ police brutality on the suicidal answers these questions: The United States does not care how a person in its soil (whether it be swat teams or non-authorities) prevents the suicide of another, under what state of mind they do this, what their true motives are, or what repercussions this has on the targeted suicidal individual. The United States only cares about death being prevented, regardless of any consequences that the target person may endure as a result of this pursuit on them.
The Damage Caused by Coercive Intervention
A third observation on the anti-death, pro-life advances of the parens patriae public power of the United States is that they are in no way therapeutic. They are abusive. They have the potential to traumatize their victims and have great potential to increase their suicidal thoughts, rather than reduce them. Jason is no exception, as he describes below:
"I've never felt so violated and abused by a group of people or by a government agency. After this whole thing happened, I was left feeling more depressed, unstable, and suicidal. I felt traumatized by what happened. My world was shaken upside-down and sideways as I came to realize that the suicide preventing agents that are treated with such high regard in our society, in reality, are a bunch of assholes who could be brutally abusive to someone just for the purpose of keeping them alive. It was scary, and angering at the same time, to realize that these suicide preventing assholes care more about my life being intact than my dignity, privacy, and sense of comfort being respected.
There is nothing honorable or respectable about the doings of Valerie Scalera on Jason, the swat team to broke into Jason's house, or the meddling policemen who sought him at work. Everything that those callous brutes did to Jason resembles more care for a life-preservationist agenda than Jason's dignity, privacy, and comfort. The doings of these three entities are more alike to those of abusive vandals, savages, and wild animals acting on impulse and an inclination to serve their own interests rather than Jason's. Their condemnable actions are a blatant form of abuse which, not surprisingly, only managed to traumatize Jason and to increase his suicidal ideation.
The modus operandi of the United States, when dealing with someone who expresses wishes or intent to end their life, is to preserve their life at all cost (even if it comes to a heavy cost to the targeted person), thus becoming a regime of imposition of life on people that allows for no freedom of choice in this matter, suppressing all opposition by the use of force like any other dictatorship. Therefore, the “unalienable right to life” that the Declaration of Independence mentions, in the United States, is not a right. It is an obligation. Everyone in US soil is expected and demanded by the United States government to live until they die of causes outside of their control, and anyone with mental illness who opposes to this expectation puts themselves at risk of being crushed down by the oppressive power of parens patriae.
Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not a free country. It is a very oppressive nation- one in which, among other things, the mentally ill are denied the right to choose the timing of their own death; it is a land of coercion which uses excessive restraint and oppression on many people, including those who even mention any pursuit of the ending of their life. Songs that celebrate the “freedom” that people supposedly enjoy in the United States, like James Brown's Living In America, are shallow and devoid of truth like corny commercials advertising a notoriously bad product, embellishing features that are defective or nonexistent in the product altogether. People outside of the United States who are drawn to the country by such false advertising schemes to “take a bite” out of it’s so called “freedom” will more than likely be disappointed. They will choke the United States' hard-to-bite oppressive measures, and they will find its insipid restrictions rather hard to swallow.
Sandy Wertman, I Love this blog, you should see this blog by
ReplyDeleteSicologo Nihilista, which he created in 2013, the blog is also titled
"Euthanasia For The Mentally ill International" the blog is at the homepage of the blog by Sicologo says
Euthanasia For The Mentally Ill International
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Entrapment in Pain: A Common Cause of Suicidal Urges
One of the main reasons why people with severe mental illness desire to die is because they are trapped in painful circumstances. Unple...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Which Has More Value: The Life of a Person, or the Actual Person in Question?
Unfortunately, I have found in every single suicide prevention attempt I have ever witnessed from personal experience that the life of a s...
Monday, October 14, 2013
First Log
As a mental health resource consumer, I feel enraged to see that there is a stubborn, recurrent attitude of taboo and aversion in the ment...
The main intent of this blog is to expose the experience of living with mental illness from the angle of a fraction of the mental health r...
View web version
About Me
Sicologo Nihilista
View my complete profile, the Entire Blog can be found online, Exposing the Evils of
Suicide Prevention Extremism,
Jeff! This is Sicologo! and this is my new blog. I'm glad you found it! If you want to talk some more, feel free to e-mail me.
DeleteI had a feeling it was you, the similar style of writing, plus some of the topics you mentioned in this new blog. I haven't heard from you in so long , hope all is well, you can email me at , I'll continue to post comments on your other blog, keep in touch via my email, the Suicide Prevention Extremists are Relentless, they are getting worse every day , it's so creepy and disturbing
DeleteSicologo, the thing about America is that Many Republicans and Conservatives are Complete Hypocrites, they claim to Support Freedom and Liberty, but Only Their Heartless Ignorant Selfish Version of "Freedom" and "Liberty" where they falsely feel that they can tell other adults what they can and cannot do with their own lives and bodies. Also let me be clear I'm no Democrat either, I don't vote, but I consider myself to be
DeleteLibertarian on Many Issues, strongly supporting Personal Choices and Individual Rights,
America has a Very Severe Lack of Freedom in many ways, as I explained Many Times in my comments on your other blog
"Euthanasia For the Mentally ill International" that you created in 2013,
Email me when you can..
Have a great Summer
Sicologo, the American
Delete"War on Drugs" is Another Horrible Example of Lack of Freedom in America, I never used drugs, never will, but it's deeply disturbing to read about the damage that the "War on Drugs" causes Society
Countless people have spoken out Against the
Insane Unjust Failed
"War on Drugs" and how it made everything worse.
Keep up the good Work,
Love this Blog, Even the
Folks & Fellows in the U.S. Government that Spy on and Monitor everything on the Internet & Social Media, Know we make good arguments,
I'm personally Not
Anti-Government or
Anti-Law Enforcement, I just desire more Freedoms for my Fellow Americans, Countless Americans are like myself, Not against the Government or Law Enforcement, we just desire More Freedoms and Liberty...
I strongly suggest reading all the over 1,600 comments submitted by myself and other
ReplyDeleteRight to Die Supporters, I can't stand Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Clowns
Sicologo, I found this comment on Facebook a few years ago,
ReplyDelete. . Cody Edwards typed on the Facebook group titled "Libertarian" with over. 32,000 Members Cody Edwards typed on
August 11, 2019 ·
"America isn't a free country by any means; anyone who is skeptical can drive to a law library and delve into the U. S. Statutes at Large and the Code of Federal Regulations. When one has finished that impossible task, Do the same for the state, The county, And the city. Politicians at all levels of government are all in the business of suppressing your natural rights. There are very few freedoms that Americans retain, But these freedoms are only allowed because they're beneficial to the state.
We have the freedom to shop, The freedom to vote, And the freedom to criticize the government, Of course. A functioning economy is necessary in order to have wealth to plunder. Very few will admit that taxes collected are used at least as often against the taxpayer as they are for the taxpayer. We pay taxes to the rulers who in turn use the taxes to harass us when we travel (e. G. Random checkpoints, TSA), To knock down our doors and shoot us if we try to defend ourselves, To surreptitiously monitor our activities (e. G. En masse surveillance), And give children the ultimatum of killing in war or being thrown in a cage.
Of course, Freedom to vote is important to preserve. After all, It's a placebo that's administered to give the masses the illusion that they have some control over what government does. If voting really upset the power structure, It would be prohibited.
As for speech, Robert Higgs notes in "Neither Liberty Nor Safety, ", "Our government usually allows people the freedom of speech. . . Almost as if the rulers had the wit to follow the advice Vilfredo Pareto once gave to Mussolini: “Let the crows caw, But be indefatigable in repressing [rebellious] deeds! Experience demonstrates that leaders who embark upon this path of censorship find headaches, Rather than benefits." What do you think about the comment by
Mr. Edwards ? Keep up the good Work on this blog, Many people have pointed out that Wanting to Die is NOT a Mental illness, I repeat is NOT a Mental illness, and people have pointed out all sorts of suffering people want to Die, Not just the Mentally ill & Terminally ill, but all sorts of Suffering people hate life and hate their lives and want to Die, as always Pro-life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called "professionals" are full of Crap, Propaganda, Lies and False Hope that they give to suffering people, they do Nothing to Improve actual Quality of Life for suffering people, give Money, Financial Assistance, better Quality Housing etc to Suffering people, I will return in a few days with even more arguments for Our Movement
A friend of mine pointed out how in America, many Republican Christian Politicians and Lawmakers who are officially against Prostitution/Sex Work for Consenting Adults, many of them use Prostitutes in Secret. Such Evil Hypocrisy,
ReplyDeleteSicologo, I think only
ReplyDeleteBrainwashed, Indoctrinated retarded Sheeple actually think
America is a "Free Country"
If America is such a Free Country why can't Adults even do what they want with their own lives and bodies ??? Yet Abortion is perfectly Legal ?
Why can't Adults do what they want with their own lives and bodies ???
Why ? All Nations need Laws ,
I agree, but when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, in Regards to Prostitution for consenting adults, the Right to Buy and Sell Sex, the Right to Die for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill and all other suffering people, and being Against the Insane failed "War on Drugs" All Nations need Laws, but many of the "Laws" in America are too Extreme
Sicologo, you could have also mentioned the famous words
Deleteby Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty which say "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." but as you & I have said the Lack of Freedom in America is truly Sickening, disgusting and disturbing, countless people who were born in America are poor, tired and yearning to breathe free ,
While, it's true that
Many Nations have Less
Freedom than America, it's also true that Many Nations have More Freedom than America , Keep up the good Work,
Countless Americans are Very Unhappy with their lives, the unjust restrictive "Laws" in America make Everything worse ,
Please! join our website The happy family : spouses support . It is a blog that is interested in supporting and training spouses to raise their children in a proper way, and a guide towards a happy family by suggesting solutions to marriage problems and also considered a guide for women during pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteSicologo, it's beyond terrible what happened to Jason, actual SWAT teams sent after him, Not just Police, but actual SWAT teams. Truly disturbing.
ReplyDeleteIn America and in Most parts of the World suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people who want to die endure Relentless Merciless Persecution, Harassment, Tyranny, Oppression, Stalking, etc with
Impunity, with Impunity,
Treatment worse than Criminals,
Worse than Animals for the
"Crime" of wanting to Die.
It is NOT just Mentally ill people who want to Die, but there are many types of Suffering people who are NOT Mentally ill who want to Die. As many people have pointed out, wanting to Die is
NOT a Mental illness.
Literally every single day,
every single day, every single day,
every single day,
365 days a year, more and more lame pathetic Suicide Prevention articles are appearing online. It's Very Disturbing,
Seeing all these Non-Stop articles about
Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide prevention ,
Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention,
Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention,
Suicide Prevention and more
Suicide Prevention BS.
I know it's literally every single day that new BS Suicide Prevention articles appear online, because every single day I personally actually do Google searches to see what pops up. It's so Creepy,
This sick Unhealthy Fanatical
Pathological Obsession Fixation with Suicide Prevention is truly Abnormal and Disturbing
Again Sicologo, thanks for Exposing the pure Evil and Wickedness of
Suicide Prevention Extremism.
More and More people in America and Worldwide are Speaking Up and Speaking Out against the Propaganda, Lies, Hypocrisy and False Hope given to suffering people by the
Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns, Nutters, Fascists, Extremists,
Know it alls and so-called "professionals". More and More people in America and Worldwide are Speaking Up and Speaking Out in Support of the Growing
Right to Die, Death with Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for any and all suffering people, including for people with Mental illness..They realize that the Right to Die Movement must Never Discriminate against any type of suffering person. It's about Choice, & Compassion for Suffering people, Control
People talk about
ReplyDelete"Freedom" in America, yet Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, truly sad and Pathetic, disgusting and disturbing the
"Freedom" in America or Severe lack of Freedom to be precise.
While America is OK in some ways, I personally find it impossible to be Patriotic because of the severe lack of Freedom in America. Like I said, I've always been Very Libertarian on many issues, strongly supporting personal choices and Individual Rights.
America is still Very Very Rigid and Puritanical in 2021, still very
Anti-Sex . While countless Millions upon Millions of disabled and healthy Americans alike are often unable to get Sex and they cannot even legally pay for Sex with other Consenting Adults via Legalized Prostitution. America Heartlessly forces people to go without Sex. To endure a Miserable Sexless Existence, Shame on Puritan, Puritanical America.
America is so ass backwards and retarded in many ways, a complete lack of logic and common sense, so probably countless Americans find it impossible to be Patriotic, because of the Severe Lack of Freedom in America.
Sicologo , I found this article from headlined
"It's official: not enough sex can kill you" the article says
HAVING too little sex increases the risk of a heart attack by more than two-and-a-half times, scientists have warned.
00:00, 23 MAR 2011UPDATED21:14, 1 JUL 2012, the article says
"HAVING too little sex increases the risk of a heart attack by more than two-and-a-half times, scientists have warned.
They say people that only indulge on a few occasions - rather than hopping into bed on a regular basis - have a short-term increased risk of heart attack and sudden cardiac death (SCD).
Us researchers found that "episodic activity" was associated with a 2.7 times increased risk of heart attack.
However, analysis showed that the relative risk of heart attack was decreased by about 45 per cent - and SCD by 30 per cent - for each additional time per week that the person had sex.
Experts at Tufts University and the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, who conducted the study, said: "Regular physical activity has been identified as strongly associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and related mortality."
Activity They added: "Despite the well established benefits of regular physical activity, anecdotal evidence has suggested that physical activity, as well as other acute exposures, such as sexual activity and psychological stress, can act as triggers of acute cardiac events.
"In all cases, individuals with lower habitual activity levels had an increased relative risk for the triggering effect.
"In conclusion, based on our review of 14 casecrossover studies of acute cardiac events, we found a significant association between episodic physical and sexual activity and heart attacks and suggestive evidence of an association between episodic physical activity and SCD."
The study was published in the latest issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association."
Science and Medicine agree that Lack of Sex is literally killing people, the Lack of Sex is sadly having All sorts of Negative effects on Society and on the Mental, Physical and
Spiritual Health of people. Time to Legalized Prostitution for All consenting Adults in Every State
If the Medical and Mental Health Profession wants to Save Lives, to be Effective in Saving Lives,
DeleteIt would help greatly to Legalize Prostitution for All Consenting Adults and in Every State. In Every State of America , Not just a few remote areas of Nevada.
Let's be Frank, countless , countless Healthy and Disabled Americans alike are often unable to get Sex for Various Reasons. Often for many years and sometimes for Decades upon Decades upon Decades, It's an Extremely Serious Painful Problem for countless people, that causes horrible Suffering, It's no Joke, it can happen to anyone. We need to show Compassion for the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frutrated has an article headlined
Delete"How a Lack of Sex Can Actually Kill You" by Joe Duncan on May 23, 2019 This article says
"Sex is a Human Need — Having More of it Can Improve Your Overall Health and Help You Live Longer
How interesting our lives are, we wander around working, eating, sleeping, and occasionally we pick someone out and we’re like, “Oh, you — you're fascinating — come here, I think I want to do all of those things I normally do…but with you. It’ll make them so much more exciting…”
While this sounds quite silly in the abstract, there are actually very real reasons that we do this throughout our lives, and there are very real reasons that the people who don’t do this or do this effectively, can experience some deep and lasting problems in their lives. While it was long thought that sex was unlike sleep, food, water, and shelter, in that not having it would never really contribute to long-term health complications, posing a long-term risk as the others do — but, modern science has begun to turn that idea on its head.
One of the problems that stem from a lack of sex can be an increased risk for literally dropping dead suddenly. This isn’t a joke. According to scientific research conducted by Tufts University, having sex — and have more sex than less sex, significantly reduced the risk of people dying without warning.
This actually has nothing to do with our psychological needs, though some psychologists have argued that sex is actually a very real psychological need, others maintain that sex is an activity we conduct in order to meet other needs.
Any statistical correlation between death and our psychological need for sex that may be out there has yet to be found, though a lack of perceived sexual experiences could easily translate into a lack of other needs that aren’t sex and also could be disastrous for your health.
Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
This study highlighted the purely physical and physiological mechanisms behind sex as a way to live longer. It’s no secret that exercise does the body good. Myocardial Infarction, otherwise known as a “heart attack” was one of the health outcomes studied. Sudden Cardiac Death is when you’re going along in your daily life and suddenly your heart stops beating. It’s as nightmarish as it sounds because once your heart stops, the blood stops flowing to the brain and the other vital organs which begin to shut down, and death usually follows within minutes.
Fortunately for us, there’s a rather easy way to curb this kind of early death, and that method for protecting our health and longevity is as old as the human race itself…by having sex. The paper which was published was titled Association of Episodic Physical and Sexual Activity With Triggering of Acute Cardiac Events, and it told of some pretty interesting health outcomes in relation to our sex habits."
The article by Joe Duncan continues
Delete"Meta-analysis & Case-Crossover Studies
The paper was published as a meta-analysis of 13 different studies, the results of which were then laid out and contrasted with one another to see what researchers could find. Ten of the studies sought to investigate the impact of physical exercise on heart health, three of the studies looked at the impact of sex on heart health, and one study actually studied both. Researchers then began to analyze the data to form a clearer picture, and the results were amazing.
People who had what researchers called “episodic activity,” meaning just occasional sex (and just so you know what you’re aiming for, here, that means having sex once per week or less), showed an increased risk of a heart attack of 2.7%. By contrast, people who had a bit more sex, “regular activity,” meaning they romped about 2 to 3 times per week, saw their risk of a heart attack decrease by an astonishing 45%, while their risk of Sudden Cardiac Death dropped by a massive 30%.
To reiterate: having sex 2 to 3 times per week rather than 1 time per week or less will reduce your likelihood of a heart attack by 45%, and reduce your risk of Sudden Cardiac Death by 35%…
These numbers aren’t exactly chump change and shouldn’t be neglected, while the idea of having sex for our health is quite a novel one, for many, the impacts it can have on our health outcomes are quite profound.
Because the study cross-referenced studies involving sex alone as well as studies involving exercise alone, they were able to determine that exercise alone was not the sole factor in contributing to the positive health outcomes of the people studied. It seems that the two work in tandem with one another, with the study concluding:
Acute cardiac events were significantly associated with episodic physical and sexual activity; this association was attenuated among persons with high levels of habitual physical activity.
The research also mentions that they make these claims with a 95% confidence interval, which means roughly that they are 95% percent confident that these statistics are true, and speak to the general population.
While this shouldn’t be misconstrued to mean that sex is a perfect substitute for other forms of exercise, as it turns out, for all the jokes people have ever made about sex being their little personal version of exercise, sex is actually very good for your cardiovascular health, in a way that exercise alone is not."
Sexual Deprivation is No Joke ,
DeleteIt's an Extremely Serious painful problem for countless people, healthy and disabled alike, causing horrible Suffering. people who are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons is a worsening problem in America and Worldwide. To Make things worse,
Much Worse they live in a Sexually Repressed Puritanical, Puritan America in 2022 where Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults is illegal, forcing Millions upon Millions of Americans into a Miserable Sexless Existence.
Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults at Reasonable Prices and in Every State will certainly give suffering people a Reason to Live and Prevent some Suicides
Sicologo, many people also like to say
ReplyDelete"God Bless America" but why would God Bless America for the Very Severe Lack of Freedom that you and I pointed out on this blog and the comments ? Why would God Bless or reward America for the Severe Lack of Freedom and Human Rights Abuses ? God Bless America ? I think Not
I think God himself is Very Upset at the Severe lack of Freedom in America.
Many people have said that the
"Freedom" in America leaves much to be desired. Yes I Know, many nations of the World in 2022 have even less Freedom than America, but it's also true that Many Nations of the World have More, Even More Freedom than America.
Plus in the United States
Pledge of Allegiance the last words of it are "With Liberty and Justice for All"
However the Very Severe Lack of Freedom that you & I described how
America has Failed big time to live up to those words.
The Vast Majority of Americans would agree that America Needs More Freedom.
More Freedom, More Libertarian Freedom !!!!
DeleteMore Libertarian Freedom Goddammit !!!
DeleteAgain, More Libertarian Freedom Goddammit !!!
DeleteSicologo, we both agree that the
ReplyDelete"Freedom" that exists in America makes countless problems worse for countless people. We both said very important things in this blog & comments that needed to be said.
You Know the Expression
"Great Minds Think Alike"
Did you know that there was a
"Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award" look it up on Wikipedia,
The late Hugh Hefner & Playboy Magazine was Libertarian on many issues,
Supporting the Growing
Right to Die, Death with Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for any and all suffering people. Being Against the Insane unjust failed "War on Drugs" and of course Playboy Magazine & Hugh Hefner supported Legalized Prostitution, Legalized Sex Work for Consenting Adults in Every State of America. Playboy Magazine & it's late founder believed every State should Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for all consenting Adults. Polls have shown
Most American Men & Women alike support Legalization of Prostitution for all consenting Adults and in Every State. If Hugh Hefner was alive today he would support this Blog, and perhaps Award it the
"Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award"
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremism is Pure Evil and fills people with Fear, Terror and Dread of the Future
Sicologo, the Severe Lack of Freedom we both described in this Country is Proof of how sadly
ReplyDeleteAmerica has Failed Big Time to be the
"Land of the Free" &
"Greatest Country in the World"
I'm far from perfect, but I thank God I'm Not a Stupid Heartless Ignorant Selfish Cowardly Loser
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator Clown Control Freak
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnother good article to look up from the website is headlined
ReplyDelete"Consenting To Be Paid for Sex Is Still Consenting!" On July 4, 2019
Statists, both in and out of government, like to play Kafkaesque games with the idea of consent.
by MAGGIE MCNEILL , the full article is online
Most Americans can't stand this Puritanical, Puritan BS
We need to think about the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frustrated, show Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion for them & Make Sex Work, Prostitution Legal for all Consenting Adults and in Every State of America
The "Freedom" that exists in America in 2022 is a Sick Pathetic Joke, but no one is laughing
ReplyDeleteSexual Freedom Matters, such "Freedom" that America has, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Puritan Sexually Repressed America is disrespectful,
blantantly disrespectful towards the countless Millions upon Millions of disabled and healthy people alike who are often unable to get Sex for various reasons, America gives the Middle Finger to these Sex Starved people, Forcing them to go without Sex, a Miserable Sexless Existence, Puritanical Sexually Repressed America Forces people to go for many years, Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex. America
Stupidly & Heartlessly Outlawing Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults. This is Extremely Disrespectful and Insensitive to people who are often unable to get Sex naturally
How the Hell can America expect people to live without Sex ?
Seriously, WTF ? Where is the Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion for the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frustrated
It is because of the "Freedom" that America has in 2022 which causes many Americans to Not be Proud to be American, to Not be Patriotic
Now, to be Fair & Objective, America has some good things,
I will admit that, give credit where credit is due, but much progress still needs to be made in terms of Personal Choices & Individual Rights. America needs More Freedom,
More Libertarian Freedom. I will return in a few days with more Arguments for this blog
Also many people Suffering from Chronic Lack of Sex have described it as Torture . I've also read that that in Nations where
ReplyDeleteProstitution, Sex Work is Legal for Consenting Adults that people who visit Sex Workers, It's for the Sex, it's definitely for the Sex, but also for Companionship
People opposed Legalized Prostitution, are very closed minded and refuse to see other points of view, just like Pro-Life
Suicide Prevention fanatics , Cultists & "Professionals"
It's Sickening how
ReplyDeletePuritanical Sexually Repressed America in 2022 has
UnConstitutional Discrimination Against the Very Real Legitimate
Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless Millions upon Millions upon Millions of Disabled and Healthy people alike who are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons.
Most Americans would agree that America should just Man Up, Grow the F--k Up, be Mature and Get Over this Phobia and Fear of Sex and Nudity and just
Legalize Sex Work, Prostitution for All Consenting Adults in All 50 States at Reasonable Prices. Just like in Most Nations of the World in 2022, Prostitution is Perfectly Legal, America is one of the few Nations where it is illegal.
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Cultists and "Professionals" ignore the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of Countless people who are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons
Sicologo , The website has an article by Jacob Sullum on
June 6, 2013 headlined
"An odious, unjust Prostitution sting" about the horrible grimy dishonest immoral illegal Entrapment Methods used by the Nassau County Police in New York State, Jacob Sullum is Outraged, he would probably agree that the "Freedom" that exists in America is a Sick Pathetic Joke
Do a Google search for the article, it's a Must Read
The website has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Constitutional Prostitution"
A California lawsuit could bring sex work out into the open.
Do a Google Search, it's about the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the disabled, and how the United States Constitution Supports the Right to Buy and Sell Sex
Also , what "free" country forces people to go without Sex , seriously what "free" country forces countless disabled and healthy people who are unable to get Sex naturally into a Miserable Sexless Existence, what "free" Country could be so Heartless Ignorant Selfish towards the very real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless disabled and healthy people alike who are unable to get Sex for various reasons. Often they are Suffering in Silence, Suffering in Silence,
ReplyDeleteSex is a Basic Human Need, it is a Vital Essential Need , Not just a Desire or a want, but a Vital Essential Need
What type of "free" country Forces people to go without a Vital Human Need,
Many articles online have said that America is in a
ReplyDeleteSex Recession , that people are having Less Sex
While the "Freedom" in America leaves much to be desired
The "Freedom" in America where Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies sadly tragically backfires terribly on Society creating all sorts of horrible problems and incidents on a Daily Basis. Just like when America had Alcohol Prohibition in the 1920's , the Prohibition of Alcohol backfired terribly on Society, making things much worse. The "Laws" in America are too Extreme, Too Extreme. Far too Extreme, Prohibition is sadly very alive and unwell in America, Alcohol Prohibition is gone , but Prohibition Exists in the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism, Prohibition Exists in the Insane unjust failed "War on Drugs" that everyone Hates, and Prohibition Exists in Outlawing Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults. When most people would rather Die than "Live" without Sex. They would rather die than "live" a Miserable Sexless Existence
Many Disabled and Healthy Americans alike are often unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, and Puritanical Sexually Repressed America forces them to go without Sex for many years, often decades upon decades upon decades upon decades upon decades upon decades upon decades upon decades upon decades
It's no Joke. These Various Prohibitions I just listed that sadly exist in America in 2022 all sadly and tragically backfire terribly on Society creating all sorts of Problems and Incidents on a Daily Basis. Which is why I'm Personally Libertarian on many Issues. I will return in a few days with even more Arguments for this Blog
I really feel sorry for people who think
ReplyDeleteAmerica is a "Free Country"
I wonder, do they also think the
Earth is Flat ? The Reasons I gave in these Comments
Are Solid Evidence and Reasons why America was
Never Remotely a "Free Country" and Reasons why Many Americans are Not Patriotic, they are Not Patriotic because of the Severe Lack of Freedom in America.
From the BBC News website an article is headlined
"The sadness of living without sex" on
17 May 2018 , Countless Americans are unable to get Sex
For various reasons, It's a Extremely Serious Painful
Problems for Countless people
Sicologo, About the "Freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteI was speaking with a friend of mine a few days ago, and he agreed with me that sadly much of the Crime in America, both Sex Crimes and even many Non-Sexual Crimes are the Result of Sexual Frustration, are sadly the Result of Sexual Frustration . Countless Americans are Suffering in Silence, they want Sex but are unable to get it for various reasons, and America is one of the few Nations in the World that Stupidly Outlaws Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults. So How the Hell can America expect people to live without Sex ?
How Goddammit, How ?
Seriously How the Hell can America expect people to live without Sex ? How ? How Goddammit ? The "Freedom" in America is a Joke as many people have come to realize
DeleteCountless Tens of Millions of Americans want Sex but are unable to get it for various reasons, they cannot even legally pay for Sex
As I typed above in my comment of
DeleteDecember 19, 2022 at
2:17 PM I typed
"I was speaking with a friend of mine a few days ago, and he agreed with me that sadly much of the Crime in America, both Sex Crimes and even many Non-Sexual Crimes are the Result of Sexual Frustration, are sadly the Result of Sexual Frustration . Countless Americans are Suffering in Silence, they want Sex but are unable to get it for various reasons, and America is one of the few Nations in the World that Stupidly Outlaws Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults. So How the Hell can America expect people to live without Sex ?
How Goddammit, How ?"
Many people have pointed out that if America would just listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Legalize Prostitution for All consenting Adults at Reasonable Prices in Every State of America it would Greatly Reduce Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes
It Sickens me and many people when there is talk about
ReplyDelete"Freedom" and "Freedoms" in America, oh Really ? Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies ? As I pointed out countless times and I will NEVER Stop pointing out. Countless people are Suffering because of the Severe Lack of Freedom in America. My Fellow Human Beings are Suffering, this deeply saddens and torments me, this upsets me personally.
The New York Times website has an article headlined
"Have More Sex, Please!"
on Feb. 13, 2023
By Magdalene J. Taylor Countless Healthy and Disabled Americans alike would LOVE to have Sex,
But with the "Freedom" in America being such a
Sick Pathetic Joke, people unable to get Sex naturally are
Denied the Right to Pay for Sex via
Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults
All people Need More Sex
Plus , has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Celibacy Has Bad Effects On Your Mind And Body Health"
by Sieeka Khan Jan 09, 2020
Back in 2018 a person typed online about the countless people in
ReplyDeleteAmerica alone who are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons that
"Modern society is extremely sexualized, there is no escape from sex as a man in these times, which is why it feels like you're being trolled whenever people say the all too cliche phrase "sex isn't the most important thing in life", nice strawman argument, now simply wanting sex because its being shoved down your throat at every waking moment, is equal to thinking its the most important thing in the world. Statements like that are nothing but dismissive shaming and silencing tactics.
Sex is in the newspapers, magazines, tv, movies, video games, its in advertisements, bill boards, the internet, etc. People need to try and understand how "dystopian" of a reality this would all seem to a man who is unable to acquire sex due to unrealistic and unfair female standards that only exist due to various societal changes that resulted from feminism. Its like a sick joke were forced to live through. Everyone is telling us to just "get over it" while ironically enjoying sex lives themselves and boasting/talking about it at every waking moment.
Imagine if you woke up and basically everyone on the planet had an expensive sports car, all you see are people around you driving it, everyone with a sports car gets treated differently than those who don't, they have higher social status, etc. For some reason you can't get one no matter how much you adhere to the advice suggested by sports car owners. Everytime you complain about the biased system that keeps you from getting one, someone tells you - "there are more important things in life than sports cars", they then later proceed to talk with their friends about all the awesome sports cars they drove, post about the current sports car they have leased, and make instagram and other media posts about how great their sports car driving life is and how great they are at driving sports cars.
Quite obviously these people are being disingenuous, they know your complaints are legitimate, they don't actually follow their own words and they glorify sports cars and ownership of it ad nauseum, really they just want people without sports cars to STFU and deal with it, live without having a sports car and stop ruining the experience for the rest of them. Its really fucked up but that is societys mindset towards men who can't get sex, they know that argument is BS, they know they are lying and sex is of the utmost importance to every human (its not the most important thing, but its really really up there on the list, some might argue 2nd or 3rd place). They only repeat this BS because its really just about shaming and silencing men for daring to make society even feel a tad bit guilty or responsible for our current state of being disenfranchised. They really just expect incels to "STFU and take one for the team".
Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence"
Many people have said that Human Beings Need
ReplyDeleteReal Sex with Real Human Beings,
That it is a Vital Essential Human Need
Self-Gratification , Sex Dolls &
Sex Robots are NOT the Answer
Countless people are Chronically Unable to Get Sex for
Various Reasons and they can't even legally pay for Sex
Such "Freedom" that America has, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , not even that
Many people have pointed Out that Legalized Prostitution has been proven to greatly reduce Rape and other Sex Crimes
That Legalized Prostitution for All Consenting Adults has been proven and shown to greatly Reduce Rape and other Tragic Horrific Sex Crimes
Countless people unable to get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons will agree that Sex paid for Via Legalized Prostitution is Far Better, Far Better than No Sex
The late Dr. Jack Kevorkian himself, a True American Hero
ReplyDeleteand leader in the Growing Right To Die, Death with Dignity Movement was a Champion of the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Dr. Kevorkian knew that the Ninth Amendment granted Americans many rights and Freedoms. Yet the Ninth Amendment is unjustly ignored, many people have stated that the
Ninth Amendment as well as the due process clauses of the
5th & 14th Amendments Support the Right To Die, to Death with Dignity
Many of the "Laws" in America are sadly far too Extreme
ReplyDeleteVery Extremist in nature, very Heartless Rigid Inflexible
Prohibition is sadly Very Alive and Unwell in Many Ways in
America, this sadly Backfires terribly on Society tragically creating all sorts of countless horrible incidents on a daily basis.
Literally Every Single Day in America, these are the sad Facts ,
Why can't The Politicians and Lawmakers in America listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Change these stupid retarded outdated unjust "Laws" that sadly make Everything Worse
Such as ending the stupid Insane unjust failed
"War on Drugs" that everyone hates
Legalizing Prostitution for All Consenting Adults at Reasonable Prices in Every State, for the Sake of the Countless Millions upon Millions of disabled and healthy Americans alike who are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons, and Legalizing Voluntary Assisted Death for Any and All Suffering people who Request To Die,
Legal and Available, Free of Charge Everywhere in America but Also Worldwide
Many Americans find it impossible to be Patriotic because of the Unjust Cruel Inhumane "Laws" in America
I'm personally Very Libertarian on Many Issues,
The Libertarian Party has the slogan
"All Your Freedoms, All the Time"
Myself and other Americans are Not Anti-Government or
Anti-Law Enforcement, Government and Law Enforcement does some good things, we just desire More Freedom !!!!
Sicologo, The Must read article from the
ReplyDeleteNew York Daily News website is headlined
"An odious, unjust prostitution sting"
By Jacob Sullum on
June 06, 2013 About the Horrible, Evil, Immoral, Grimy, Dishonest,
Abusive, illegal Entrapment Methods used by the
Nassau County Police, a Huge Waste of Tax Payer Dollars
Such Glorious, Wonderful "Freedom" that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
It's really disgusting and Evil how America
ReplyDeleteUnjustly Forces Countless Millions upon Millions of
disabled and healthy Americans to go without Sex. That is truly Sickening, countless disabled and healthy Americans alike are often unable to get Sex for Various Reasons and they can't even legally pay for Sex, via Prostitution
So they Must endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
Because the "Freedom" in America is so Incredible and Awesome that Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that, truly Pathetic
While myself and other Americans feel and know in our
Hearts that we have a Moral Obligation to Peacefully Speak Out Against Unjust, Cruel, Inhumane, Sadistic, Barbaric,
Outdated "Laws" that sadly backfire terribly on Society and make things worse has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Most Americans don't believe the US is the greatest country in the world, poll finds" on March 28, 2023
The Wall Street Journal/NORC survey found a steep decline in patriotism among Americans
By Michael Lee | Fox News this article says
"A majority of Americans do not view the United States as the world's greatest nation as patriotism declines as one of the country's core values.
Only 21% of Americans believe that the United States "stands above all countries in the world," while 50% said America is "one of the greatest countries in the world, along with some others" and 27% indicated "there are other countries better than the United States," according to the results of a Wall Street Journal/NORC poll released Monday.
The attitudes about America's standing in the world come as core values that once defined the country continue to decline, the poll found, with many Americans indicating that patriotism is not as important of a value as it once was.
Only 38% of Americans indicated that patriotism was a "very important" value to them, down from 70% when the poll first asked the question in 1998. Another 35% said patriotism was "somewhat important" to them, while 16% said it was "not that important" and 11% indicated it was "not important all."
Younger Americans were less likely to hold patriotism as an important value, with 36% of those between the ages of 18-29 indicating it was "very important" to them personally, which stood in stark contrast to seniors over the age of 65, 59% of whom said patriotism was a "very important" value.
The poll also found stark partisan split between those who valued patriotism, with 23% of Democrats finding the value "very important" compared with 59% of Republican respondents. Meanwhile, just 29% of respondents who said they were independent indicated patriotism was "very important" to them personally.
"For me, patriotism has turned into right-wing nationalism,’’ Janet Boyer, a former Pentecostal minister from Pennsylvania who voted for President Biden in 2020, told the Wall Street Journal.
The WSJ/NORC poll was conducted between March 1-13 and sampled 1,019 adults, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points."
Michael Lee is a writer at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @UAMichaelLee
About the "Freedom" that America has has an article headlined
"Freest Countries 2023" Look it up
Granted, many Nations rank as less free than
America, but many Nations rank as
Freer than American has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The US Needs a Freedom Revival" on
December 6, 2017 by Marc J. Victor
This article tells how America definitely Needs To be More
Libertarian , how America Needs More
Libertarian Freedom , he gets into specifics
However I disagree with Mr. Victor when he claims
America was Such a Great Free Country, sadly it Never was
Granted, America was OK in some ways, but America sadly has
serious problems and Needs More Freedom has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"10 Facts About America That Show We’re Not Really Free" by
JEF ROUNER JULY 2, 2015 has an article headlined
"The Anger of Realizing America Isn't Free" by Alex Mell-Taylor
May 26, 2021
Yesterday I saw on TV a report that said
ReplyDeleteAmerican Patriotism is at an all time Low
Probably in large part because many
Americans realize that many of the
"Laws" in America are Far too Extreme
Outdated, Asinine, Oppressive, the Examples I gave
in these comments many times, stupid Retarded unjust "Laws" that sicken most Americans
Adults in America cannot even do what they want with
their own lives and bodies
America Forcing Countless people to go
Without Sex , such "Freedom" that
America has , when Adults cannot even do what they want
With their own lives and bodies , not even that
America Unjustly Forcing Countless people to go without Sex
A Basic Human Desire and Vital Need
I wasn't surprised when the TV report
said American Patriotism is at an all time Low
On the Internet Right To Die Group a person recently posted about
ReplyDeleteThe Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and the Countless people who are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons that
"Today I want to talk about the social marginalization and disenfranchisement that us incels suffer on a regula basis, and how pro-euthanasia organizations can help rethink the inceldom situation in general.
Many essays claim that incels comprise populations of people who suffer from serious emotional distress stemming primarily from mental illness, as well as a serious impairment in establishing social connections. Simply put, incels comprise mostly of people who experience emotional distress and are very, very lonely. I can definitely speak to that from experience.
It’s important to highlight that the emotional distress and the loneliness that incels suffer is usually as involuntary as is our lack of a sex life.
Unfortunately, because incels tend to struggle to function at a psychological level and at a social level, we are often pushed (intentionally or not, consciously or subconsciously) to the margins of society as either “unwanted,” “undesirable,” and downright “unappealing” individuals; or simply as second-class citizens- the type to be liked as nothing more than a “good worker,” a “good friend,” or a “good acquaintance” but nothing enough to inspire true passion, ecstasy, devotion, and desire. And this is exactly where our lack of success with sexual pursuits comes from. This fact alone illustrates a very important point: the sexless lives of incels are a side effect of societal stigma towards those of us who display issues with social interaction and emotional resilience.
Not surprisingly, our difficulties with emotional distress and developing profound connections with others often lead us to suicidal ideation as can be seen in incel forums where numerous posts about suicidal urges are made, and this is where we have two options: to get medical assistance to improve our symptoms of emotional distress and social dysfunction to improve our life outcomes, or to commit suicide. This is where advocacy for euthanasia is particularly crucial: on one hand, studies have shown that anti-depressants, for example, only work in 50% of patients who are prescribed them, meaning that a huge number of consumers do not benefit from them; on the other, clinicians repeatedly state that successful medical intervention to treat mental illness encompasses a combination of psychotherapy and medications. Therefore, it follows that if anti-depressants only work for 50% of consumers, then medicatiom-psychotherapy combination that clinicians prescribe is doomed to fail for the other 50% of consumers, not to mention the fact that anti-depressants take a considerable amount of time to kick in and to tell us if their lack of efficacy is from the medication itself being ineffective, or if the dosage is. Furthermore, treatments like ECT and TMS still fail to work for roughly 20% of people who undergo these treatments. If we combine this shortcomings on medicine’s part with the stories of people living with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, whose medication regimes involve a level of intensity and side-effects about as strong as the symptoms they aim to tame, we can see plain as day that medicine does not have enough to provide for the mentally ill to allow us to have a dignified and happy life."
The comment continues
ReplyDelete"There’s definitely no shame in trying out the treatments available for the psychological issues like those that us incels face. However, as in my case, where I have tried all of the above treatments and my own emotional distress is still ever present, there comes a point where I, and the incels in my shoes, have to say that “enough” trial and error is “enough,” and that “no” to life means, “no.”
I want you guys to think about the shameless and pathetic ways in which life apotheosis has driven society to break their own rules:
-The rule of self-determination: most of society acknowledges women’s freedom to say “no” to an interested man, but if that man is an incel with a plethora of problems caused by his mental illness and difficulty with social interaction says “no” to a life of combined burdens, society refuses to honor that incels’ “no” to life despite ***disenfranchizing*** and ***dehumanizing*** this individual.
-The rule of allowing yourself to be selfish: While in psychotherapy in the United States, I’ve been taught about the American, highly-individualistic principle of “allowing yourself to be selfish,” that is, to put yourself first, set your own boundaries, live according to your own preferences, and to say “no” to others without hesitation, regardless of how it affects them. However, as soon as an incel with difficult to treat mental illness puts a gun to their head to say “no” to life in order to serve THEIR own best interests, society changes its script from favoring individualist values to collectivist values, frantically begging the suicidal individual to put others first, to live for the sake of others, to do the selfless thing and not the selfish thing. According to these oppressive hypocrites, your right to be selfish ends when you make the choice to take your own life.
The fact that the general social marginalization of incels, the inefficacy of treatments available for mental illness, and the human body’s resilience to suicide technology are issues outside of anyone’s control, it is important to continue doing our part in advocating for euthanasia for the mentally ill to ensure justice for all, so that women will become less and less plagued a surplus of men that they do not want, and so that us incels who wish to die will no longer inhabit an earth as social marginalized individuals where we are ironically wanted alive for reasons that have more to do with someone else’s benefit than our own."
The same person in the Right To Die group also typed in a follow up comment about the Countless people unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
ReplyDelete"This is exactly what pisses me off about the United States the most. Putting a john through the criminal system just because they were looking for CONSENSUAL sex. Like consensual sex was a sin to begin with. That's the puritanical mentality that people in this disgusting country has. And if you combine that with the fact that women tend to feel less attraction towards socially awkward people and tend to marginalize them as does the general population, coupled with the fact that the United States is just as stubborn about voluntary euthanasia for these marginalized individuals that it doesn't even like, you get a paternalist shithole that is in no way, "by the people, for the people," but rather, "by bureaucrats, FOR bureaucrats." These assholes keep us alive against our will because it benefits them in some kind of way and under the bullshit claim that keeping us socially marginalized incels alive against our will is for *our* benefit. Everyone in this group knows that that's not true at all. Fuck the United States of America and fuck the pro-life assholes that want to keep us incels alive against our will, for their benefit and not ours."
The person also typed on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group about the Countless people unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
" that's what makes me hate the United States so much. It outlaws struggling socially marginalized incels purchasing sex in its soil while also outlawing voluntary euthanasia for them if they struggle to muster the wish to live in their particular predicament. The country prefers that incels conform to an unhappy, sexless life instead, adding salt to injury. Fuck that gigantic sample of red, white, and blue excrement that has befallen the North American continent!"
The person also typed
ReplyDelete" Oh I totally agree that the United States is a shitty country in many ways. It boasts about freedom, yet many of its institutions and social facts leave many people feeling oppressed, unhappy, and anything BUT free. Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but if you walk into a gas station store in the US, it shows you the United States in a nutshell- the excess of unhealthy sugary and high-cholesterol foods, toys and fidget spinners that you don't really need, etc. Ugh! Hardly anything about this detestable country inspires me in the least!"
Sicologo , you could have also mentioned the
ReplyDeleteNational Anthem of The United States
"The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key the last line in the Anthem says
"O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave"
Land of the Free ? Really , when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
When America unjustly Forces Countless Millions of people to go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
And America has the Stupid Unjust Failed
"War on Drugs" that Everyone Hates and
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Forced Living Extremism , Fanaticism and Obsessiveness, Life till the bitter End Crap
Sicologo, you could also have mentioned
ReplyDeletethe old de facto national anthem of the
United States
"My Country, 'Tis of Thee" by
Samuel Francis Smith some of the lyrics in this song are
"My country, 'tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty,
let freedom ring! ..
land of the noble free,.
sweet freedom's song.." the full Lyrics are online
Such "Freedom" and "Liberty" America Has ,
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own Lives and Bodies, Not even that
Sicologo, The Future of Freedom Foundation website has an article headlined
"Legalize Prostitution"
by Walter Block on
August 7, 2023 this article says
"If two unmarried consenting adults have sexual relations with each other, in all states but one (Mississippi) they violate no law. Such an act might be considered immoral by some, but that doesn’t mean that it should be a criminal offense.
With legalization, rights violations now become the exception, not the rule.
[Click to Tweet]
If the man pays the woman for sex with dinners, a movie, flowers, etc. again there is no crime involved, at least not in civilized countries.
However, if he compensates her for her services in the form of a monetary payment, this is called prostitution and is illegal in most jurisdictions.
This is more than passing curious. Why should the form of payment play such an important, nay overwhelming, role? Money is purchasing power, more efficient than bartering goods and services, unless the recipient is going to purchase that exact combination of items in any case. For instance, for the price of a movie, dinner and flowers, the woman might prefer a pair of shoes. She could obtain the footwear, but only if she were paid in the form of money.
But the weirdness does not end there. If money changes hands, it converts an act that would be licit into a crime. The amazing thing is that the act in the two cases is identical. The only difference is the transfer of money.
The weirdness now escalates to unimaginable heights. Or depths of irrationality. If during this sex act, one for which money duly changes hands, but a camera is employed, then, suddenly, and amazingly, this occurrence then, once again, becomes legal. Well, not exactly legal. Pornography remains illegal, but, as a practical matter, is no longer enforced. Why, you might ask? Please sit down, now, lest you keel over when I answer this question. The response is that this sex act then becomes not one of evil intolerable prostitution, an awful illegal occurrence, but one of pornography, an act of free speech protected by law, or, at least, not enforced by law.
Are we living in an insane asylum? Sex and nothing but sex? Legal. Sex paid for with movies, dinners, flowers? Again non criminal. The very same act accompanied by monetary payment? A vicious act, prohibited by law, with severe penalties for violators. The same act, once again, money again is transferred from one party to the other, but a camera is utilized to record the goings on? We once again return to the realm not of the legal but of the non-enforced illegal. Preposterous is not too extreme a characterization of this concatenation.
When prostitution is prohibited by law, it does not disappear. It is not for nothing that it is considered the oldest profession. Rather it is driven underground. The women involved (there are a few male gigolos) are molested and brutalized. When it is legal, as it is in most of Nevada, this changes dramatically. Now, in terms of treatment it becomes similar to other job pursuits.
With legalization, rights violations now become the exception, not the rule. Have we learned nothing from alcohol prohibition? Under this system, people died from bathtub gin, violence, shootings over turf. Nowadays, under legalization, you go to the supermarket for booze. Let us employ the lessons we should have learned from this episode concerning alcohol to sex between consenting adults.
Legalize prostitution!"
This post was written by: Walter Block
Walter Block, an Austrian school economist and anarcho-libertarian philosopher, is Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and Professor of Economics at Loyola University New Orleans and Senior Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He writes at Many other articles online Explain and List the Many Reasons why America Should Definitely Legalize Prostitution and also End the Stupid Unjust Failed
"War on Drugs"
A woman on the Internet Right To Die Group typed the following in response to the man who typed his comment on
ReplyDeleteJuly 4, 2022 about the hideous disgusting lack of Freedom in America :
"EVERYTHING that ------ said, plus:
Total lack of bodily autonomy.
1. Prostitution should be decriminalized and treated like every other profession
2. ABORTION should be legal with easy access for all women🤬.
Drugs should be decriminalized and regulated.
The cherry picking of the constitution, just like the Bible."
The woman on the
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group agreed that
Prostitution, Sex Work is Valid Legitimate Work and
Needs to be Made Legal in All 50 States
That the "War on Drugs" is Complete Insanity in Addition to
Supporting the Growing Right To Die Movement
And the Right of a woman to a Safe and Legal Abortion
I agree that the Total Lack of Bodily Autonomy in America is Very Creepy and Disturbing
Many Americans do Not like America because of the
Unjust, Cruel, Inhumane, Asinine, Outdated, Barbaric, Retarded, Oppressive
Stupid "Laws"
F--Ked Up "Laws" that Sicken Most Americans and sadly make Countless Problems Worse and Increase Suffering
Sicologo, it's Truly hideous and obscene how
ReplyDeletePuritan Sexually Repressive Puritanical America
Forces Countless Millions upon Millions of people to go without Sex
Can you see why Many Americans do Not like
America, America Unjustly Forces Countless Adults to
Go without Sex , a Basic Human Desire and Vital Need
I can see why Patriotism in America is so Low
The United States definitely Needs More Freedom
More Freedom Goddammit has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"America is Not the “Land of the Free” " by Tarik on
Oct 14, 2020
More about the "Freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteA Heterosexual Man typed
4 years ago regarding America and Strip Clubs in America
“Prostitution should definitely be legal throughout the entire planet. There’s an insane amount of rules at strip clubs depending on the state and depending on the club which is why I stopped going to them like nipples have to be covered by tape, no touching with hands etc”
Fox News often talks about "Freedom" and
"Freedoms" in America, What Freedom ?
Seriously Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, how is that "Freedom" ?
A person recently typed online about Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work and the Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike who are Often unable to Get Sex Naturally that
ReplyDelete"Denying people who don't fit the social desirability spectrum any meaningful opportunity for physical contact is both cruel and dystopian because it perpetuates suffering and strife."
A person recently typed on a
ReplyDeleteLibertarian Internet Group about how it's Horribly Unjust that America Forces Countless Millions upon Millions upon Millions of people to go without Sex by Not Making
Sex Work, Prostitution Legal in Every State that
"Sick of the anti liberty right puritanical religious nutjobs and the anti liberty left neo puritanical pseudo religious nutjobs."
Many Americans have No Love or Respect for America because of the Unjust, Cruel, Inhumane, Sadistic, Barbaric, Outdated, Asinine
ReplyDelete"Laws" that are sadly making everything worse that worsens people's Sufferings , how can they possibly be remotely Patriotic
Horrible so-called "Laws" that worsen people's Sufferings and tragically backfire terribly on Society
Plus the website has an article headlined
"Sexual rights and disability" by
Ezio Di Nucci this article says
"This paper argues against Appel's recent proposal—in this journal—that there is a fundamental human right to sexual pleasure, and that therefore the sexual pleasure of severely disabled people should be publicly funded—by thereby partially legalising prostitution. An alternative is proposed that does not need to pose a new positive human right; does not need public funding; does not need the legalisation of prostitution; and that would offer a better experience to the severely disabled: charitable non-profit organisations whose members would voluntarily and freely provide sexual pleasure to the severely disabled."
Still Most Americans and Myself agree that Prostitution, Sex Work should be made Legal in Every State, all 50 States of America for All Consenting Adults and at Reasonable Prices
But also
charitable non-profit organisations whose members would voluntarily and freely provide sexual pleasure to the severely disabled is a Great idea Also especially for people who have very little money
This comment has been removed by the author. has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Prostitution – Heinous Crime or the Government in Your Bedroom?" by
Relampago Furioso on
April 13, 2016 has a thread by
ReplyDeleter/changemyview 1 year ago in 2022 headlined
"CMV: Prostitution should be completely legal" which says
"I don’t understand why two consenting adults doing business with each other is any of our business. She wants money, he wants a nut, so they make a business transaction. It’s like buying bread at the store. It’s really hard for a lot of guys nowadays to get laid, why is it bad if they decide to pay for what they want? People will bring up trafficking, but the biggest reason it’s so bad right now is BECAUSE prostitution is illegal. It’s the same thing with the drug war, anytime you make a product(in this case paid-for-sex, figurative product) illegal you automatically push it down to the black market, and things are never better off in the hands of crime mobs. You also make sex workers less safe when it’s illegal, putting them in the hands and mercy of a pimp who hopefully won’t be abusive and will hopefully be competent at protecting them. Many sex workers are too scared to go to the police when they’re in a bad situation because they don’t want to go to jail, so they just remain in that bad situation. Finally, porn is legal. Why? They’re paid to have sex, that should be illegal right? What’s the difference, the camera?"
Sadly the United States in 2024 is filled with many hideous , obscene, profane,
ReplyDeleteEgregious Injustices and Unjust, Cruel, Inhumane "Laws" that sadly backfire terribly on Society and make Everything Worse and Exacerbate Countless Problems
America Unjustly Forces Countless Tens of Millions of People to go for many many years, decades upon decades upon decades without Sex , America won't Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults in Every State and at Reasonable Prices
America has Evil, Wicked, Unethical Pro-Life
"Suicide Prevention" and Forced Living Extremism, Fanaticism, Obsessiveness, Creepiness, Life till the bitter End Crap
Pro-Life "Suicide Prevention" Forced Living Supremacism is very Disturbing and makes people very uncomfortable and afraid of the Future
The "War on Drugs" has been condemned by Countless
People, it's upsetting that Countless Americans are living in poverty are hungry, homeless
No one should be Homeless, no person or animal deserves to be Homeless
I will give an Example of how Cruel, Unjust and Unfair Life is.
ReplyDeleteMy Own Mother, who lived in New York City her entire life became ill with Very Severe Type I
Bipolar Disorder ,
Manic-Depression at age 19, in
1969, she had to drop out of College, could only work part time because of her Mental illness, and even those jobs she eventually lost because of her illness. She got married in 1978 to my Father who worked one job Full Time, my Family of 4 , My Mom, Dad and Sister . My family was somewhat above the official poverty line for that time period
Now before 1978, my Mother got
Social Security Disability, SSI in addition to her part time jobs, that she ultimately lost, due to her condition.
Because the Social Security Administration counted her husband’s income, they had the policy that they could no longer give her any SSI benefits, not even a Reduced amount, the Rules and Policies of the Social Security Administration and Government overall and who can receive benefits should have been different, More Generous, Loving, Compassionate, Caring, Flexible, with More Heart , and Regardless of my Father’s Income and the Fact that he worked full time. Social Security should have given my Mother something like at least $3,000 per month, Every Month, Tax Free ,and with
Medicaid, Medicare until the day of her death in 2014 at age 63. And at least $400 dollars In Food Stamp Money Every Month until her Death, with Little Pain in the Ass Paperwork, Documentation, Red Tape, Hassle, Waiting Periods, Headache, etc
That way the Government would be sending the message that they love her and care about her as a human being, and have compassion,
Sympathy and Empathy for her and others like her , by giving her
$3,000 dollars per month, Every Month , a total of $36,000 a year , Every Year until the day of her Death. That’s the way it should have been. The Government, Charitable Organizations, Society Overall should have done more for her and Countless other disabled, less fortunate and Suffering people like her. My Mother and others like her definitely deserved $3,000 per month in Addition to $400 per month in Food Stamps.
The Government, Society overall and Charitable Organizations should have done so much More for my Mother and Countless Others like her
She deserved better, Countless other Suffering people like her deserved better, so Much More, My Mother was very intelligent and a nice person, she deserved more
My point is also that the Government, Society overall and Charitable Organizations should Not have just given up on my Mother and Countless Others like her simply because she was Married and her husband worked Full Time, regardless of his Income level
DeleteThe Government, Society Overall and Charitable Organizations should have Given So Much More to my Mother and Countless Others like her , done so much More for my Mother and Countless Others like her , regardless of her Husband's income and him working full time, My Mother and Countless others like her deserved so Much More
So Much More
The Government, Society Overall and Charitable Organizations should Not have just Given up on My Mother and Countless Others like her
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States needs to immediately declare people ,Adults unable to Get Sex, Love, Relationships and Companionship Naturally for Various Reasons an Epidemic and Public Health Crisis that it is and Work to Make
ReplyDeleteProstitution, Sex Work Legal for All Consenting Adults in Every State of the United States and at Reasonable Prices
Plus, All Public Schools in America and Worldwide should from a Very Young Age Teach until Graduation from High School Teach Basic and Advanced Social Skills, Life Skills, Street Smarts , Emotional Intelligence and Teach it Year after Year after Year after Year , so that the students Never Forget, so that they don't grow up to be Socially Awkward Miserable unhappy Adults
Not All Students Learn these Vital Skills Naturally, Many Students have Awkward Parents who fail to teach these students these Vital Skills
A person on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group typed
"Human Rights Watch, who focuses on “prisoners of conscience” such as Nelson Mandela, would never fight for people like Jack Kevorkian, who stopped the suffering of so many people."
Some people typed in reply
"He was a real hero! a true human rights activist who risked his own life to save others. The fact that the elites sent him to jail is an indescribable crime against humanity."
& Other comments in reply were
"Even Wikipedia declares him an “American criminal”….a man who saved people from chocking on their own tongues due to ALS ffs. “Human rights” organizations had no sympathy for Jack. After 9/11, they had all the god damn “sympathy’ in the world for Al-Qaeda members at Gitmo. I already made that point. Are humans just wired to be attracted to tyrants over those who grant others peace?"
"Jack Kevorkian fought for freedom and became a political prisoner in the USA. No civil or human rights organizations vouched for him. Human and civil rights organizations cared more about the welfare of terrorists at Gitmo."
I will Return in a few days with Even More Arguments for our Growing Movement has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Nevada's legal brothel system deserves national credit" by
Bella Cummins
October 18th, 2023
Fox News, Channel 44 in New York City talks about the
"Freedom" and "Freedoms" in America all the time
Yet in America Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
How is that "Freedom" ? How? The hideous egregious Examples I gave many times
Countless American Adults are Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, it's an Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless Tens of Millions of People
This is a Crisis that Causes Horrible Mental and Physical Suffering
While making Sex Work Legal in Every State of America for All Consenting Adults will Not be a Magic cure for people unable to Get Sex Naturally, it will somewhat alleviate their Suffering
How can America expect Countless Millions of people to go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex has an article
by EMILY SCHMIDT, CRAIG HELMSTETTER and BENJAMIN CLARY June 30, 2022 A Must Read Article has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"John Stossel: Freedom is on the decline in America"
John Stossel
PUBLISHED: June 21, 2023
A person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group about people who are Socially Awkward and unable to Get Sex that
ReplyDelete"There’s other places in the world where shyness, social awkwardness, and emotional disabilities are seen more as endearing issues (rather than reprehensible ones like what they are perceived to be in the US); there’s other places in the world where they won’t see people with these difficulties so much as “awkward,” or “weird,” but as part of what makes us human, and those are the places you and I need to be. Fuck this gigantic disgusting red, white, and blue turd of a country and it’s stiffy, fake-friendly, ableist motherfuckers."
The person on the Internet
ReplyDeleteRight To Die Group also clarified about what other places in the World he was referring to saying
"All Latin American countries, Portugal, Spain, and Italy are some places that come to mind. People in Latin/Romance language countries tend to be very warm and tend to embrace more. You don't have so much of the lousy personal and physical touch boundary issues there that you have in this shithole of a country. Things like kissing and rubbing a person's body are much more commonplace in those places than in the Disgusting States of America.
Also, I once had a conversation with a Hispanic psychiatrist about American culture vs. Hispanic culture, and he confirmed my observation that Hispanics are more likely to accept you, flaws and all, unlike Americans who are quick to judge you and blacklist you based on things you do that they don't like. Simply put, Hispanics are more likely to reject things you do that they don't like without rejecting you as a whole; Americans, on the other hand, are more likely to reject *all* of you if they don't like 'one' thing you do and say.
I was also amazed at a documentary I saw at a Catholic youth group back in college where some young men visited a community in Africa which had to be quarantined due to having a flesh-eating condition, and they were welcomed with open arms by the people in these secluded communities. The villagers said that the visitors where their "brothers." And this resonates with a conversation I had with a friend of mine who is an anarchist and hates the United States as much as I do- she also mentioned at one point that there's communities in Africa where you are far more likely to find people who will treat you like they actually give a shit about you than in the United Shits.
I would basically recommend any place that doesn't have the Germanic, standoffish, antisocial, and boundary-obsessed culture that the United States has."
A person typed online in 2010 about why America Needs to Be Reasonable and Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in All of America that
ReplyDelete"I also think it is wrong that men who solicite for sex should be prosecuted, as well as their reputation, job and with it their lifes all down the drain. And for what? A basic human desire. That may be controversial but its an issue that is not talkede about anywhere near as much as it should be. Im not talking abolut individuals cheating on their opartners with a sex worker but rather involuntary celibates who may have no other choice. The impact of involuntary celibacy should not be underestimated or mocked- the loneliness and frustration it causes is immense. If someone has been a virgin for 30 years only to be prosecuted when they finally enjoy that basic human desire through consensual sex is that fair?
It is right that there is a focus on the welfare of sex workers but society also has to stop vilifying the clients. " Most Americans would agree
Most Americans Adults
ReplyDeleteMen & Women alike agree
It's Time to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for All Consenting Adults in Every State of the United States and at Reasonable Prices
Countless Millions of American Adults are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, they want Sex Also, they are Sexual Beings Also Goddamit
They don't have the time and/or Money to travel to remote areas of Nevada or other Nations where Prostitution is Legal
In 2024 , Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature America gives no Recourse to Countless people unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
We mentioned the late
ReplyDeleteDr. Jack Kevorkian on the comments of this Blog
We All Must Remember
Jack Kevorkian did
Nothing Wrong
And the Unjust Criminal Convictions against him Need to be Posthumously Pardoned, Exonerated, Expunged
The "Freedom" in America is a Joke
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that , Not even that
Jack Kevorkian realized that the
"Freedom" in America is Joke
Jack Kevorkian wanted to Extend the Right To Die, Death With Dignity to People Suffering from Unbearable Mental illness and other Suffering people who were Not Terminally ill
Jack Kevorkian knew that
Pro-Life "Suicide Prevention" Extremism is Diabolical and Pure Evil
Jack Kevorkian did Nothing Wrong !!
Such "Freedom" that America has , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that, Not even that, Truly Pathetic
ReplyDeleteAmerica Makes Suffering people Suffer Even More, Even More
America Unjustly Forces Countless Millions upon Millions of people to go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex , a Vital Human Need , Not Just a Desire
Is that Fair or Just ? This is why Many Americans have No Love or Respect for America, and many outright Despise America , because they realize that the
"Freedom" in America is a Sick Pathetic Joke
The Specific Examples I listed many times on this Blog, that I talked about Many Times and that I will personally Never, Never stop talking about
Never Stop Talking About
America Needs More Libertarian Freedom
More Freedom Goddamit
Countless Human Beings in America are Suffering Unbearably because of these Stupid Unjust Retarded Asinine
"Laws" that worsen the Unbearable Sufferings people have
Yes All Nations Need Laws , but many of the "Laws" in America are Too Extreme, Far Too Extreme
Far Too Extreme, Strict, Heartless ,Unethical, inhumane, cruel and just plain Retarded
Legality doesn't Equal Morality
The United States in 2024 is sadly definitely Morally Retarded in
ReplyDeleteMany Ways, in
Many Ways
Very Evil, Wicked and Morally Retarded in Many Ways
It hurts to say that, but it's true
About the BS
"freedom" that America has I typed online here a while back
""I was speaking with a friend of mine a few days ago, and he agreed with me that sadly much of the Crime in America, both Sex Crimes and even many Non-Sexual Crimes are the Result of Sexual Frustration, are sadly the Result of Sexual Frustration . Countless Americans are Suffering in Silence, they want Sex but are unable to get it for various reasons, and America is one of the few Nations in the World that Stupidly Outlaws Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults. So How the Hell can America expect people to live without Sex ?
How Goddammit, How ?"
Many people have pointed out that if America would just listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Legalize Prostitution for All consenting Adults at Reasonable Prices in Every State of America it would Greatly Reduce Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes"
I've also read peer Reviewed articles online saying that Many Countless Crimes both
Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes are sadly the Result of
Sexual Frustration
Yet America won't Listen to Reason and be Reasonable and just Make Prostitution Legal in Every State of the United States and at Reasonable Prices
Most Americans want it to be Legalized
America gives no Legal Recourse
ReplyDeleteNo Legal Recourse
No Legal Recourse to Countless
Millions of Americans unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America Expects Countless Tens of Millions of Americans to go Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
America makes Impossible, Unreasonable Demands upon Suffering people
Also about the
BS "freedom" in America
Countless people have spoken Out against the Insane, Unjust, Failed "War on Drugs" that makes Everything Worse
I never heard of a single person, not even one person speak Out in Support of the
"War on Drugs" not even one
Can someone Please Explain to me how America Expects Countless Millions upon Millions
ReplyDeleteTens of Millions of Horny Sexually Frustrated Americans to live for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without SEX
How Goddammit ? How ? It's a Big Deal, a Very Big Deal , a Very Serious Problem for Countless Americans unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
And some people are still claiming America has
"freedom" WTF ?
Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike in America who are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons , they are Sexual Beings also Goddammit
ReplyDeleteThey want Sex Also Goddammit
The Public Schools in America starting from a Very Young Age Need to Teach All Students
Basic and Advanced
Social Skills, Life Skills ,
Street Smarts, Emotional Intelligence, etc. and Teach it
Year After Year after Year
And Test the Students on it , so that students doing grow up to be Lonely Socially Awkward Miserable Adults
Not All Students learn these Vital Skills Naturally and they have Socially Awkward Parents who fail to Teach their Children these Vital Social Skills, Life Skills,
Street Smarts, Emotional Intelligence
The Public Schools Need to Teach these Skills to All Students Year After Year
Such "freedom" that America has, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that.
I can see why many Americans don't like America
America is Making Suffering People Suffer Even More
I like watching Fox News
ReplyDeleteHowever they talk all the time about "freedom" &
"freedoms" in America
What Freedom ? What Freedoms ?
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
About the "freedom" in America a woman typed online earlier today
ReplyDelete"Prostitution should definitely be legalised. It would be safer for all involved. Reduces rate of rape. And yeah, people who need it can get it from a consenting source."
Also, about the so-called
ReplyDelete"freedom" in America
And how America needs real
Freedom, Real Freedom
Goddammit has an article headlined
"Legalizing pot worked; let’s legalize sex work in WA, too" on
March 15, 2024
By Greg James
Countless Americans are Unjustly Forced to Go Without Sex often for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Because Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America won't listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Legalize Sex Work for the Countless healthy and disabled people alike unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
More about the
ReplyDelete"freedom" in America
The website has an article headlined
"America’s War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty" this article says:
“If you’re uncomfortable about blacks, you’re racist; uncomfortable about Jews, you’re anti-Semitic. But today, if you’re uncomfortable about sex, you’re a civic leader.”
That’s Marty Klein at his finest: brutally honest, scathingly funny. The President of the ACLU introduces this powerful book, which shows how the government and Religious Right use the regulation of sexual expression, entertainment, information, and health care to undermine our secular democracy.
Marty’s research shows how today’s public policies attempt to solve the wrong sexual “problems”–guaranteeing more of the real sexual problems with which American individuals and communities continue to struggle. These drive the demand for more repressive “solutions” which, of course, don’t work either.
“Although every Alabaman has a legal right to own a gun, they don’t have the same right to own a vibrator,” says Marty. Untangling myths about “obscenity,” porn’s actual effects, and so-called “activist judges,” this fast-paced, meticulously researched, thought-provoking book addresses:
How the Right has demonized sexuality, creating a cultural climate of danger and fear
The relationship between repressive public policy and personal sexual problems
Why anyone who defends everyone’s sexual rights is perceived as attacking “morality” and safety
How the Sexual Disaster Industry harms us every day
Why sexual rights are as important as our other freedoms
What must be done to stop this war on your sexuality
“Klein’s careful work torpedoing the erotophobic war against sex had to be done, and he did it well.” – Journal of Sex Research
Dr. Marty Klein Published a book titled
"America’s War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty"
It's Terrible and a hideous Crime the American "War on Sex"
The Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
"War on Sex" is Causing Horrible Suffering,
Horrible Suffering to Countless Millions upon Millions of American Adults of All Ages unable to Get Sex Naturally
Terrible Suffering
Shame on America
Many Americans don't have the time and/or Money to travel to remote areas of Nevada or Another Nation or Continent where Sex Work , Prostitution for Consenting Adults is Legal, and they shouldn't have to , it should be Legal Everywhere
About the "freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteA book Published in 2017
is titled
"The War on Sex" by
David M. Halperin and Trevor Hoppe The
Description of the book says
"The past fifty years are conventionally understood to have witnessed an uninterrupted expansion of sexual rights and liberties in the United States. This state-of-the-art collection tells a different story: while progress has been made in marriage equality, reproductive rights, access to birth control, and other areas, government and civil society are waging a war on stigmatized sex by means of law, surveillance, and social control. The contributors document the history and operation of sex offender registries and the criminalization of HIV, as well as highly punitive measures against sex work that do more to harm women than to combat human trafficking. They reveal that sex crimes are punished more harshly than other crimes, while new legal and administrative regulations drastically restrict who is permitted to have sex. By examining how the ever-intensifying war on sex affects both privileged and marginalized communities, the essays collected here show why sexual liberation is indispensable to social justice and human rights."
Countless American Adults want to have Sex , yet they are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons and Puritan, Prudish Sexually Repressive Immature Heartless Insensitive Ignorant Selfish America denies Consenting Adults the Right to Paid Sex , thus Worsening all the Hideous Mental and Physical Problems these Sexually Frustrated and Sexually Less Fortunate Adults have. Thanks America for Not Caring , thank you so very much
Truly Disgusting how America Makes Impossible Unreasonable Demands upon Suffering people with all this Pro-Life, Forced Living
ReplyDelete"Suicide Prevention" BS Extremism, Fanaticism, Obsessiveness, Creepiness , Life till the bitter End Crap
And America makes Impossible Unreasonable Demands upon Countless Millions upon Millions of Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons has an article
1/31/2014 this article says
"There's NOTHING wrong with whores ... so says Kendra Wilkinson -- who claims the United States should STOP arresting people for prostitution when it involves two consenting adults.
The former Playboy model was wading her way through LAX with hubby Hank Baskett Thursday evening ... when she explained why the laws against hooking are just plain stupid.
For the record, there are parts of the U.S. where one could legally purchase sex ... but it's clear, Kendra believes ALL AMERICANS (of age) should be able to pay for ass.
God, she's patriotic." has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"‘This is human behavior’: Sheriff candidate wants to legalize prostitution in Miami-Dade" by
Jesse Scheckner on
March 18, 2024
Countless American Adults are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, they want Sex also Goddammit
A person typed online earlier this year
ReplyDeleteAbout people unable to Get Sex for
Various Reasons that
"I mean, you can go a long way without a basic feeling of closeness with another human being, and even further without sex whatsoever, but it's a long and a difficult way to go. Lack of intimacy with another human being destroys you just like not eating or not sleeping, but it does it in a very subtle, prolonged way."
The website has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Do Prostitution Laws Affect Rape Rates? Evidence from Europe"
By Huasheng Gao and Vanya Petrova A Must
Read Article about how Legalized Prostitution
Reduces Rape
Rape is a Terrible Crime, I don't condone Rape
Legalized Sex Work, Prostitution for Consenting Adults
Has been shown to Reduce Rape
More about the "freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteThe website has an article headlined
"Questionable & Controversial Police
Prostitution Sting Tactics" A Must Read article
Such "freedom" that America has
America unjustly Forces Countless Millions upon Millions
Upon Millions of people to go for
Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
Very Nice of America to Worsen the hideous
Mental and Physical Suffering of
Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike who are unable
To Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
Thanks America for Making Things Worse
Countless people have described Sexual Deprivation as
The website has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The War on Sex Trafficking Is the New War on Drugs" by
A Must Read article
Sex Trafficking is Wrong and Evil , we Must Realize
That Sex Work, Prostitution for Consenting Adults is
NOT Sex Trafficking
They are completely different things has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Maine's Bad Prostitution Law Could Be Coming Soon to Your State"
January 3, 2024
Myself and Most Americans, Men & Women alike agree
It should be Fully Legal in All 50 States of the
United States , for Consenting Adults to Buy and sell Sex
In Every State, End of Story
Countless Americans are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
They want and Need Sex Also Goddamit
We Need to think about the Countless Americans who want Sex
But are unable to Get it for Various Reasons
Also has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Rhode Island Report Recommends Full Decriminalization of Sex Work"
BY ISIDORO RODRIGUEZ on October 14, 2023
I was speaking with a friend of mine a few days ago
ReplyDeleteHe agreed that the Countless people in America alone Chronically unable to
Get Sex for Various Reasons is definitely one of the
Worse Problems in America , definitely in the Top 5
Most serious painful Problems in America for
American Adults
Causing hideous Mental and Physical Suffering
While the "freedom" in America is a Joke.
Total Lack of Bodily Autonomy. Worsening the
Mental and Physical Suffering of people unable to Get Sex Naturally
Americans Talk about Freedom, What about Sexual Freedom
What about Adults being able to do what they want with their own lives and bodies has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Disabled and Fighting for a Sex Life"
By Katharine Quarmby
MARCH 11, 2015
Countless People with Mental and/or Physical Disabilities are
Unable to Get Sex , Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature America won't let them pay for Sex
Even many Healthy people are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Very nice of America to Force Countless Disabled and Healthy Americans to Go Without Sex , without Human Touch and Contact
ReplyDeleteCountless Millions upon Millions of Disabled and Healthy Americans alike are
Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Very Nice of America to make them go without Sex
And Worsen their Mental and Physical Suffering
Every State in America should Listen to Reason and be Reasonable
and Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults
Should be Fully Legal for Consenting Adults to buy and sell Sex
Such "freedom" that America has, complete lack of
Bodily Autonomy for Adults
In fact I've read that many People who visit Sex Workers , it's for the Sex , but also the Companionship
Let me also say, Countless Healthy , Disabled and other people who are for
ReplyDeleteVarious Reasons unable to Get Sex Naturally are Not Monsters
They are Human Beings with Feelings , anyone can become Disabled as they get older, Chronically unable to Get Sex
I've also read that many people unable to Get Sex and cannot even Legally Pay for Sex, that many of them cope in very unhealthy ways, such as overeating, smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc leading to massive rates of Obesity in America
I would imagine that many people who are unable to Get Sex Naturally and cannot even Legally Pay for Sex, that they have no Love or Respect for an America that worsens their Suffering
For a Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritan America that worsens their Suffering, an America that Refuses to Listen to Reason and be Reasonable
And Help Them
While Every State in America Legalizing Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults will Not cure people unable to Get Sex Naturally
It is Far Better than no Sex
Such "freedom" that America has, total lack of
Bodily Autonomy and Bodily Sovereignty for Adults
Also in early 2024 online articles have stated that
ReplyDeleteThe United States has fallen eight spots and is no longer in the top 20 happiest countries in the world
A person typed online in 2022 about America
ReplyDelete"The main problem with the states is the backwards conservative BS on their pro-life stuff to even sex. They've raided adult novelty stores because of religious moral codes. There was one such raid on a store like that in Florida back in the 1990's. This while gun runners are constantly under the name of their faith are pushing for more guns."
& Another person typed about the Countless people unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons about the Need for Sex that
"It's not a "supposed need," its a way of experiencing life that many people yearn for. The vast majority of us are sexual beings, so dealing with involuntary celibacy isn't just a matter of just "itching and scratching" and substituting real sex with watching porn. That's why ---- pointing out that it's infuriating for involuntary celibates in the United States that their shitty country outlaws the only way that they could ever hope to have sex when nobody feels enough sexual attraction towards them to give them the sexual experiences that they desire." Countless Healthy and Disabled people are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
A person typed online this June 2024 about
ReplyDeleteLegalized Prostitution
"I think Australia has legalized prostitution, and it has worked out very well for them. The women are safer, and given greater protection from abuse and viruses. And the men are vetted, and anyone who misbehaves is banned. The government also gets some very useful tax income from it, so it's a win win really. I'm not into this scene myself, but I also think prohibition is rather stupid. People are going to pay for sex, no matter what anyway... so just do it properly. I don't get some of the odd contradictions in the US, you can sign up for the military at 18, drive a car at 16 (which is a lethal weapon in the wrong hands), but you have to be 21 to drink a beer? lol"
A woman typed online this June 2024
ReplyDelete"Not only should prostitution be legal, it should be funded by the government on a case by case basis depending on the person in needs financial means" & she also typed
"It should be considered a true profession. And if anything, prostitution done safely should be viewed with kindness, it’s a public service"
She also typed
Delete"The US is most certainly not “land of the free,” it’s a propaganda tactic, a big lie. But not sure what country on earth has figured out the correct balance of supporting society while allowing people to truly be free"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author. has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Legalized Prostitution
Regulating the Oldest Profession"
by Mark Liberator Updated: December 8th, 2005
A long article but Worth Reading
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOn March 9, 2023
has an article headlined
"Rape Rates Go Down as Countries Legalize Prostitution, Rise With Sex Work Prohibition"
ELIZABETH NOLAN BROWN has an article headlined
"7 Reasons Why America Should Legalize Prostitution" by
Erin Fuchs Nov 13, 2013
Many Studies have Shown that
Legalized Prostitution greatly Reduces Rape , Sexual Assault and other Tragic Crimes against Women
Many Scientific Studies and Research has shown that
Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work greatly Reduces Rape and other Tragic Sexual Assaults and Crimes against Women
Yesterday was the 4th of July
ReplyDeleteJuly 4th , Independence Day , July 4, 2024
So of course Fox News was talking Non-Stop about
The so called "Greatness" of America
And the "freedom" and "freedoms"
America has
I was like, Not this Again
With the Propaganda and Lies
Granted America has some good things
& Fox News is a decent News Channel overall
Even though some of the material on
The channel is clearly Propaganda and Lies
Such "freedom" that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies in America , how is that "freedom" ? How ?
How ? How ? How?
The Specific Examples I discussed in detail here Countless Times
On this Blog
Countless Millions of Disabled and Healthy Americans alike are
unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
For Various Reasons they are Chronically Unable to Get Sex
For Many Years, Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Yet Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America
Unjustly Forces them to go without SEX
Unjustly Forces them to Go Without SEX
It is a Big Deal for Countless people, an Extremely Common Serious Problem, Chronic Long Term Lack of Sex, when they want Sex
It's an Extremely Common Serious Painful Problem ,
Causing Horrible Suffering
Just like Cancer is an Extremely Common Serious Painful Problem for Countless people causing Horrible Suffering
As a Matter of Fact, the U.S. Surgeon General and
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Need to declare the problem of people who want SEX yet are Chronically unable to Get it for Various Reasons to be a
Public Health Crisis
Because that's Exactly What it is
A hideous Public Health Crisis
SEX is a Vital Human Need , Countless people have pointed out that
SEX is indeed a Vital Need
Such "Greatness" that America has when
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that , Pathetic
Complete Lack of Bodily Autonomy and Bodily Sovereignty
About the hideous Problem of people Chronically unable to Get SEX for Various Reasons
A friend of mine, a nice man in his late 70's who I have known for several years told me earlier this year 2024 that he hasn't had
SEX once, Not even Once, Not even Once
Since his Wife passed away in 2012
Not even Once
He told me since his wife died, he went out on a few dates but hasn't been able to Get Sex, he tried but was unsuccessful
He told me that he would pay for Sex , if Prostitution were Legal
But sadly it is Not Legal in Puritan Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America, but it's Perfectly Legal in Most other Nations of the World in 2024
12 Years without SEX
12 Years Without SEX
Very Nice of America, Very Nice of America to Force people like him into a Miserable Sexless Existence
My male friend in his 70's , who hasn't had SEX even once
ReplyDeleteNot even Once since his wife passed away in 2012
Not Even Once, he's Irish Catholic , and I Truly hope and pray
That when he ultimately passes away and goes to Heaven
That God gives him the Sex and Companionship he desperately Needs, that he desperately Needs , that God gives him the Sex, Love and Companionship he desperately Needs, and/or makes it so he is able to be More Successful
and Yes I do think Christians enjoy Sex and
Lovemaking in Heaven and the New Earth
I'm an Evangelical Mainstream Protestant Christian
Most Mainstream Christians don't believe Sexual Intercourse &
Lovemaking exists in Heaven and the New Earth
They repeat the same old false Arguments against Sex in Heaven
Yet myself and some other Mainstream Christians
Give good Biblical , Theological and other Arguments in defense of Sex & Lovemaking existing After Death, Sex & Lovemaking in Heaven and the New Earth
We have good reasons for our beliefs ! For why
Sex & Lovemaking will Most Likely, Probably Exist in Heaven and the New Earth !
Click on my name above to go to my blog
"Christian Sex in Heaven Arguments" to see my comments, Arguments myself and other Mainstream Christians gave in
Defense of Sex and Lovemaking Existing in Heaven and the New Earth
Where we Refute & Debunk the hideous false belief of
"No Sex in Heaven" and Explain why Most Likely
SEX Exists in Heaven and the New Earth for Saved Christians !
On my Blog and the Tom Gruber blog I clarify my beliefs in
Greater detail ,
Back to the topic of Cruel, Inhumane ,Retarded Asinine Unjust Stupid F--ked Up
"laws" in America
That Sicken Most Americans
Sacramento Bee
has an article headlined
"Why laws against prostitution are unconstitutional" BY ERWIN CHEMERINSKY UPDATED OCTOBER 26, 2017
My Blog
Delete"Christian Sex in Heaven Arguments" can be found at
Myself and other Christians gave good
Christian Biblical & Theological Arguments, other
Arguments for Sex & Lovemaking Existing
in Heaven and the New Earth !
See also the Tom Gruber Blog
istheresexinheaven.blogspot and the comments myself and other Christians gave in Defense of our
Even the late Billy Graham had an open mind
about Christians enjoying Sex in Heaven
The possibility of Christians enjoying
Sex in Heaven
Of course myself and other Christians who believe
Sex & Lovemaking Exists in Heaven & the
New Earth can't be 100 percent certain
Sex & Lovemaking Exists After Death
But from our Research and Arguments
Most Likely Sex & Lovemaking does indeed
Exist in Heaven and the New Earth has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Legalizing prostitution could benefit our communities" by
Marisa Jordan Galarza, Guest Writer February 25, 2022 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution"
by | Oct 1, 2019 | Amicus, Criminal Justice, Labor and Employment, Sex Equality | has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution"
Oct 1, 2019
Very Nice of America , Very Nice of
ReplyDeleteSexually Repressive Immature Puritanical Childish
America to Force Countless Millions upon Millions of Disabled and Healthy people alike to Go Without Sex
I couldn't stop thinking about
My male friend in his 70's , who hasn't had SEX even once
Not even Once since his wife passed away in 2012
Not Even Once, Not even Once
He went 12 Years without Sex
12 Years Without Sex
12 Years Without Sex
This is having a hideous Severe impact on his
Mental & Physical Health
It deeply upsets me to see him Suffer
Thank You America for Making him Suffer
For Making Countless People Suffer
From this hideous Problem, he told me that often in his sleep he is Tormented by Horrible bad dreams and Nightmares
Legalized Prostitution would Not be a Cure for
People like him, but it would somewhat alleviate their intense Sufferings
This is indeed a horrible Public Health Crisis
A Very Common Hideous Public Health Crisis
A very Serious Problem for Countless people
Many of whom are Suffering in Silence
Such "freedom" & "Greatness" that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that, Not even that
Once Again , it is a Big Deal, a VERY Big Deal , a Very Big Deal
ReplyDeleteA Very Big Deal and Very Serious Problem for Countless people
Wanting Sex , yet being unable to Get it for Various Reasons
And America denies these Countless Sex Starved people the
Right to Paid Sex
America gives the middle finger to Countless Millions upon Millions of Americans who want Sex yet are unable to Get it
person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
"The fact that laws were made controlling our own mortality and our own bodies just confirms how little freedom we actually have."
Another person typed in reply
"So True"
Also my Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s who hasn't had
ReplyDeleteSex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
He told me that he has Nothing but Contempt and Disgust
For the United States and how it Unjustly Forces people to Go without Sex, He said that he can't stand America
America just Expects Countless Millions upon Millions upon
Millions of Americans to go Without Sex for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
If they are unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
America just Expects People to go without Sex
Human Touch and Contact for Many Decades
Is that "freedom" ? Is it ?
Is it ?
Articles online have said there are growing calls to
Decriminalization and Legalize Sex Work in America
That it should be Fully Legal for Consenting Adults to buy and
Sell Sex
Others have advocated for a Redistribution of Sex to Help the Countless people who for Various Reasons are unable to Get Sex Naturally
For Countless people Disabled and Healthy alike
It IS a Very Serious Problem
A Very Serious Problem , A Very Serious Big Problem , wanting
Sex yet being unable to Get it for Various Reasons
So I told my Irish Catholic male friend about
ReplyDeleteMy Christian Biblical Sex in Heaven belief
That myself and certain other Mainstream
Christians have and our Arguments for
Sex & Lovemaking Existing in Heaven and the
New Earth, it made him feel a little better
Like I said before, I Truly do hope and pray that when
he passes away that God immediately makes it so he can have the
Sex Life, Love Life, Success and Companionship that he
Desperately Needs
See my blog
For Countless people Sexual Frustration and
Sexual Deprivation is Torture
And America is NOT helping by
Stupidly Outlawing Sex Work
Such a "free country" that America is
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and
Bodies, Not even that has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The Public Pulse: Legalize prostitution and marijuana, collect taxes"
Jul 26, 2024 Ed Foral wrote the following letter
Legalize prostitution and marijuana, collect taxes
"I think Nebraska should legalize prostitution, marijuana and gambling — and tax them. Might as well because the authorities are never going to stop any of them. So we might as well benefit from taxing them. Build casinos, hotels, restaurants, bars, and shops around the new horse track in Omaha. It is centrally located in the country and would draw patrons from a 500-mile radius.
I think it could generate enough tax revenue that it would relieve the tax burden on all citizens especially the poor, the middle class working people, the farmers and ranchers, the elderly and the retirees who are leaving the good life and moving to states that are way more tax friendly. Also, let’s eliminate all the loopholes for the elite wealthy and make them pay their fair share. There are some who made their wealth here that do give back to the community and it is appreciated by all. But there are many who don’t. Let’s all help make Nebraska a great place to live again! Then maybe we can all can experience the “Good Life!”
Ed Foral, Springfield, Neb. Well said Ed
Time to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in
EVERY State and Nation of the World has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Legalizing Prostitution More Popular Than New York iGaming Among Addabbo’s Constituents
New York"
JULY 26, 2024
More and More Americans want Prostitution to be Legal
SEX is a Vital Need has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"D.C. should legalize sex work"
August 2, 2024
By Isaac Amend , This article makes Excellent Points
Sex Work, Countless people have said that
Sex Work, Prostitution Should Definitely be Made Legal Everywhere in America and Worldwide
End of Story
In America alone, Countless Millions of Disabled and Healthy people alike are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
They Want Sex Also, yet Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritanical America, Old Fashioned America won't Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work,
And Countless Sex Starved people don't have the time and/or Money to Travel to remote areas of Nevada or Another Nation, or Continent where Sex Work is Legal
Countless people want SEX but are unable to Get it for Various Reasons
Yet America Heartlessly Gives the Middle Finger to
Sex Starved people telling them
"You have to go without Sex"
Sex is a Vital Need
More about the "freedom" in America and America being such a "free country"
ReplyDeleteThe New York Post
has an article headlined
"Supreme Court’s Neil Gorsuch mourns ‘too much law’ from administrative state run amok"
By Jacob Sullum
Published Aug. 7, 2024
I was thinking again about my Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s who hasn't had
ReplyDeleteSex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
Not even Once, Not even once
Not even once
He despises America , Suffering
People like him are a Good Reason, Very Good Reason
Why Sex & Lovemaking Probably Exists in
Heaven and the New Earth, why Christians in
Heaven and the New Earth probably Enjoy Sex & Lovemaking
See my blog
& The Tom Gruber blog
Which is also about Sex in Heaven from a
Christian Biblical Perspective
People who are Opposed to Making
Sex Work/ Prostitution Legal for Consenting Adults in Every
Just Watch, Just Watch, Just Watch how they would Change their Mind and
Support Legalization of Prostitution if they were
Chronically Without Sex , Human Touch and Contact like my
My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
who hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
Something is Seriously Wrong
ReplyDeleteSeriously Wrong and Evil , EVIL
About America or any other Nation,
Society that Unjustly Forces
People to Go without SEX
Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are
Unable to Get SEX for Various Reasons
And they are Unjustly Forced to
Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
It's a Very Serious Problem
A Very Extremely Serious Painful
Prolem for Countless people
It's a Very Big Deal
A Very Big Deal
Countless people are Chronically
Unable to Get SEX , Human Touch &
Contact for Various Reasons
And America and some Other
Nations Forces them to Go Without
SEX, Without SEX
Many people have said
That Prostitution, Sex Work Needs to be
made Legal to Help these
Countless Healthy and Disabled people who
are Unable to Get SEX Naturally
America & Fox News
Talks about "freedom" and
"freedoms" all the time
Again what about
SEX is a Vital Human Need
A Vital Human Need
See my blog
& the blog by
Tom Gruber
Both blogs are from a Mainstream
Christian Biblical Perspective
I'm Proud, Very Proud
Of my
Christian Sex in Heaven Belief !
Sex & Lovemaking in Heaven & New Earth Belief !
Sex After Death Belief !
People like
My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
who hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
Are a Very Good Reason why
Sex & Lovemaking Exists in Heaven and the
New Earth !
I will say Yet Again, My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
Deletewho hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
I Truly do Hope that when he ultimately passes away
Or Gets Taken Up in
The Rapture or
"Beamed Up" as we say in
Star Trek , whatever happens
I Truly Hope in his
Christian Afterlife, in
Heaven , he gets the
Sex Life, Love Life he desperately Needs
With his Wife ,
Marilyn Monroe,
Bettie Page etc
But as I stated before
Heaven and the New Earth will be about Many Different Things
See my blog and also the
Tom Gruber Blog
We have good Reasons for our Beliefs !
Note ,
Latter-Day Saints ,
LDS , the Mormon Religion
Teaches that
Sexual Intercourse Exists
in Heaven
But for the record
I was Never Mormon
My Beliefs about
Sexual Intercourse & Lovemaking Existing in
Heaven and the New Earth are from a
Mainstream Christian
Biblical Perspective
Myself and other
Mainstream Christians have good reasons for our beliefs about Sex &
Lovemaking Existing in Heaven and the New Earth !!
Even the late Billy Graham
had an open mind about
Christians enjoying
Sex in Heaven !
Also anyone remember the funny line in
The 1986 film
Star Trek IV:
The Voyage Home
Admiral James T. Kirk
says to
Dr. Gillian Taylor about
Spock that
"I think he had a little too much LDS"
In that scene Kirk mistakenly referred to
LSD as LDS !
Again What about SEXUAL FREEDOM
Worth Repeating, Something is
Seriously Wrong and EVIL, Heartless and Ignorant
About America or Any Nation, Society that
Forces people to go without SEX
People like
My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
who hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
Should be able to Legally Pay for Sex via
Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work without
Fear of being Arrested
Fortunately as Myself and some
Other Mainstream Christians have pointed out
Sexual Intercourse and Lovemaking
Indeed Most Likely Does Exist
In Heaven and the New Earth !!
We don't go by the
Weak Traditional False
"No Sex in Heaven" View
See the Blogs I listed about Sex in Heaven
So I hope that when my Irish Catholic Male Friend
passes away , he gets to be with
Marilyn Monroe or Bettie Page in Heaven
Again, I truly do hope and pray that when my
ReplyDeleteIrish Catholic Male friend passes away, God
Makes it so that he Immediately gets to be
with Marilyn Monroe, Bettie Page, etc , that
he gets the Sex, Love, Companionship, Relationships that
He desperately Needs
See the Two Christian Sex in Heaven
Blogs I listed , I Explain My Beliefs in
Greater Detail,
I think Heaven and the New Earth for
Christians will be about Many Different
Things, Not Just Sex
But that Sex & Lovemaking will indeed
Exist in Heaven and the New Earth!
I feel terrible for my Irish Catholic male friend
ReplyDeleteHis Loneliness, his desire for Sex
And yet Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
Puritanical Oppressive America won't let
Sex Starved people like him pay for Sex
America won't be Reasonable and allow people like him to
Legally Pay for Sex
Some people say America has "freedom"
And "freedoms"
Again what about SEXUAL FREEDOM
The Loneliness and Sexless Miserable Existence
Of my Irish Catholic Male Friend reminds me of the
Truth of the Bible verse. Genesis 2:18
Terrible how America in 2024 still has many Stupid Unjust Inhumane Retarded Outdated Archaic
Fucked Up "laws" that sadly make things worse
And sadly backfire terribly on Society
Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that
I remember about Two Months ago Fox News
TV station was interviewing young people in their
20's asking them if they thought America is the greatest country in the World, many said that America isn't the Greatest country in the World
One man in his 20's actually told the Fox News reporter that the Netherlands is better than America
The Fox News Reporter asked why
the Netherlands? The man replied
"Legal Prostitution, Legal Marijuana"
Again that
DeleteBible verse is
Genesis 2:18 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"How sex workers can bring much-needed “human happiness” to the disabled"
Jessie Sage April 11, 2024 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The sex workers giving disabled people a chance to live out their dreams"
by Tuppy Owens
Wed 10 Apr 2013
Again, What about Sexual Freedom
What about Sexual Freedom
What about Sexual Freedom
America and certain other Nations Just
Expects Countless people unable to Get Sex Naturally
To go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are unable to Get Sex
For Various Reasons
They Deserve Sex Also has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Medically assisted sex? How 'intimacy coaches' offer sexual therapy for people with disabilities"
Posted: March 29, 2018
Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are often
Unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Plus Countless people will become Disabled as they Get Older
I remember on Valentine's Day in
ReplyDelete2019 , a Male Friend of mine in his
Late 40's called me and was
Deeply Upset , Deeply Distraught that it was
Valentine's Day and he didn't have a Girlfriend
And was Very Lonely , Very Lonely
He Faced Rejection from Women
I had to calm him down over the phone and
Cheer him up , it wasn't easy , it was Very Upsetting for
Me to see him upset
Let me Again say
For Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike
Being Chronically Unable to Get Sex
For Various Reasons is
No Joke , it's No Joke
It's An Extremely Serious Painful Problem
For Countless people
Causing Horrible Mental and Physical Suffering
Something is Seriously Wrong
Seriously Wrong and EVIL , Heartless
About America or any Nation, Society
That denies People who are often unable to Get Sex Naturally
The Right to Paid Sex , Legalized Prostitution
That Denies Sex Starved people the
Right to Paid Sex , the Joy and Pleasure of Sex
Sex is a Vital Human Need
All Human Beings deserve Sex
Also once Again
My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
who hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
I truly hope when he ultimately passes away that in his
Christian Afterlife he gets the Sex Life he desperately Needs and Deserves , the Sex , Love, Companionship and Relationships he Deserves and Desperately Needs
Why in 2024 is America still a
Very Sexually Repressive Old Fashioned Immature Childish Puritanical
Nation, a Very Sexually Oppressive Nation
Why ?
Many people have pointed out that the
ReplyDeletePublic Schools in America and other Nations
Definitely Need to Teach All Students
Social Skills, Life Skills, Emotional Intelligence
Personal Skills, Street Smarts, from a
Very Young age, and teach it year after year after year
And test the Students on it , test the students on it
So that the Students don't grow up to be lonely Miserable
Socially Awkward Adults
These are Vital Skills that Many Parents are Not
Teaching their Children, Not all Children learn these Vital
Skills Naturally ,
Some children have Socially Awkward parents
Many parents are Not Teaching their children these
Vital Skills I mentioned
The Public Schools Need to Teach these Vital Skills to All Students
Once Again My Irish Catholic Male Friend in his 70s
ReplyDeletewho hasn't had
Sex Not even once, Not even once in 12 years
12 years, 12 years, since his Wife passed away in 2012
I truly hope when he ultimately passes away that in his
Christian Afterlife , he gets the
Sex Life and Love Life he desperately deserves
And Needs
See my blog
& the Blog by Christian blogger
Tom Gruber
Both Blogs are Superb
America and Countless other Nations in
The World sadly has a
Very Serious Crisis, A Very Serious Crisis of Countless Millions upon Millions
People being Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, it's No Joke
Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Old Fashioned Puritanical Nations like America sadly make things
Worse , Much Worse for People unable to Get Sex Naturally
And yet America talks about "freedom"
What about Sexual Freedom
More about the "freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteCountless Americans in their
20's, 30's , 40's, 50's
Healthy and Disabled alike are often unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons, and they are Miserable, and America is Wrong for Making them go
Without Sex
America won't listen to Reason and be Reasonable and just Legalize Prostitution in Every State, all 50 States at Reasonable Prices,
America Forces them into a
Miserable Sexless Existence , forcing them to go
Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
Such "freedom" that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
What about Sexual Freedom
What about Sexual Freedom
Yet Again, What about Sexual Freedom for Adults in
ReplyDeleteAmerica ? What about Sexual Freedom for Adults in America ?
While America since the 1950's has become somewhat less Puritanical, the fact remains
The United States in 2024 is Still a Very
Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Old Fashioned
Puritanical Nation , Afraid of Sex & Nudity
Of course we at this Blog are Not saying that people should be
Allowed to have Sex in Public
But America is Still Very Puritanical, Overly Rigid and Puritanical has an article headlined
"The joyless puritanism of the New Right"
by Wilfred Reilly
23rd January 2024
Plus with my comments on my own blog and my comments on
the Tom Gruber blog
istheresexinheaven.blogspot I say what many other
Christians only think !
Countless Disabled and Healthy people alike who
ReplyDeleteAre often unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
We Must Never Forget that they are Sexual Beings also
With Sexual Desires Also
They Deserve Sex Also !!!
About the hideous Crisis of
ReplyDeleteCountless Healthy and Disabled people alike who are
Often unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
And Not being Allowed to Legally Pay for
Sex via Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work
Which is valid Legitimate Work
I remember that the
Playboy Advisor column in the
April 1998 Issue of Playboy Magazine , American Edition
Mentioned a Psychological Disorder
Called Aphallitosis caused by
a lack of Sex ,
The U.S. Surgeon General and CDC
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Definitely
Needs to declare the Problem of Countless Americans
Who want Sex yet are Chronically unable to Get it
For Various Reasons to be a
Public Health Crisis because that's
Exactly what it is has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The case for decriminalizing prostitution"
by German Lopez
Aug 18, 2015 Good Article
In 2015 a person typed online about why Sex Work, Prostitution needs to be Made Legal in Every State of America that
ReplyDelete"There has got to be a way to get people to realize that a "free" country isn't free if consenting adults can't have sex, and if money changes hands, that is between the parties involved. We live in a culture which is still having a hangover from Puritanical so-called "morality', and thus deems it right to imprison people for behaving in "immoral' ways. morality has nothing to do with this thing. most human behavior is neither moral nor immoral, only neutral. religion is behind this mess, and I see it as an issue of the separation of Church and State. we cannot have Bible-thumpers telling people what they can and cannot do!"
A person typed online earlier in
"If it’s her body her choice why da hell they won’t legalize prostitution 🤣" has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The Case for Fully Decriminalising Prostitution"
by Emily Loch
12 March 2022 has a PDF article in
2021 headlined
"Ending the War Against Sex
Work: Why It's Time to
Decriminalization Prostitution"
by Linda S. Anderson
Whether you Support
Legalization or Decriminalization of Sex Work for Consenting Adults
The Choice is Clear , it should be Fully Legal for Consenting Adults to buy and sell Sex , End of Story has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Letters: If prostitution is legalized, then sex work in S.F. won’t be a problem"
By Chronicle readers September 5, 2024
The letter says
"Regarding “Sex work has gotten so rampant again in S.F.’s Mission District, residents are suing the city” (San Francisco,, Aug. 28): San Francisco finds itself grappling with a burgeoning issue — sex work. This resurgence has prompted residents to sue the city.
Ironically, the societal harms surrounding sex work spring from its illegality. Making it illegal breeds the problems it aims to solve. Imagine eradicating these issues by simply recognizing sex work as another segment of commerce.
Fears around sex trafficking, while justified, present an opportunity for government oversight to foster safer conditions. Legalization, coupled with mandatory reporting and inspections, ensures sex workers operate without coercion and are of legal consenting age.
Another irony lies in the contrast between California’s staunch defense of reproductive rights and its reluctance to extend similar liberties to bodily autonomy in sex work. Echoing comedian George Carlin’s paradox: “Why is it illegal to sell something that’s perfectly legal to give away?”
The consensus among San Franciscans tilts toward personal freedom: As long as one’s actions don’t directly impact others, why dictate their choices?
It’s time to recognize sex work as a legitimate trade without infringing personal liberties. Such a progressive stand aligns with the values of San Franciscans today, challenging the old guard with a nod to common sense and autonomy. "
Keith Freedman, candidate for mayor, San Francisco has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Sex Workers Say Decriminalization Makes Them Safer. It's Time to Listen to Them."
By Stéphanie Thomson
March 29, 2019 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Why Prostitution Should Be Legal"
By Jennifer Wright Published: April 26, 2018 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The Benefits of Legalizing Prostitution"
By Staff Reports on January 25, 2020 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The benefits of prostitution"
Posted By: FIUSM Staff January 30, 2014
Johany Hernandez/Contributing Writer
I've also read that Countless people
ReplyDeleteCountless Disabled and Healthy people alike who are
Chronically unable to Get Sex Naturally
That they are sadly Lonely, Extremely Depressed ,
America is WRONG , Heartless, Insensitive and EVIL for telling these people that
They have to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
For Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades , Upon Decades, Upon Decades without Sex
Is that "freedom" ? Is it ?
No it isn't , it definitely isn't
It Definitely isn't
Americans want Sexual Freedom
Lack of Sex is an Extremely Serious
Painful Problem for Countless people
Causing Horrible Suffering
As in the case of my
Irish Catholic Friend
I mentioned, who even in his sleep is often
Tormented by Horrible bad dreams and Nightmares
Because of his Chronic Lack of Sex
In fact I've read that many People who visit Sex Workers , it's for the Sex , but also the Companionship
For Sex , but Also Companionship
To Help combat Crippling Debilitating Loneliness and
Social Isolation
As Americans we Need to have
Sympathy, Compassion and Empathy for the
Countless Millions upon Millions upon
Millions of Healthy and Disabled adults who are
Often Chronically unable to Get Sex for
Various Reasons
Countless Americans have No Love or
Respect for America because of the hideous
Lack of Freedom in America
The Unjust, Outdated, Inhumane "laws" that sadly
Backfire Terribly on Society
More about the "freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteThe so-called "freedom" in America
America won't make Exceptions for people with
Mental and/or Physical Conditions to
Pay for Sex , Not even that , Not even that
For people with Mental and/or Physical Conditions
Social Awkwardness, Countless people who
Endure romantic Rejection can't even Legally pay for
Sex , a Basic Human Desire and Vital Need
Countless Americans are Unjustly Forced
To Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence by Heartless
Sexually Repressive Puritanical Immature Childish
Old Fashioned Outdated America and Unjust "laws"
Unjust Stupid Retarded "laws"
Asinine Fucked up "laws" that Make Countless Americans
And these Countless Sex Starved
People are jealous and envious of people with
Decent Sex Lives, Love Lives
Fox News keeps talking about the
ReplyDelete"freedom" & "freedoms" in America
While myself and other people watching Fox News on
TV are thinking to ourselves
What Freedom ? Seriously What Freedom ?
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies ?
Even Before the Covid-19 pandemic
Countless Healthy and Disabled Americans are
Chronically unable to Get Sex Naturally for
Various Reasons and Heartless Insensitive Selfish
Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritanical
Old Fashioned Outdated America refuses to Allow
Consenting Adults the Right to Pay for Sex
Via Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work
Countless Americans
Countless Americans , Healthy and Disabled alike are
Chronically unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
And America Forces them to Go without Sex
For years upon years, Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades , they would pay for Sex if
Prostitution were Legal, but America won't have Reasonable Laws , America won't have Reasonable Humane Compassionate Laws
And some people wonder why America has such an
Extremely Severe Mental Health Crisis
A hideous Mental Health Crisis in America
Such "freedom" and "Greatness" that
America has when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Total Lack of Bodily Autonomy, Self-Ownership
Self-Determination, Bodily Sovereignty
As also seen in the Stupid Unjust failed
"War on Drugs" that Everyone Hates and
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Forced Living Extremism
While Most people in America and the Support the
Growing Right To Die , Voluntary Death with Dignity
Doctor Assisted Death with Dignity Movement for
Any and All Suffering people who Request To Die
Countless people are Unjustly Forced to go
Without Sex
It is a VERY Serious Problem for Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike
It's a VERY Serious Painful Problem for Countless
Healthy and Disabled people alike causing Horrible Suffering
Many Healthy and Disabled people alike are often unable to Get a date , let alone Sex
How can America or any Nation expect Countless Adults to go
For Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
How Goddammit ?
Sex is a Basic Human Desire and Vital Essential Need
It is a Very Big Issue for Countless People
The Lack of Sex , it's no joke
A person typed online in 2010 about
ReplyDeleteSexual Freedom and the Need for
Legalized Prostitution
"I am sick of archaic moralizing on issues of sex. Human trafficing,
abuse and violence against sex workers are actively reinforced by the
underground economy created by criminalization. Additionally, sex
workers provide a necessary service to society. Finally, it should be
the right of every citizen to determine the use and ultimately,
disposition of their body."
The website has an article headlined
"March in Taipei calls for sexual rights for people with disabilities"
October 19, 2024
by Sunny Lai
Countless people with
Mental and/or Physical disabilities are often unable to Get Sex
They want and Need Sex Also
They Deserve Sex Also
Even many Countless Healthy people are often unable to Get Sex has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"The uproar over the NDIS and sex work shows society still struggles to see disabled people as sexual beings"
Clem Bastow and Ali Schnabel
Thu 11 Jul 2024
Countless people with
Mental and/or Physical Disabilities are often Chronically unable to Get Sex
They want Sex Also
They Need Sex Also
They Deserve Sex Also
About the Urgent Need for
ReplyDeleteSexual Freedom in America for
A person typed online this
November 2024
"When you hear about all these rich people paying for sex? Maybe they should legalize prostitution it is a business tax it and move on. It would be safer, controlled and health wise might be better. Other countries allow it. Nevada allows it so why not all over America? Being religious it does not bother me since I am not doing it, and my morals do not influence anyone else. So maybe it is time, to stop the judgement and just get on with living?"
We Need to think about the
Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless Millions of
Disabled and Healthy people alike who are often unable to Get Sex
They desperately Need Sex just like Everyone Else
We Need to Place ourselves in the shoes of the Countless
Disabled and Healthy people alike who are Chronically unable to Get Sex , they want and need Sex also
They want Sex Also
They deserve Sex Also
What about THEIR
Sexual Freedom
What about their Sexual Freedom
It's Very Disturbing and
ReplyDeleteHeartless of Sexually Repressive
Puritanical Immature Childish America to
Condemn Countless Millions upon Millions of people to a
Miserable Sexless Existence
A Miserable Sexless Existence
How is that "freedom"
For Countless Disabled and Healthy people alike who are unable to Get Sex Naturally
They want and Need Sex Also
They Deserve Sex Also
Why can't America just grow the
ReplyDeleteFuck up already and stop being such a Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Old Fashioned
Puritanical Nation
Seriously why ?
Countless Americans
Both Healthy and Disabled alike are Chronically unable to Get Sex
They want and desperately
Need Sex
Yet the "freedom" in
America , the
so-called "freedom" in America
Doesn't yet include the Right to Paid Sex
Countless people who desire Sex yet being unable to Get it, Chronically unable to Get it
This is a VERY
Serious Painful Problem for Countless Americans
Causing Horrible Suffering
What about the Rights and Needs of Countless Americans unable to Get Sex Naturally
What about Their Rights
What About Their Rights and Needs
Countless people Disabled and Healthy people alike who are unable to Get Sex Naturally they want Sex Also
ReplyDeleteThey deserve Sex Also
They want a Sex Life Also
The New York Post has an article headlined
"The best way to fight sex trafficking is to decriminalize prostitution"
Karol Markowicz
Published March 4, 2018
America Needs
MORE Freedom
More Freedom
This December 2024
ReplyDeleteA person typed online
"There is no logical reason that people should not be allowed to buy or sell controlled, legalized, sexual contact between consenting adults.There are numerous societal benefits. "
Also in December 2024
A person living in Florida typed online
"Legalize Prostitution & Rewrite The Constitution!" has an article by Jason Itzler
"It's time to legalize prostitution"
May 30, 2012
A Must Read article
Countless Americans
Millions upon Millions of American Adults desperately Need Sex
Desperately Need Sex
Again , Countless American
Adults Desperately Need Sex
They want and Need Sex Also
They Deserve Sex Also
They Want a Sex Life Also Goddammit
Let Consenting Adults do What they want with their own lives and bodies
Is that really asking for so Much
Countless Americans can't stand America and are Not
Patriotic , they have No Love or Respect for America because the
"freedom" in America doesn't give Adults the Right to do what they want with their Own Lives and Own Bodies
Puritanical America , Puritan
Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Old Fashioned America Heartlessly Condemns Countless Adults to a
Miserable Sexless Existence
Once Again ,
ReplyDeleteIt's No Joke
It's No Joke
How Countless American Adults are Suffering
Suffering intensely
Countless American Adults
Healthy and Disabled alike are
Chronically unable to Get Sex
And they are Suffering
Unbearably Mentally and Physically because of this
They don't yet have the Legal Right to Pay for SEX
Via Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work
They want and Desperately Need Sex Also
They Deserve Sex Also
What about Their Needs has an article headlined
"Prostitution should be legal in New York"
By Denis Hamill
ReplyDeletehas an article headlined
"Broader Implications of 'My Body, My Choice' "
Ilya Somin May 10, 2019
A good Article about Freedom
#2 in this Article is About
SEXUAL Freedom
SEXUAL Freedom and how Prostitution
Sex Work Needs to be Legal
Countless American Adults are unable to
Get Sex Naturally
Why should they be Forced to go
Without Sex ? Why ? Why ?
Countless American Adults who are unable to Get Sex Naturally
They should at least have the Right to
Legally Pay for SEX via Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work
Without Fear of being Arrested
It is a VERY Big Issue for
Countless American Adults the
Right to Legally Pay for SEX
Without Fear of Being Arrested
Let's be Frank
All Human Beings Need More Sex
Why should America condemn Countless
Adults to a
Miserable Sexless Existence
For Countless American Adults unable to
Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
Sex when Paif for Via Legalized Prostitution
is FAR BETTER than No Sex
Countless American Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally
They want to have a Sex Life Also
They want and Need Sex also
They Deserve Sex Also
Human Touch and Contact
This isn't Rocket Science
Countless American Adults are Chronically unable to
Get Sex
They want and Need SEX Also
Also about the "freedom" in America , the "freedoms" in
ReplyDeleteAmerica and the
Growing Right To Die Movement and the Urgent
Need to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in
All 50 States of America and Everywhere in the World
For the Countless Healthy and Disabled Adults who are
Often Chronically unable to Get Sex Naturally
Still the Pro-Life
Suicide Prevention people and so-called "professionals"
Ignore the Very Real
Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless
Healthy and Disabled people alike who are often Chronically unable to Get Sex
This is a VERY
Serious Painful Problem for
Countless people causing
Horrible Suffering
It's No Joke
And once Again
It's Not about people
Being "Entitled" to Sex
It's Not about "Entitlement" to Sex
It's about Sex being a
Vital Essential Human Need
Countless American Adults desperately Need Sex
They want Sex Also
This is a Very Big Issue for many people
A Very Big Issue
More about the "freedom" in America , and the Urgent
ReplyDeleteNeed for Adults to have
SEXUAL FREEDOM in America has an article headlined
"Moral Panic Over Sex Workers"
Do people who are Opposed to Legalized Sex Work, Prostitution ever stop to think about the Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the
Countless Millions upon Millions of Disabled and Healthy Adults alike who are often Chronically unable to Get Sex
Do those People Opposed to Legalized Prostitution ever Stop to think about that ?
Do They ever stop to think about the Sexually Frustrated and
Sexually Less Fortunate, about the Countless Disabled and Healthy people alike who are often Chronically unable to Get Sex, why should they be Forced to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
Don't they Deserve the Right to Legally Pay for SEX via
Legalized Prostitution without FEAR of being Arrested has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"John Stossel: Let's legalize prostitution. It's time for government to step away from sex work"
By John Stossel , Fox News
Published November 15, 2017 has an article headlined
"Sex Work"
By John Stossel
September 14, 2022
ReplyDeletehas an article headlined
"Sex workers offer intimacy and connection for disabled clients in the age of the dating app"
By Sarah Matthews
Thu 12 Jul 2018.
Also from
An article is headlined
"Now for the good news: Regular sex benefits your mental health, too"
By Ryan Anderson and David Mitchell, James Cook University
Fri 3 Mar 2017 has an article headlined
ReplyDelete"Sex work restrictions are punishing people with disabilities, advocates say"
By Casey Briggs
Thu 26 Sep 2019
Once Again, Yet Again
Why should America condemn Countless
Adults to a
Miserable Sexless Existence
For Countless American Adults unable to
Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
Sex when Paid for Via Legalized Prostitution
is FAR BETTER than No Sex
Countless American Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally
They want to have a Sex Life Also
They want and Need Sex also
They Deserve Sex Also
Human Touch and Contact
This isn't Rocket Science
Countless Disabled and Healthy
Adults Alike are often Chronically unable to
Get Sex
It's No Joke , it's an
Extremely Serious Painful Problem for
Many people
About the "freedom" and
ReplyDelete"freedoms" in America
Countless American Adults
Because of Various Reasons
Mental and/or Physical Conditions, Social Awkwardness, etc.
Even Many Healthy Adults are
Chronically unable to Get Sex
They desire SEX Also
They desperately NEED Sex Also
What About Their Needs
My Question is
How are they able to Get Sex
And Have Sex if they are unable to Get Sex Naturally and America won't have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work at Reasonable Prices in Every State, Every State , for the Countless Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally and find willing partners
And these Sexually Deprived Adults don't want to Risk being Arrested for a Basic Human Desire and Vital Need
The Answer is sadly , they don't have Sex
They are unjustly Forced to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence by
A Heartless Insensitive Selfish
America that is sadly
VERY Anti-Sex &
VERY Anti-Freedom
Which is Why Many American
Adults can't stand America and have No Love or Respect for America , only contempt, and disgust for an America where Adults cannot even do what they want with THEIR own lives and bodies
Can we All understand why many Americans are Not Remotely Patriotic
How can America expect Countless Adults to Endure a
Miserable Sexless Existence
Why even in 2025 is there
Still so Much
Sexually Repressive Puritan and Puritanical BS in America
Why ? Why ?
Seriously Why ?
April 18, 2011 has an article by Dr. Antonio Maurice Daniels headlined
"Legalize Prostitution in America"
Fox News is Guilty of False Advertising
ReplyDeleteIt Talks about the so-called
"freedom" & "freedoms" in America
Yet Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives
And bodies
And Also the Rights of
Bodily Autonomy, Self-Ownership,
Bodily Sovereignty
Countless American Adults
Countless American Adults are
Suffering from Unbearable
Sexual Frustration, Sexual Deprivation
Sexual Starvation
Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
Old Fashioned Puritan America in 2025
Is Aiding and Abetting this
Hideous Crisis by
Outlawing Prostitution,
Sex Work for Consenting Adults
Countless American Adults who are
Unable to Get Sex Naturally
They want SEX also
They Need SEX also
They want their FAIR SHARE of
Countless people have Explained why
Sex Work is Work
We Need to think about the
Sexually Frustrated and
Sexually Less Fortunate
Fox News still talks about
ReplyDelete"God given rights and freedoms"
Yet Adults in America cannot even do
What they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that, Not even that
Not even that
The hideous Egregious Examples of Lack
Of Freedom I listed here in these comments
Many Times
The Lack of Sexual Freedom
Puritan Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
Old Fashioned Puritanical America
Gives the Middle Finger to Countless people
Heartlessly Gives the
Middle Finger to Countless Millions upon Millions
Healthy and Disabled Adults who
Desperately Want and NEED
Sec, who desperately Want and
NEED Sex yet are unable to Get it for
Various Reasons
That Sucks for Countless people
That Really Sucks Big Time
That America won't have the Decency
To Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in
Every State of America at
Reasonable Prices for the Countless people
Unable to Get Sex Naturally
America Unjustly Forces and Condemns
Countless Adults to a
Miserable Sexless Existence
A Miserable Sexless Existence
A Miserable Sexless Existence
And some people wonder why
America sadly has a
Very Severe Mental Health Crisis
A Very Severe Mental Health Crisis
Countless American Adults who
Desperately Want and NEED Sex
They want and Need SEX
Just like Everyone Else
Just like Everyone Else
Yet are unable to Get it for Various Reasons
This is a VERY Serious Problem
A VERY Serious Painful Problem for
Countless Adults
Causing Horrible Suffering
Horrible Suffering
It's No Joke
And Puritan Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
Old Fashioned Puritanical Oppressive
America is Aiding and Abetting this
Horrible Problem by
Outlawing Prostitution , Sex Work
Sexual Frustration
Sexual Deprivation is TORTURE
TORTURE for Countless people
About the "freedom" in America
ReplyDeleteWhat about Disability Rights
SEXUAL Disability Rights
Sexual Disability Rights and
Sexual Freedom for Adults with
A Mental and/or Physical Condition who are
Unable to Get SEX Naturally
What About THEIR Freedom
What about THEIR Freedom
THEIR Sexual Needs
Countless Adults in America
Disabled and Healthy alike are Often
Unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
Most American Adults will become Disabled as they
Get Older, the older they get the chances of becoming
Disabled increases
And Puritan, Sexually Repressive, Puritanical
America unjustly Forces them to go
Without SEX
What about THEIR Freedom
THEIR Sexual Freedom , they Deserve to have
the Right and FREEDOM to Legally Pay for
Sex with Prostitutes , Sex Workers or other
Consenting Adults without FEAR of being
Adults in America aren't Free to do what they want
With their own lives and bodies , that's really sad
It’s NOT about
ReplyDeletebeing “Entitled” to Sex
It’s about Sex , Human Touch and Contact being Vital Human Needs
For good Physical , Mental and Spiritual Health
Countless people in America alone Forced to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence , that’s a Major part of the reason why America has such a Severe Mental Health Crisis
Sexual Frustration, Sexual Deprivation is TORTURE to
Countless people ,
To Countless people it's TORTURE,
Pure Misery
A person typed online this
ReplyDeleteJanuary 2025
"Personally I never understood why prostitution was illegal to begin with amongst adults. As a person anyone could sell you almost anything without questions asked or eyebrows raised as far as legality. If you took a person to dinner or a bar then hooked up or even did a one night stand, no one raises an eyebrow or cares. So why is wrong if a person says let's just skip dinner and go to a hotel and get paid to fast pass the experience. No one cares when the sex is happening for free in the world amongst people so why should it matter if 2 people consent for a sale like selling someone a couch."
Another person also typed online this January 2025
"I know this doesn’t mean anything to the GOP, but decriminalization and legalization of prostitution is the limited government position and the Constitutional stance. You can’t be for freedom and liberty and throw two consenting adults in a cage for engaging in a transaction. You can be morally against it. You can think it is wrong. But in a free society you don’t legislate your morality on others."
Another person typed online this January 2025
ReplyDelete"Legalization of prostitution protects sex workers, their health and safety, getting it off the streets into a safer environment, and in turn will bring in revenue to the city 🤷♀️ Works in Nevada, and I've always said cut red tape 'cause people are gonna find them no matter what, legalities or no. Might as well make it safe."
Another person typed online this January 2025
ReplyDelete"legalized voluntary prostitution is not the same as sex trafficking. That's happening already without prostitution and I'm sure 2 adults meeting up and sleeping together per arrangement, that's currently (like tinder or bumble), hasn't caused a jump in trafficking."
America and All Other Nations in the World Need to be More
ReplyDeleteProactive in Helping the Countless Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons , it’s an
Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless people causing
Horrible Suffering
About Sexual Freedom
The Urgent Need for Sexual Freedom
In America
What about the Countless Adults in
America who work hard , very long hours
In their various Jobs and Careers , pay
High Taxes
And many of them are unable to Get SEX
Naturally, they have trouble finding willing
Sexual Partners, or even a date
They work hard, pay High Taxes
They can't even Legally Pay for Sex
Without Fear of being Arrested
Not even that , Not even that
Puritanical Sexually Repressive Immature Childish
Old Fashioned America, with it's
Puritan BS forces Countless Adults
Into a Miserable Sexless Existence
A Miserable Sexless Existence
A Miserable Sexless Existence
Sex is a Basic Human Desire and
Vital Human NEED
That is essential for Good
Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health
Puritanical Sexually Repressive Puritan
America unjustly Forces Countless Adults to
Go without Sex
How is that "freedom" ?
Seriously how ?
More about the "freedom"
ReplyDeleteThe so-called "freedom" in America
And the Urgent Need for
Sexual Freedom , SEXUAL FREEDOM
In America , in All 50 States of America
A Libertarian Website in
June 2019 typed
"Locking someone in a cage for not filming while having sex is a violation of their rights.
Prostitution between consenting adults should not be a crime."
Plus Another Libertarian Website said online
In June 2019
About the state of Florida
"Take note Fl, when it comes to consenting paid sex, Florida is way behind. Florida is going backwards on this issue. Fl just passed a law that creates a database meant to shame people who offer to pay for sex"
What type of "free country"
Forces Countless Adults
Countless Adults to go for many many
Years or Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
Without Sex
Lack of Sex is a
VERY Serious Painful Problem for
Countless Adults
More about the URGENT Need
ReplyDeleteFor Sexual Freedom SEXUAL FREEDOM
A person typed online in June 2019
"Trafficking, force, violence can be the result of prohibition and are wrong, but voluntary mutual agreements should not be prohibited.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii “If a consenting adult wants to engage in sex work, that is their right, and it should not be a crime. All people should have autonomy over their bodies and their labor.” "
Also about Tulsi Gabbard and
ReplyDeleteSEXUAL FREEDOM has an article headlined
"This Democratic Presidential Candidate Wants To Decriminalize Sex Work"
Dominic Holden
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on March 7, 2019
Countless American Adults
Are Unable to Get SEX
For Various Reasons
Unable to Get SEX for Various Reasons
Unable to Get SEX
Why should they have to Risk being Arrested for a Basic
Human Desire and Vital Need
Why ? Seriously Why ?
Also about the Need for
A person typed online
February 20, 2025
There is a demand for it. Even your adult paraplegic in some of your families needs sex.
Don't tell me of your religion. You guys do religion and go do your sins and go ask for forgiveness."
Countless Adults Need SEX
Countless Adults in
America desperately Need Sex
Countless Adults are
Suffering from
A Chronic Lack of Sex
Why does America Unjustly
Deny these Countless Sex Starved Adults the Right to
Paid Sex ? Why Goddammit ?
Seriously Why ?
Once Again, we Need to Ask Ourselves
ReplyDeleteHow is it "freedom" when America or
Any Nation or Society denies
Sex Starved Adults the Right to
SEX , the Right to Paid Sex
When America Gives the
Middle Finger , the Middle Finger
To Countless Adults who for Various Reasons are
Unable to Get Sex Naturally or even a date
Is it Morally Right of America to Force
Countless Sex Starved Adults to Go
Without Sex, is it ?
No it's Not
It is EVIL of America to Condemn Countless
Sex Starved Adults into a Miserable Sexless Existence
Seriously, what type of
ReplyDelete"free country" Forces
Countless Sex Starved Adults to Go Without Sex , Human Touch and Contact
Let's be Frank , Countless Disabled and Healthy Adults alike are Chronically unable to Get SEX naturally for Various Reasons
They would pay for SEX if
Sex Work, Prostitution were Legal , but it sadly is Not Legal
Let's be Frank, Adults wanting SEX but being unable to Get it is a VERY common and serious Painful Problem for Countless people causing horrible Suffering
That words cannot describe has an article
"Why It’s Terrible News That Millennials Are Having Less Sex"
FEBRUARY 08, 2017
Such "freedom" and
"freedoms" that America has
When Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, not even that
Not even that , Not even that
Not even that
The hideous egregious examples I listed on this Blog
Many Many Times
Once Again , is it Right of
ReplyDeleteAmerica or Any Nation to Force people to go without SEX ?
Is it ? Is it ?
Countless Adults unable to Get Sex Naturally Forced to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
How is that "freedom" ?
I'm still waiting for someone to Explain how America or any other Nation can expect Countless Adults to go for many many years
Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex , Without Sex
What is the Medical & Mental Health Profession
ReplyDeleteGovernment in Puritanical Sexually Repressive
Immature Childish America doing to Help the
Countless American Adults who want to enjoy Sex
Who want to Have Sex but are unable to Get Sex
Oh that's right , the Medical, Mental Health Profession
& Government continues to do
NOTHING , NOTHING to Help Countless
Sex Starved Adults
This is a VERY Serious Painful Problem for Countless people
A VERY Serious Painful Problem for
Countless Adults
A Very Serious Problem
A year ago a Person typed online about how Sex Work, Prostitution Needs to be Made Legal Everywhere in America, in all 50 States for All Consenting Adults and how for Sex Starved Adults, this is Still Far Better than No Sex
ReplyDelete"a friend of mine was just saying that we can't underestimate the power of physical touch"
Also what about People who serve in the United States Military in Various Conflicts and tragically they are sometimes seriously wounded or Paralyzed
ReplyDeleteIn Combat
Fox News shows these stories
How tragically they are severely wounded, It's very sad
What if some of these Disabled veterans are now Chronically unable to Get Sex
Chronically unable to Get Sex
Chronically unable to Get Sex
And because America in 2025
Is still a VERY Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritan Old Fashioned Nation these Physically Disabled Veterans cannot even legally Pay for Sex via Prostitution without Fear of Being Arrested ,
They served their country and are now Disabled and they cannot even Legally Pay for Sex via Prostitution
A Basic Human Desire and Vital Need
What about their Sexual Needs
What About Their Needs ?
More about the Urgent Need for
Libertarian Sexual Freedom
Libertarian Sexual Freedom
About the 2025 Oscars
And how the Movie
"Anora" won so Many Awards
The Wikipedia article for
Anora says in Part
"Anora premiered at the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2024, where it received critical acclaim and won the Palme d'Or. It was released theatrically on October 18, 2024, by Neon. The film grossed $46.2 million worldwide against a $6 million budget, making it Baker's highest-grossing film.
Anora received numerous accolades; it was named one of the top ten films of 2024 by the National Board of Review and the American Film Institute. It also won Best Picture at the 30th Critics’ Choice Awards (becoming the first film in Critics’ Choice history to win only Best Picture) and the Best Theatrical Motion Picture award at the 36th Producers Guild of America Awards. The film won the most awards at the 97th Academy Awards, winning five (out of six nominations): Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (Madison), Best Original Screenplay, and Best Film Editing. Sean Baker’s four Academy Award wins made history, making him the first person to win four Oscars for a single film. It additionally won Best Actress (Madison) and Best Casting (Baker and Samantha Quan) at the 78th British Academy Film Awards."
People online have been saying that because "Anora" did so well at the Oscars, that's yet Another Good Reason why Sex Work, Prostitution should be Legal in All States of America, All 50 States at Reasonable Prices
Because the Film "Anora" is about Topics like Prostitution, Sex Work
Sadly America in 2025
Is Still a Very Sexually Repressive
Puritanical, Puritan , Immature Childish Nation that Unjustly
Discriminates against the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless Adults
Countless Disabled and Healthy Adults alike who are unable to Get Sex Naturally
America Unjustly Forces Countless Millions of American Adults into a Miserable Sexless Existence
How is that "freedom" ?
Seriously, How is that "freedom" ?
How Goddammit ?