Tuesday, June 22, 2021


The main intent of this blog is to expose the experience of living with refractory mental illness from the angle of a fraction of the mental health resource consumer population which wishes to see Dr. Assisted Suicide (Euthanasia) become a legal means of ending the emotional instability and psycho-social turmoil that comes as a result of living with recurrent mental illness. In this blog, we believe that Dr. Assisted Suicide for the Mentally Ill should be legalized in the US and abroad, and that the mentally ill should be granted the legal right to choose between living despite the severe challenges they face, or ending a life of torment to which they may wish to die. We want to raise awareness of the suffering, oppression, and injustices endured by those in the faction of the consumer population which is dissatisfied with a life of remission they do not wish to live, and which they live by regulatory force and oppression from mental health facilities, law enforcement, and government legislators in many parts of the world. 

This blog is not intended to be used as a channel to engage in illegal activity of any kind. This blog is not designed to give advice in handling suicide methods and affairs, nor in encouraging suicidal subjects to end their life on their own efforts or through illegal means. All mental health or other safety concerns are always encouraged to be brought forth to a certified mental health institution. This blog is solely intended to bring awareness to the issues mentioned above, and to help anti-euthanasia policymakers and activists understand that suicide prevention programs and measures which are provided by force, and not consent, are unfair measures of oppression and stranglehold whose coercive nature can not only traumatize their target patients, but may often times fail to perform any lasting, helpful, and therapeutic function in the long run.

In order to maintain the legal standing of this blog as a channel of opinion in support of the Legalization of Assisted Suicide for the Mentally Ill, all messages or posts soliciting the above or other illegal activity will be deleted.

I, the creator of this blog, am not responsible for any choices that its readers make, legal or not, as a result of reading the content of this blog. Everyone who reads this blog, or writes for it, acknowledges this disclaimer to its entirety.  

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